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Y/N's P.O.V

An explosion pushes us all back out to the above ground, where the Holy Knights are standing, "The Eight Deadly Sins!" A knight yells.

I roll back as soon as I stop rolling, I get up and rush to Meli, "Meli?" I help him up and he coughs into his arm.

"Meliodas, Y/N... Is this sinister power..." Gil starts speaking, "Coming from Hendrickson?!"

"He's ceased to be human," Meli says panting and he wraps an arm around my waist as we watch Hendrickson walk towards us.

"What is that foul monster...? Is... Is... Is that Lord Hendrickson? His face... There's no mistaking it! Lord Gilthunger was... Te... Telling the truth!!" A Holy Knight says unsure about what to say.

Meli lunges at Hendrickson, "He's after Elizabeth and Y/N!! Don't let him near them!" Meli says and instantly Holy Knights cover my body.

"Meliodas!" I protest and the knights turn to me. I grind my teeth before stepping back knowing I won't be allowed to lift a finger now with Meli's order. 

I watch as the Sins attack Hendrickson only for nothing to happen. Black snow fill the air and I stand up rushing to Meli but Gil grabs me by the waist, "I can't let you go any further Y/N, forgive me," He says looking at me.

I look at Meli and he smiles, the black snow starts to drop to the ground. I get out of Gil's grip and start dodging the orbs, "Don't let the black snot touch you! You'll die instantly," I tell them,

Hendrickson starts charging into my direction. I can't help but smirk as Slader steps in the way and attacks Hendrickson with Overpower resulting in Hendrickson stopping his movement. The Holy Knights attack him one by one and an explosion of all their powers explodes and Hendrickson is unhurt and still standing tall.

"No way. The combined attacks of all the Holy Knights did nothing... At all?!" Jericho's brothers complain.

"Save the complaining for later," Gil says and I couldn't agree more. 

The Holy Knights start saying that they will put their pride on the line to take him down. One thing I hate about the Holy Knights, most only care about pride and not what they are fighting for. 

I sit on a bolder and watch everyone fight, it seems like that is the only thing I'm capable of sitting, watching and healing when it's needed. 

I look behind me see Elizabeth is with Hawk still, that's good and Princess Margaret is there, "Gil!" Margaret yells and goes to run forward but a mage holds her back. I turn to see Gil on the ground with other Holy Knights then I watch the Sins combine attacks onto Hendrickson afterwards.

"Dark Nebula," Hendrickson says and the shock of the magic power sends everyone backwards. 

I jump out of the way and call my sacred treasure into my hand. I float in the sky above and behind him, "Did I kill the sacrifices as well?" He questions looking at everyone on the ground.

I see Meli shielding Elizabeth, "You're a remarkable man," Hendrickson says.

"Why do you think I'm married to him," I slowly land on the ground, "You're a newbie, so I'll be nice," I say and Meli falls over, "No! Meli!" I yell.

Black snow appears then I teleport to Meli and fall on my knees. He looks at me and smiles, "You know I'll be back sweetheart," He says softly.

"N-Not the point," I stutter at black snow covers the sky once again. 

Hendrickson grips his fist and the black snow gathers, "Be consumed by the darkness... That swallows even the void of the night," Hendrickson says, "Dead end."

The large ball of black snow comes towards Meli and I. My eyes widen and I lower my body to cover Meli, "Y/N, m...m...move," Meli forces and I shake my head. 

"If you're going to kill him, you'll have to... Kill me too," Elizabeth declares through her tears.

"There is no one who can save you both. Not anymore," Hendrickson says looking at me.

"Oh yeah there is! Me, Sir Hawk!" Hawk parks himself behind us. 

"Hawk what do you think you're doing?!" I yell.

"No...Stop!" Elizabeth yells.

"Get out of the way!! You'll die!!" Meli yells.

"It looks like if you die, Elizabeth and Y/N are going to end their's, too. What else am I supposed to do?" Hawk says and my eyes widen.

"Man... If I'd known this was gonna happen, I'd have had my fill of leftovers before this," Hawk says as he watches the large ball of black snow, "Don't you dare die, you swine," Hawk grins before the black snow hits hit and his entire body becomes a black stone.

Meli grabs me and Elizabeth shielding us from the blast that comes from Hawk's body. I pick out from beneath Meli at Hawk and his ring breaks hitting the ground, "Hawk?" I call out knowing fully-well I won't get a response.

"To think that you both were saved by some lowly livestock... What terrible luck," Hendrickson says.

"Terrible... luck?" Meli glares at Hendrickson gripping my hand.

Elizabeth cries, Ban yells, "Hendrickson, Now you've really pissed me off!!" Meli says looking Hendrickson dead in the eyes.

A bright light appears around me and Meli, "Mel-" I start but he grabs me holding me close and I bury my face in the crook of his neck shielding my eyes from the light.

Around us, flowers grow and my grip on Meli tightens as does his on me. 

"What a pain..." Hendrickson says and we all turn to see Elizabeth standing up, "It's awakened... The bloodline of the druid mediums that flows through her..." He continues.

"Meli..." I whisper and he holds me closer not removing his wide eyes from Elizabeth who has the goddess crest in her right eye that's usually covered by her fridge.

"The apostle of the goddesses!" Hendrickson says.

I stare at Elizabeth glaring at the power I'm feeling, the power that has been breaking me apart for many years. "you have awakened a troublesome power..." Hendrickson says.

<Agreeing with him for once> I say in our link and Meli nods staring at Elizabeth, <Knock it off!>

Meli looks at me and rests his forehead against mine <Relax, I'm yours after that potion I don't think of her>

I instantly relax hearing his words through our bond.

"I'm so sad... Hendrickson," Elizabeth says, "My father had the utmost faith in you... He believed that you'd be able to carry on the role of the previous Grand Master Zaratras, who died a gruesome, untimely death. You were... More gentle and kind than anyone else... The people and the other Holy Knights all trusted you!! What happened to you...? When did you lose your way?" Elizabeth says through her tear looking at the half breed. "Hurting countless people and betraying the Holy Knights who trusted you, who didn't realize everything they thought they knew was a lie... You took Hawk's life... What is it that you long for that would make you do all these things....?" She continues. 

"The resurrection of our demon clan, and the destruction of the four clans that sealed us. In order to break the seal, the blood of the apostle of the goddesses is required," Hendrickson says.

The Demons Wife [Meliodas]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum