Chapter 3: The Capo twins

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It's been a week since Kalani started hanging around and it's been pretty fun. Sometimes he's quite and sometimes he's childish. He's super hot. Just putting that out there.

Me and all the guys tried to convince him to join the football team but cuz wouldn't budge till Kekoa started buggin him, talkin about how much the teams struggling with finding a running back after the last one moved schools due to..well, me.

He didn't mention the last part but then again he didn't have to. I mean everyone knows so why deny it right? My playboy attitude got the best of me I guess.

To put it simply, I hooked up with the dude, started seeing him for a while, and then one day he just stopped showing up. Didn't say a word to me after he left. Apparently he transferred schools and..well it sucked. I actually really liked him.

Of course no broken heart is gonna stop me so I moved on. Or as best I could. Usually with girls but every once in a while I'll get lucky and find a cute guy who's down for whatever. And then there's Kekoa who is definitely special.

We're both on the same page with the whole friends thing. Or at least that's what he thinks. I mean, it did start out that way but since I've gotten to know him he..I think he's a really good guy. And really hot which is a very big deal for me.

But we're just friends. That's cool. I can deal with that.


I guess relationships in general just aren't for me.


And if you were wondering Kekoa did not go through on his promise which I still haven't let go. I mean, who says their gonna give someone head then just..not? Why would you do that to someone?!

"Kai! Breakfast! Get your ass down here!"

"Coming! Give me a sec-

I tripped pulling on my pants and banged my head against my dresser. (Don't judge me.)

After a second of me scrambling on the floor, I heard someone walk into the room, stop, and burst out laughing.

"Hahahahaha! What in the fuck are you doing?! You look like a washed up wale!" At the same time I mumbled a small, "Shut up.."

"What happened?"

"Sigh, I tripped and hit my head."

After more laughing, Tahna walked over. "You need help getting up bro?" I simply sighed and held my hand out in response.

We headed downstairs and into the kitchen where we sat at the table. I looked around to the living room where our dad lay most nights and saw the room fresh with clean blankets and fluffed pillows which wasn't how it usually looked, not unless me or Tahna cleaned it.

I looked over to Tahna who wore a familiar reserved expression which made me frown. Even though I always complain about how he treats me like a kid or how he thinks he's better than me just because he's a little older, the truth is, he is better. He's responsible and kind and loyal to a fault.

He takes care of the both of us which is something our father never did. And as his, I have made it my mission to cheer him up whenever he's down!

"So, how are things with you and Maylinn? Y'all foolin around still or are you finally settling down together?"

"Ha! Your one to talk! What about you and Kekoa? You guys a couple now?" We both spoke in between bites of omelet.

"We're just friends, I told you. Now stop deflecting my questions and answer."

His cheeks blushed before he answered. "She's cool." He looked up at me and continued reluctantly. "Man, I don't know she' She's absolutely gorgeous and..she's in choir, did you know that? I went to one of her performances a while back and she has the most amazing voice.."
He had a little smile now and I just sat there sipping my hei hei punch like some hot tea. Which Tahna noticed, face burning brighter.

"Yo chill! You look like a damn tomato! Why's that girl make you so nervous? Wait.."

Tahna's eyes went wide as I spoke. "Have y'all not had sex?!"

He started coughing hard then chugging at his drink to sooth his throat. Which only made things worse as I continued to talk.

"Shit, if it was me I would have tapped that shit a long time ago! Like, pump it and dump it! Fuck it and chuck it! Ejaculate and evacuate! Cum in the be-

"Alright stop! Jesus!"

We were both laughing and Tahna seemed a lot happier then he was earlier. Mission accomplished bitch!

"Where's dad?"


......I'm a fucking idiot...

"Probably passes out drunk somewhere. Why?"

"You cleaned up..?"

"The bottles were taking up the coffee table. There were sticky rings all over the wood, it needed cleaning." He pushes his empty plate away slightly agitated. "Plus, it's not like anyone else would have done it."
"Sorry. I didn't mean that against you cuz. I just meant..

"I know. It's cool."

I gave a reassuring smile. "If you ever need help, especially when it comes to taking care of dads lazy ass, just tell me. I'll give you a bunch of shit but I'll still want to help."


"You can start with washing the dishes-


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