"No." Harry shakes his head, fighting what anger bubbled beneath the surface. "No we arenot going back there." 

Edward's audible sigh got him through the freeway's toll gate and mark three hours left of theirjourney until the next pit-stop: a mall just outside Dynasville. "You're right. I'm sorry, brother." 

Harry settled himself and calmed his nerves. The rapid fire within him soothed itself into extinctionand eventually he was back to paying attention to their petal. It's like their conversation neverhappened and Edward never brought up the most horrendous part of their past. Sometimes hismadness was so useful.

 "Can I sleep now too?" Harry's voice carried to Edward's ears, snapping him out of his memoriesabout the cabin. 

"Yeah." Edward cleared his throat and lessened his weight on the accelerator. "Yeah you can. I'llwake you both up when we're at the mall."

 Yawning, Harry closed his eyes and wrapped Louis up in his arms where he's safest and mostcomfortable. His sleep took over while the car ride got more soothing for them both. Edward satmore stiffly in his driver's seat but he'd figure out a way to get past his memories of their cabin thathe hasn't seen in five years.It was a distant memory for Harry, one that will never leave him alone in the form of backgroundimages from his dreams. 

Edward asked himself why he had a harder time letting go but noconclusive response was granted. He sat, driving blindly down a freeway with half a tank of petrol,looking out the window when the turn-off that would lead them towards the cabin came his way. Hethought of Harry and didn't turn into it, when his hands were ready to deceive them both.

 "I can't do this." He told the lifeless vehicle, lying to himself to ease his worry made he made a Uturn.

* * * * *

Harry woke up before Louis did and didn't lift his head anymore than was needed to admire hispetal's dozing form. Louis always had his mouth a little open where he breathed, his worries gonelike they never lived and his shoulders curled inward to protect his chest.If Harry were to - out of necessity - wrap his arm around Louis' slim waist, the boy wouldraise his head a little and fit himself against Harry like a puzzle piece. The fit wasn't ideal all thetime; the times when Edward wasn't there.

 "Sweet petal." Harry kissed Louis' forehead and his fingers traced the scarred tissue at the base ofLouis' spine, watching him wince in his sleep.He couldn't hear the soothing purr of the Rover's engine and frowned, turning onto his back to cranehis neck in the direction of Edward's seat. His brother wasn't seated by the wheel anymore and thedoor was left open.

 "Louis." Harry panicked when he saw just a glimpse of the ground outside, covered in lightpink petals. "Petal, wake up!"

 Louis was annoyed when he was shaken awake by Harry's urgency, getting to look into boldlystricken green eyes the exact moment that he opens his with a soft sniffle. "What-"

 "I need you awake now, baby." Harry opens his door and jumps down, Louis still disorientated."Louis?" 

"I'm okay." Louis spoke from where his face is smashed into the pillow they shared. "I'm awake." 

Harry knows Louis and today - right now - is not the time to entertain any cute tendencies. He grabsthe pillow so Louis doesn't fall asleep again and makes him look up."Harry-" Louis has a murderous glare set amidst his scowl. 

"Shh." Harry listened to the sparrow birds singing and bushes rustle with the movement of hooves,grinding his jaws together. "Stay in the car, okay? Do not come out. Not for me, not forEdward. Understand?"

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