Chapter one: Introduction.

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On the main-land there were three neighbouring kingdoms, the kingdom of the Clover King, the kingdom of the Diamond Queen and the kingdom of the Spade Ruler. During the reign of king Augustus Clover XIII the Clover kingdom had experienced many skirmishes from both other kingdoms, mainly due to the king's incompetence. However, the Magic Knights of the Clover Kingdom, armed with their insane magical prowess managed to hold back the threats, mainly from the Diamond Queen. But if it wasn't the armies and incredibly powerful mages of the Diamond kingdom that attacked the Clovers, it was the terrorist cell group named the Eye of the Midnight Sun. The people of the Diamond kingdom, or rather the Diamond Queendom as it was often called, had no such trouble. Instead the matriarch Queen Elisa First of her Name, was a force of mana only rivaled by the Wizard king.

In a Queendom where women were of higher social status due to their naturally more potent mana, the King of Diamonds was a figure rarely seen in public. Daughters were praised and sons were put to work. Queen Elisa had three daughters and two sons. Her first daughter at the age of thirty-six was her eldest child named Kassandra who had extremely powerful magic, her grimoire was a sapphire diamond and it was fairly common knowledge that Kassandra could move the ocean itself. The second child was a daughter, beautiful and graceful (Y/n) had had always managed to capture and hold the eyes of many sub-royal suitors and commoners alike. Her beauty was unrivaled and her ferocious tongue had broken and destroyed many men's egos. The third child was a boy, much to the disappointment of Elisa, he was named Sokrates and now at the age of only nineteen, he debated furiously with anyone who could stand his words. It was rumored that Sokrates had driven several Clover men to madness by his words alone. The fourth child was another daughter, more like their father than either of her sisters, Phobie was a daughter who enjoyed the brighter side of life, always managing to put a smile on anyone's face. The last was a prim and proper boy, Creon who tried to appease his mother who always said whenever she was questioned, that she would have traded him for any other girl. The father of these five children was named Darius and he did not have a throne, he always had to ask permission to sleep with his wife and he owned nothing, aside from what he bought when Elisa gave him some money.

This family lived in the illustrious, luminous Diamond Keep. A series of towers and halls created by the first queen and ruler of the Diamond Queendom, Lady Antopie with the magic to shift and reshape iron itself. Beyond that, a city of gold lay before the capital castle where the rich and wealthy lived in relative safety. And beyond that, the common folk farmed and worked in peace with their farms and cement houses. As was common practice across the three kingdoms, the common lived in deference of the royal and wealthy while the rich looked to the poor as insects. The royal Korinthian family was one of stone-cold logic with little room for those who disobeyed.

With her eldest sister away in the army, stopping the advances of the Spade Kingdom. Her slightly younger brother most likely arguing in the markets, Creon away doing God knows what and her young sister training her magic, (Y/n) Korinthia wandered the halls of her castle. The princess had just finished her piano lessons, she longed to join either of her sisters in training her mana... however, her life was destined for something else. Something she was not looking forward to. Her mother was dining with (Y/n)'s aunt and other nobles as they discussed current events, (Y/n) was trained to join in and offer her opinions on such matters... But such matters bored the hell out of her. Instead she wandered alone through her gardens. The lush flora curled and grew around for acres and acres. Tended to by skilled craftswomen the garden was simply breath taking. It was here, in the serine and calming atmosphere filled with the scent of roses and lavenders that (Y/n) often came when she felt down.

Quiet humming flowed softly in melodic harmony from (Y/n) as the young beauty closed her eyes, simply content to feel the warmth of the sun on her porcelain skin. Cherry blossoms floated in the soft breeze and a few of the gardeners nearby slowed their working to better listen to (Y/n)'s sweet lullaby. Even the birds seemed drawn to her gentle hums and whistles, perching themselves on nearby trees. "Your voice is as beautiful as your appearance, my Lady (Y/n)." Normally any male talking to a royal without first being spoken to in the Diamond queendom would be severely punished or even executed. However the man praising the princess was none other than her father, Darius the King of Diamonds. Turning to her father, (Y/n) seemed rather upset that he had caused her to stop singing.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2019 ⏰

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