"How much," you say, skidding down some rocks, "longer?"

Yoongi bounds on, undeterred. "Just through those trees," he calls, pushing forward. "There should be a small inlet. We can wait for the –" He disappears through the shrubs, effectively cutting him off.

"Yoongi?" you say, scrambling forward. "Where we can wait for the what? The tide?"

Pushing your way through the wood, the other side becomes visible – and your feet freeze on the path.

Yoongi was right. Ahead is the ocean, and between this and the caves lies a wet inlet of sand. The tide is low, waves retreated far enough for the path to be clear.

Before you stands Yoongi, both hands in the air. A gun has been pointed at his head, held by a man on the brink of the tide. No, make that three men – the two assholes from Hertz have joined, stumbling out of the bushes. You come up short, feet faltering when the man holding the gun chuckles.

"Hello, Y/N," he says, cocking his head. "How lovely to meet you. Horrible circumstances, I'm afraid."

Though you can't see Yoongi's face, you imagine him scowling. "Namjoon," he says flatly.

Stomach twisting, you realize this must be his former partner. The man is handsome, with dark hair and smooth features – currently twisted in a scowl, making it difficult to feel anything but fear.

"Let them go," Yoongi says. "They have nothing to do with this."

"On the contrary." Namjoon speaks pleasantly, beckoning his henchmen forward. "They've seen the map, which means they're involved. They even helped you solve a clue, it seems."

"The map?" Yoongi scoffs. "You truly think I'd show anyone the full extent of my work after you?"

Uncertainty flickers across Namjoon's expression. "Hm," he muses, gaze sliding to yours. "Perhaps not. Still," he says, removing the safety from his gun. "Can't be too careful. Now, tell me – where is the treasure?"

Yoongi's fingers twitch.

Namjoon's gaze darts towards the motion. "And don't," he grows, taking a half-step closer, "even think about grabbing that whip – or I'll blow your girl's head off, I swear."

Yoongi sighs. "Presumptuous. No need to blow their head off, or anyone else's. Is such language necessary? What do you want from me, Namjoon?"

Wind buffets Namjoon's hair, betraying the changing tide. "I want you to hand over the map," he says, as casually as though he were ordering coffee. "We've managed so far without, but I think it'd be best now if we're in control."

"Which reminds me," says Yoongi. "How did you find us in the first place?"

Namjoon smiles. "No, no. You won't get me monologuing, Min Yoongi. But..." Trailing off, he tilts his head. "You don't really have anywhere to run, do you? I've been following you for some time now."

Part of you is listening to Namjoon but another part of you assesses your surroundings. Namjoon's two henchmen stand on either side, effectively blocking all paths of escape. Even if you turned and ran back the way you came, you're sure they'd quickly catch you. You're woefully out of shape and these men look athletic. Besides, that wouldn't solve the current issue of Yoongi having a gun to his head

Silently, you curse yourself for not being more pro-active. You should have brought supplies, weapons; you shouldn't be standing here, feeling helpless and weak.

Namjoon smiles before continuing. "I followed you to Y/N's office. The next day I returned, pretended I needed an appointment – and while their receptionist went to the bathroom, I searched their email." Namjoon shrugs. "We followed you to the location that night."

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