The Task & The Meeting

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"Human speech"
"Pokemon speech"


"Uxie, Mespirit, Azelf I've come giving you a task, I wish for you to protect, raise, and train a child" Arceus asked a hint of worry evident in his voice,

"What linage could a human child possible have in this day and age to have caught your interest Arceus-sama?" Uxie asked quietly,

"His mother is a decendant of The First Chosen One Ash loved by all Pokemon  and The First Vongola Giotto loved by all Humans, I fear if this one day reaches the wrong humans ears fate may cry once again" Arceus sighed wearily,

"Ash and Giotto's kin huh, gotta make sure he is full of strong Emotions and good fun!" Yelled Mespirit excited,

"The Passion running in his blood is just getting me all hyped up!" Said Azelf flying around excited,

"Emotions and Passion aside if he's anything like those two were then I'm going to shove every bit of knowledge about control and self preservation into his head along with self defence and schooling" said Uxie sighing,

"Though I understand your lakes are your home's I apologies for the sudden change as you three are the only Pokemon with the necessary skills to teach the young one in secret to a certain extent" said Arceus,

"Also I'm not to sure which side he got it from but he has the ability to understand and speak to Pokemon of all kinds" said Arceus leaving after giving the trio some information.

"Also I'm not to sure which side he got it from but he has the ability to understand and speak to Pokemon of all kinds" said Arceus leaving after giving the trio some information

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Name: Tsunayoshi Sawada

Nickname: Tsuna

Age: 4 1/2

Flame: Sky (not sealed)

Pokemon: Uxie, Mespirit, Azelf

Personality: Bright, Bubbly, Cute

Fears: Dogs

"Well I guess we will just have to check it out ourselves as Arceus-sama's information wasn't very helpful" Uxie said.


"Gardevoir would you be a sweety and wake Tsu-kun up! Breakfast will be ready soon!" Yelled Nana humming away,

As Gardevoir entered Young Tsuna's run a distortion  appeared in the middle of the room making Gardevoir glide over in front of the sleeping Tsuna to protect him,

"Fear not Gardevoir we were sent by Arceus to protect, train and raise the young hatching Tsuna, by no means are we here to take him away" came Uxie's voice as the trio appeared,

"Gar-nee who are they?" Asked a sleepy Tsuna sitting up,

" Hi I'm Mespirit the Pokemon of Emotions and I love playing pranks!" Said Mespirit flying over and landing on Tsuna's right shoulder,

"Haha! I am Azelf! The Pokemon of Passion! I love Training and Everthing needs to be done with Passion!" Yelled Azelf landing on Tsuna's left shoulder,

"I apologies for my Sister and Brother they can be a bit over the top sometimes, my name is Uxie the Pokemon of Knowelge, I love learning new things and teaching" said Uxie landing gently on Tsuna's head and falling asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2019 ⏰

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