A Pleasent Awakening

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Dice woke up, dazed and confused in a comfortable bed. He was used to this, his own bed rather comfortable but something about this one was different. He opened his eyes, only to see a small amount of light almost blind him. Once his eyes adjusted, he saw a bedside table with a small glass of liquor about halfway full. "What... What did I do last night...? Wait, I didn't- Did I get drunk last night?"  He thought. He rolled over on his other side, slight pain going up his back, but him ignoring it. Once turned around, he went face to face with his own boss. A light red formed across the demons face, despite still being in a deep sleep, almost sensing the man's presence. "C-Crap..." Dice sat there in awkward silence, fearing he would wake his boss. A loud thumping filled his non-existing ears, a sound that he could only assume was his heartbeat. It only got faster as Devil shifted in his spot, apparently hearing the dice move. He slowly opened his eyes, the yellow sclera of his right eye barely showing.  "Mornin'..." the demon let out a low growl giving Dice a sly smirk. "Guess ya' just couldn't keep away from me could ya' Dice?" The Devil was now showing a toothy grin as a darker shade of purple flushed the slightly smaller of the two men's soft cheeks. Dice's eyebrows touched as he smacked the silk blanket that was covering the Devil's chest playfully saying, "Whaddya drug me or somethin' last night? How'd I end up in here?" "Why if I were you I'd be thanking your boss. I healed ya'. You sorta passed out.. so I brought ya' here...." Devil tried hard not to make eye contact with his manager as another shade of red covered his furry cheeks and his face returned to the temperature it was while he was carrying the Die man just the night before. "Well I'll be darned... you do have a heart!" Dice said, giving out a hardy laugh. "H-Hey! Shut up you prick! I'm still your boss, you got no right ta' laugh at me." He pouted, giving King a stare. "Nah boss, I ain't laughin' just at you.. Okay maybe a lil bit, but I actually wanna thank you." "For what Dice?" The Demon said, the temperature on his body rising, eager for each word the handsom man in front of him said. "You healed me. Though I don't remember much from last night, I remember bein in lots a pain, but it's not nearly as bad as last night." "Don't mention it. You just now owe me." "And what do I owe you sir?" Dice said, slowly moving closer to his boss, shifting the soft, silky sheets slowly as to not cause a distraction. "Maybe a kiss?" Devil thought, quickly shooing away the impure thought that plagued his mind. "Depends. Maybe more work hours?" He laughed, but stopping when he saw the hopeful expression on Dice's face change for disappointment and slight disgust. "I'm just pullin' ya' leg Dice. Just spend a couple of ya' work days with me. Make up for lost time ya' know?" Dice nodded, a slight purple covering his face and his hopeful expression returning like a lily in the spring. "And why is that sir?" The flushed manager asked. "Will it kill ya' to spend time with your boss? Stop askin' questions." Dice winced at the unintended rudeness his boss had put on. He was now only a few inches if not centimeters away from the Devil, close enough to feel each other's breath. Dice was surprisingly calm, especially for suddenly waking up next to his boss. Devil however was a nervous wreck, just he was extremely good at hiding emotions. After all he's hid his feelings for Dice for so long- "His breath is so smooth and warm... slow and calm..." Devil looked down slightly at Dice's bare chest, still shirtless from healing and couldn't help but stare. Before he knew it, he was face to face with a sleepy Dice. As Devil looked up, he felt Dice's warm, calming breath. Finally, their eyes met, making both men flustered. "I-I- what are you-" Devil started to ask, Dices breath stopping. "Well, um, heh... shouldn't we get to... work...?" "Oh... yeah, right. I'm just gonna-" Devil quickly raised the sheets and Dce flinched while slowly raising his. "Pft, calm down boss, it's not like it's a race." He said, slightly chuckling when he realized his boss had already teleported to the doorway, his foot tapping lightly. It made him look like an ansty child, and under all the soft fur covering his face, he was blushing like crazy. Thoughts buzzing around his head, dancing around his horns like flies. He slumped against the metal surrounding the doorframe and smirked at his manager. "What's takin ya so long Dice?" King frowned, stepping out of the bed in only some boxers. He took his neatly folded clothes on a chair beside the Devil's side of the bed and took them into the bathroom to change. While in the Bathroom, King took a deep breath. "It's just your boss, nothin' more. Stop gettin' so nervous." He thought, shaking his head, attempting to shoo the thoughts away. He didn't have his makeup, but his boss had seen him without it a few times before so he felt like he could live without it until he got back to his room. He looked at his bruised eye, which was now a shade lighter than the day before. He stepped closer to the mirror and carefully touched around his right eye, being very careful not to hurt it while examining it at the same time. He winced when he pressed a bit too hard and stopped. He took a look at the small burns on his chest, feeling around them. They didn't hurt anymore, so he could only assume that the Devil had fixed that too. His back hurt, but he didn't dare look at the wounds, honestly afraid to see the damage. He didn't remember much of the night before, at least not after his boss started calling his name. Devil was impatiently waiting outside the door, the temperature of his face returning to normal. "What's takin' so long Dice..." Devil pondered, tapping his foot faster than before. Although it had only been about five minutes, it felt like an eternity for the demon. He pouted like a six year old waiting for a gift. Being a demon with infinite power comes with perks but didn't come in favor when the beholder of said power could have tantrums over little spats. Devil was on the verge of opening the door out of annoyance when he turned to see his Lackey opening the door. "Ah- oh, finally, you were takin' forever. Thought ya' got lost in there or somethin'." Devil said, rolling his eyes and sarcasm heavy in his deep voice. "Sorry boss, just wanted to look at the damage the brats made." Dice smiled, looking his boss in the eyes as the demon huffed. Soon though, a look of confusion spread across his face. "But sir... what happened last night? I get that ya' healed me and brought me here, but why can't I remember any of it?" Devil looked back up, his ears pinning to the sides of his head. "Well... The magic I used would cause you to get sleepy, but it basically drugged you. If I hadn't a done it, I probably woulda thought you'd been drunk." Devil looked down, almost in shame. He was worried Dice would accuse him of doing things to him whilst he was asleep. "Oh. Okay, well, as long as ya' helped me, thank you boss." He smiled once more as Devil looked back up at his lackey. It was then that he noticed that Dice had no makeup on. He had only seen Dice clean of products a few times before, but this time he couldn't help but stare for a few moments in awe at the sight of his manager. "I uh- we should-" "Do you mind if we stop by my room before we get to work?" Devil was interrupted by King's sudden question. "I guess we can do that." Devil said, quickly trying to regain the witty persona he had lost while staring at Dice. They walked out of the door and Devil made sure to lock the door of his room and sealing it with magic.
     "Here we are," Dice said, approaching the door of his room with a key in his left hand. "I don't come over here often enough.." Devil said, his voice deep and slow. Despite the Casino having several rooms, two were specifically dedicated to both Dice and the Devil himself. Dice's room was amazing. It was filled with the scent of lavender, there was either gold or purple everywhere, and the place itself was beautiful, even the Devil could admit that. It was like an apartment, much like Devils room. "Wait here please, I'll be right back, sir." King said, walking down the hall. "Uh, yeah okay..." Devil said, still looking around the room, the memory of it from previous meetings regrettably faint. Devil walked into what he could only assume was a living room and sat down on th couch. It was a soft purple color, and felt like silk. Devil had to admit, Dice had style in housing. "Who am I kidding, Dice has style in everything... No wonder this place looks amazing.." Devil thought, slowly melting into the couch. In the bedroom, Dice was applying his usual makeup. He was careful and quick, adding a little more spice than usual knowing he would be spending the day with his boss. "What are you doing Dice- Why do you feel like this?!" He carefully thought, thinking about when he woke up. How close he was to him... How he could feel his breath and the vibrations of his voice... and the details of his body, it almost made him want to- "No! Stop it, I can't be thinking that. I have no feelings for him, he is my boss and nothing more. Besides, he's the literal Devil, what would he want with you." He stopped himself from thinking about the matter anymore, finishing the last bit of eyeliner. He didn't usually use the product, but when he did he honestly made some men question their sexuality. He cleaned up nd walked out of the room to go back to his boss when he saw something on the couch. A small, black kitten. "What the-" Dice was surprised when he got closer to the feline he could see little horns and perked up ears. The Devil had shapeshifted again and this time into a cat. He had been known to do this, but only around King. He did it accidentally sometimes based on emotion and he considered it embarrassing. He was very well at hiding his emotions, (Except Rage) but there were a few times when he had shown them too well. He had fallen asleep and had been laying there, his nose twitching slightly. King went over to him, picked him up and just held him. "Didn't know you were so tired boss... Ya' coulda' told me, I woulda' just left without bothering you." His sharp eyes now turning a soft emerald color, he sat down on the couch. He had never been an animal person but this was his boss. He looked at the cat, debating wether to wake the peaceful creature up and risk both ruining the moment and a raging employer, or to just sit there with him in his arms. He rubbed the kittens back, feeling it purr. Dice flinched when he felt Devil move. The cat slowly opened its eyes and both the cat and King's eyes met. Dices eyes turned a sharp green, pulling him up close to his face. The cat looked clueless. His attitude was like a normal cat, despite it truly being the devil himself. Inches away from one another's faces, Devil pulled out his forked tounge and licked King right on the nose. The cat then smiled and managed to jump out of Dice's arms, the man stunned. Devil slinked across the floor and went behind a wall. Dice stood there, only blinking at what had just happened. "That cheeky bast-" Dice thought, unable to speak, his thoughts being interrupted as Devil walked back out from the wall that had blocked him from view. Patting down his fur, he walked over to Dice with a smug look on his face. "What's wrong Dice? Ya' look like you've seen a ghost." He said laughing. "Sir that was uncalled for." King said, trying to hide his growing smile. "Aw can't I have a bit a fun?" "And how is you licking me fun?" Dice responded, crossing his arms and scolding Devil. "It was more of a... nevermind" the Devil thought, "I got a reaction outta ya' didn't I?" He said with an unintended low growl in his voice. Dice grumbled for a bit, grabbing his things and walking to the door with Devil right behind him chuckling at his little show off earlier. Dice finally spoke with a scowling voice saying, "You want me with you at work so lets go." "Awww come on Dice all I did was lick ya'!" Devil said, now nervously laughing. All Dice did as a response was turn around slightly just to look him in the eyes and glare. Devil saw his face and realized it was a shade of purple. He had flustered him. "Way to go Satan, you've pissed him off."

2296 words. 😎 I am working on fonts and bold and italic parts, I'm actually copying and pasting these from a document that I write on 🙃. Thanks for your patience! Uhhh please upvote and share! Comment as you wish.
See ya sistersssssss~

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