Yandere Orochimaru x Zombie!Reader

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The idea started as a Halloween special, but given my limited time and delays I decided to turn it into a 10k reads special. Thank you very much, I never expected to receive so many views!

Also if you have any requests don't hesitate to let me know!

With the last bits of strength, you push yourself upwards, scraping away the remaining dirt. Your vision is somewhat blurry as you scan the surroundings. It's almost dark outside. 

You look at your hands, estimating the damage. They're scratched all over, though nothing too major. Surprisingly enough, you don't feel any pain. You look down the tunnel that you just crawled out of. 

"What the hell happened?"

Were you buried down there? How long has it been, and how are you not dead yet? You lay on your back and close your eyes, trying to remember a potential order of events.

"Nothing yet?" Orochimaru inquires, restlessly shuffling through some pages. Kabuto pulls the needle out of your arm, giving you one last look.

"I can't tell for sure. Unlike the others, her body hasn't reacted yet to the substance, so that's that."

The pale man clicks his tongue in annoyance and lifts your head by the chin. You can't make out his expression. 

"You're particularly beautiful in terms of looks, (Y/N), but that's no help for me. I'm more interested in what your insides have to offer. From the moment I stumbled upon you, I could tell you've got potential underneath. Don't disappoint me."

You don't have the strength to reply, though his words flood you with the vivid memories of the day you were kidnapped. The clearer those fragments are, the less palpable your overall past turns. You clench your jaw in anxiety, wondering about the day your memories will be forever lost. 

With a light pat on your head, Orochimaru leaves the room once again, Kabuto following with hurried steps. He examines the data.

This can't be right. He has observed (Y/N) for a long time now and the idea of failure never crossed his mind. His choice wasn't just instinctual interest, but careful, steady research. After all, he's not just any simpleton. His opportunities are always calculated. Not only did this (Y/N) have research potential, but above everything they made a competent partner. 

His indignation only grew bigger upon discovering your lifeless body the next day.

"Seems like another failure, Orochimaru-sama", Kabuto casually states as he lifts your hand, measuring for any sign of pulse. "Should I get rid of the body? The substance sped up the decaying process for the previous ones, it might start smelling in a few hours."

The pale man throws Kabuto a glare. This pigeon-livered scullion! He inhales quietly, maintaining his composure. As much as he would like to counter this nonchalance towards his precious (Y/N), the cold facts lay before him. He hesitates for a moment.

"Go ahead. I'd normally continue with an autopsy, but there wasn't anything that deviated from our already documented cases."  

Slowly, his annoyance turns into disappointment. Was he wrong from the beginning? No, that can't be. He'll most likely revive your corpse in the near future for answers, but right now he cannot deal with (Y/N) in their current state. 

Yandere! Akatsuki x Reader (ongoing)Where stories live. Discover now