Chapter 13

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"So I never asked you guys, how did you all get your powers?" I asked sipping my warm cup of coffee.

"The scientists." They all said in unison. I was shocked I had never known we all got our powers the same way and it seemed none of them did either.

"I did too." I said and caught everyone's attention before explaining my story to them. Afterwards each one of them was hesitant but eventually Zack spoke up.

"Well, my parents were scientists that worked at the lab. They actually offered me up as a volunteer lab rat and when Miami tried to help me they killed her parents and dragged her into being a lab rat as well. For five years we were locked away in that lab, we tried to protect each other but soon enough they split us up." Zack said sadly. "My parents didn't even care. They just let it happen. Once I learned to control my powers my parents took me back home leaving Miami at the lab. They used me as their lab rat always experimenting on me. Eventually I helped Miami get out and she was on the run for a while. Then after two years she showed up with you guys." He finished. Miami just stayed quiet and played with her hands looking down. I could tell they did some really bad things to her in there so I wasn't going to keep asking about it.

Everyone was silent for a few moments before Mina spoke up. "Well I offered to be a lab rat. I couldn't let them take my little sister so I went instead. They were still pretty brutal but after a few months my parents joined as maintenance and they always snuck little bits of food and made sure I was ok. They tried to make me run plenty of times but my curiosity got the best of me, so I stayed. I didn't know what they were doing until they hooked me up to some machine and I blacked out, when I woke up every single nerve in my body was on fire." It kinda sounded like it didn't really phase her but i could tell it did so I slowly grabbed her hand and rubbed my thumb over it.

"I guess it's my turn." Turbo said grabbing his tacos out of the microwave. Everyone turned their attention to him as he let out a heavy sigh before continuing. "Well when we were younger me and Marcus used to be really close we always did everything together, until one morning when I woke up and he was just gone. I was so upset I ran around the house and went to our secret spot but I couldn't find him anywhere. The days following grew cold and dry. About a week after he disappeared my parents sent me to the store and while walking I was abducted, when I came too I was in a white room and to the left of me was my brother unconscious. I couldn't wake him up. Eventually we went through the whole process and got control of our powers. The scientists let me go and I didn't see Marcus again until he helped us a few weeks ago. I tried to break in and get him out but when I got back there the whole lab was gone." He finished.

We all finally turned to Susie, who had been quiet the whole time. Her eyes went wide when she realized what we were waiting for. "What about you Susie?" I asked.

"Oh-uhm, well, my dad was a scientist and when he found out about the experiments he left and we moved away, but they found us. My dad fought his best but they took me away and started their experiments on me when I did escape I went home. My parents were hesitant around me all the time. One day my parents and I got into a big argument and I ended up accidentally killing them with the animals around us. It was my fault but I couldn't change what I did so I ran away into the amazon forest and learned to use my powers. Every day the scientists and men in all black would search for me but I made sure to stay out of sight. Until Derek came along I was all alone. I decided to come along because I figured it was time I rejoined humanity and to my luck I found out I was part of a group of humanities saviors." She stated.

"Those scientists are gonna pay for what they did to us." Turbo said anger laced in his tone.

"What if it happened to other kids?" Miami asked fear evident in her tone. Everyone was so distracted we didn't even notice that Mr.Yoshi and Azura had come in.

"Alright ya lazzies, back to training." Mr. Yoshi said. We all looked at each other as if to say 'let's do this so we can save the world' and with that thought we were up and out of the kitchen before Mr.Yoshi could even realize what was going on.

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