Who Said I Swing That Way?~

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Dice was at the bar, talking to Wheezy and Mike. He had finally managed to forget about that morning, and the Casino finally looked back to normal. It was around 10 at night now and the Casino was full just like before.Wheezy would pause the conversation every now and then to serve a drink to another drunk patron, then the conversation would be just between Mike and Dice. At one point, Wheezy came back and had seemed really mad, just another thing that a customer had done to piss him off. "Hey, babe, you stay here I'll handle the drinks for a while. "Ya' don't have to Mikey, it's just another idiot tryna-" "Shush, I'll do it." Knowing he wouldn't win against his stubborn boyfriend, he sighed and sat down in front of Dice. Dice chuckled at the cute couple in front on him, tracing his finger around the rim of the glass of whisky that was still mostly full. They carried on another conversation while Mike was busy with drinks and then Wheezy brought up a topic Dice never really talked about. "So Dice... Ya' seen any women ya could get lucky with? I mean, I always see ya' flirtin' and crap, but I neva seen ya' really take interest in any of em'. Ya' got a secret lady or somethin'?" He said, grinning at King. "Not really no." "Wait what?" Wheezy was surprised at the lack of interest Dice had on the topic and the fact that he'd never gotten with a girl while at the Casino. "Have ya' ever really dated in general?" "No I don't tend to take things that far." "So have you ever been laid?" Dice's face turned a light purple as his eyes turned their attention from the glass to the cigar. He gave him a hard glare with one eyebrow raised, his eyes turning a dark green. "Sooooo... you have gotten in bed with a girl-" "No Wheezy I've never had sex with anyone." Wheezy's jaw dropped at the fact that the King Dice, the confident, sleazy, ladies man, flirt and handsome manager in front of him was still a virgin. "Waiiiit, yer pullin' my leg." Dice looked back down at the glass and shook his head. He was telling the truth. Though he was not the most holy of men, he wanted to wait for the right person. Not just do it with anyone he pleased, despite easily having the power to do so. "Have you ever taken interest in a lady at all" "Not much interest no." "Do ya think you might be-" "I don't know." King interrupted the question wanting to end the conversation. He started to remember Devil and how every now and then he wanted to pull him aside and kiss him, or when he was brushing the Devil's fur he would purr and make his heart do flips, and even that morning when his boss looked at him with such sympathy. But despite everything, he knew how the Devil was, neither of them could have feelings for each other. Besides, Dice had never felt love in his life and to him all of those feelings probably weren't it. Though Dice was smart, he could be very naive at times. Being perfectly honest, he barely knew anything about sex or love in general. He would never tell anyone that though, he had to keep the sleazy persona up and be a manager. Not some naive child. "Let's talk about something else." Wheezy nodded, Mike soon joining them again to talk about whatever they pleased.
     "Now you're gonna stay in there for the next hour or more, got it? Move and I'll burn you alive. I have something personal to do." Devil finished tying up Mugmans hands behind his back after putting him in the dungeon they had in the top layer of hell. Mugman was crying and laying on the wall, unable to speak. Devil had to admit, the kid had just lost everything he ever loved and was now trapped in hell for the next while, but he couldn't help but feel no sympathy. He locked the cell door ignoring the child's cries. Devil teleported to the hallway almost racing down it to get to the floor. He barely went onto the floor, usually busy (more like fooling around) with paperwork. But his pace slowed when he saw Dice talking to Mike and Wheezy. He walked onto the floor, only a few people actually noting his presence, others too drunk to tell it was him when he walked right behind Dice. Both Mike and Wheezy saw him but didn't have Tim to react. King started to get up from his seat to go walk around the floor again when a pair of arms wrapped around his waist. A warm soft body pushed up against his back making him shiver. He turned around to have the Devil now hugging him, his head on his shoulder. "Uh- Boss?! What are you doing?" 'Told ya' this morning I wanted to hang out. So I'll be here till' you come with me." His tail swayed as his hands traveled from Kings lower waist to his butt. Devils grip hardened once he had hold. His palms applied pressure to Dice's hips, causing Dice to yelp. Dice started to blush and wanted to push his boss away, but that feeling of wanting to kiss him returned. Still, he had a job to do and couldn't just stop for the Devil. "S-Sir please- I need to-" "Need to what?" Devil purred, "You move from my grasp and I'll do worse right here and right now." Devil applied a little more pressure to his grasp of Dice's hips, making the smaller of the men melt. King was now a dark shade of purple, his eyes a parakeet green. "You wanna come to my office?" Devil said, now pulling Dice in a position to where their bodies were in full contact. Devil took close note of Dice's pants and smiled. Now unable to speak he just nodded, biting his lip to suppress any noise that wanted to escape his mouth. "Good boy~" Devil looked at Mike and Wheezy seeing them both stare and gave them a toothy grin as he teleported to his office, Dice now in his arms like the night before. He dropped Dice to the floor watching him squabble and pant for air. He had been holding his breath as soon as he felt the urge to kiss his boss. "Why- why'd ya' hav-have to do that...?" He glared at the Devil as he saw the demon walking a few steps back to his desk. He took a bottle of liquor and a small glass, much like the one Dice had before. "I noticed ya' didn't drink all of yer drink Dicey." Dice, now gaining his breath back, giving Devil a scolding look. "Th-That didn't answer my question..." He was still a dark purple, his heartbeat fast and his breath still slightly panting. "Care for a drink?" Devil said, Pouring one glass for him and himself. He held the small glass out towards Dice, watching him get more and more flustered. "N-No..." "Aw too bad." He gave King a devilish smirk, Starting to crouch down to his managers level. "I had to get you in here somehow didn't I?" The Devil grinned, and despite Dice declining the offer, he took the drink anyway to at least stop the slight nagging. "You coulda just asked..." Dice said, looking down at the liquor.  "As if you'd say yes." Dice had to admit he would have declined the offer, but that was no excuse to at like that in front of other employees or customers. "Still." Dice gathered himself enough to stand back up, patting down his purple suit to attempt to gain back face. Dice walked over to the desk, gripping his hands firmly on the red wood frame boarding around the edge on each side. "So what do you want." He said, setting the drink down to indicate he had no intentions of drinking any of the alcohol he might provide. "Can't we just spend time together? We never really do unless it's business." Devil said in a taunting voice. Dice started to growl, his anger rising. "Well sir, maybe if you made more of an effort to spend time with your good for nothing lackey, maybe said lackey wouldn't be so irritated right now." "So what yer sayin' is that if I made an effort before, you'd be here on your own will... Well too bad you won't be then." Devil said, locking the door with magic. "What are you-" Dice started to say, getting more nervous as he realized the fire that was once rather cozy in the offices fireplace was starting to grow. Devil started to walk towards Dice as he started to back up. "Boss- l-listen, I d-didn't want any trouble b-by the way I-I acted th-this mornin'..." Dice said, now backed up all the way to the couch near the fireplace. He took a step back and fell backwards onto the silky red couch. This gave Devil the opportunity to place his paws on the railing on the top, cornering his lackey. "S-sir, please- please don'-" "Don't what Dice?" Devil said, a low purr in his voice, but at the moment to King sounded like a low growl. "H-hurt me..." Dice said, looking down and closing his eyes for any damage that could be done. Devil was surprised that Dice thought he was going to hurt him, so much so that he let go and backed up. "Dice- Dice why would you think I'd hurt you...?" He said in pain. At that moment all the fear Dice had had been turned into anger and he was about to explode. "Why would you... hurt... me?" He said, looking up at the hurt demon. Dice started to laugh, his eyes shining so bright you could see it shine through his eyelids as he closed them tight. "Dice, are you oka-" "NO I'M NOT OKAY!! YOU DO ALL OF THESE THING TO ME CONSTANTLY, HARASS ME, TAUNT ME, CALL ME THINGS THAT SHOULDN'T EVEN BE THOUGHT OF, THEN WE LOSE ALMOST EVERYTHING TO TWO KIDS AND ALL OF A SUDDEN YOU CHANGE. YOU SOMEHOW CARE ABOUT ME ALL OF A SUDDEN. AND INSTEAD OF BEATING ME SENSELESS BECAUSE I LOST YOU HEAL ME. YOU CONFUSE ME AND I DON'T KNOW HOW TO REACT!" Dice was now out of the sofa, screaming at his boss with all of his might. The fire was now roaring. King was so angry that tears started to well up in his eyes again. He was storming at the Devil while the demon had an almost scared expression, when the Devil did what he could only think to do. He hugged Dice. King had a confused and angry look on his face and at first started to squirm to attempt to break free of his bosses grip but soon stopped, both men dropping to their knees on the floor. Dice stopped screaming and tears rolled down his face. He buried his head in the Devils shoulder as he squeezed the furry animal tight. Devil rested his head on Dice's, only looking at the fire, watching it fade. "Why must you... confuse me... like this?" Dice said between sobs, his voice muffled by the fur. "I'm sorry King... I'm so very sorry..." Bright red tears started to flow down Devil's cheeks as he apologized. Dice melted into his bosses arms. No matter how furious he was, no matter how badly he treated him, he couldn't deny the fact that he was in love with him. But Devil had never seen it nor cared. He only teased and played with him. "Why can't you see...?" Dice said, lifting his head up to meet Devil's eyes. "See what...?" Devil looked at King's eyes. They looked broken. Seeing the man that for years, kept up a stern, sleazy, harsh and flirty look was now crumbling in his bosses arms. Devil didn't know what to do. But some part of him enjoyed seeing the real Dice. Dice put his face back in the black fur, tired from fighting. "Nevermind..." Devil picked up the smaller man and carried him over to the couch. Dice would have reacted but was too deep in thought and his own confusion. Devil sat on the couch with King in his arms, the die man still buried in his fur. "Dice, you can tell me." Devil could feel him shake his head in his chest. He was acting like a child. Was this really how King was? "Pleeeeaase...?" Devil said, squeezing his manager a little harder. "No... Not yet..." Dice said, pulling his square head out of the fur. Devil looked down at Dice and saw his pupils had changed into hearts. Dice looked back up at his boss, feeling a warm hand hold the left side of his head. He wanted to melt into his arms then and there.  He sat up, still in the Devil's lap. Devil shifted his hand over to Dice's hips. "I think I understand ya' Dicey~..." Dice almost yelped at the contact, but couldn't hold back. "Is it okay if I-" Dice nodded quickly, unable to speak as Devil tightened his grip again on his lackey's hips. He knew just where to feel around to make him squirm. He knew Dice was uneducated in some ways about things Devil wanted so badly, but in no way was Dice innocent. He was a fast learner and he himself knew more than he led on about the subject. Devil pulled him into a kiss. He expected Dice to refuse but instead he only increased the passion. When they both pulled away for air they looked at each other, surprised. "I-I thought you were straight..." Devil gave a toothy grin, "Who said I swing that way...?" Devil was about to have his fun.

2350 wordssssssssssssss yasssssss. Okay so it took me a while to write this, plz don't kill meh. //SLAP// okay I deserved dat.

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