Chapter 6- Something's Not Right

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⬆️ This song goes with the chapter

Hermione was explaining to Harry and Ron about what she was trying to figure out.

"Evans, like your mom's last name Harry." She was saying. "And how could she not know about You-Know-Who? Come on!"

"Hermione, everyone knows you can't time travel forwards." Ron said.

"Yeah, I thought that too, but if you turn it a certain way you can go forwards. All the clues point to them!" Hermione said, frustrated. Harry said nothing and walked off. Ron sighed.

" 'Mione look, they're gone, and you're just making Harry sad. You know how much he wants to see them." He explained. Hermione felt a little bad, but she was mad that they weren't really understanding what she was saying.

"Ugh, fine! I'll do it myself!" She said angrily and walked off. Ron put his hands up.

"What did I do?"

Hermione sat in the common room to try to spy on the Marauders without being suspicious. Right now they were just hanging around.

"Remus. Moonyy. Hello?" Sirius asked. Remus didn't look up.

"Hey! Come on!" Sirius said. He sat there until he got an idea. In one move, he grabbed Remus's book and randomly threw it. Remus just looked up.

"Really?" Sirius shrugged. Then, as he was thinking, another idea came to him. He'll probably die doing it- actually definitely die doing it, but it was his only shot. He made sure Remus wasn't paying attention, and then he stole the chocolate on the side of him. Remus went after him immediately.

"Oh you are so lucky I follow the rules Sirius because if not I would have cursed the frick out of you." Remus dived and landed on Sirius.

"Ow, Moony!" Remus snatched the chocolate from Sirius's hand.

"Try me b." Just then, Hermione walked out like she just got there. Remus got off of Sirius quicker than James on a broom.

"Oh um hey... Hermione?"

"Yep, and you guys are John and Lucas?" she said with a tone Remus couldn't detect. Sirius spoke up.

"Why do you say that like you know that-" Remus covered Sirius's mouth.

"Shut up Lucas, um yeah, we're just going to go do non-suspicious things soo bye!" Remus said and rushed them out of the situation.

"Non-suspicious things? Are you serious?"

"Hey! You know when I get nervous I say weird stuff!"

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, that's why I'm so collected when I'm around you." Sirius pushed Remus playfully.

"Oh shut up. Who says you're not secretly nervous around me?"

"Me Sirius. I said." At that moment, Lily walked in with James and Peter.

"Alright losers- except Remus he's cool, we've got another D.A. meeting." She said and walked out again.

"What was the damn point of us coming with you to get them?" James called after Lily, but she didn't reply.

"Oh yeah James, she's really mad." Sirius said.

"Yeesh, maybe she's on her monthly. Or you're just that annoying." Peter said. Remus started worrying about something when Peter said 'monthly'.

"Wormtail! You're supposed to be on my side!"

"Guys... when was the last time that, um- you-know-what happened?" Remus asked.

"I think like, I don't know, about three, maybe four weeks ago why are you- oh." Sirius said as the realization hit him. Remus nodded his head.

"It's ok Remus, we're still at Hogwarts, we know the path to the Shrieking Shack. It's not like some huge event changing thing is gonna happen." Sirius reassured him. Remus sighed.

"Ok, I guess..." Sirius smiled.

"Great, well... beat you there!" Sirius dashed out the portrait.

"Hey! Padfoot you cheater!" Remus said as he ran after him.

"Don't you just feel the gay energy between them Peter?" James said.

"The what? What are you talking about?" James clapped him on the shoulder.

"You'll learn in due time, my child."

"Dude, stop being so creepy. I'm not even that short."

~Timeskip brought to you by  the author's stupidity~

The four marauders made it to the ROR at different times. Of course, Hermione felt like she should be suspicious about this, even though there was literally no reason to. Remus went up to Lily.

"Hey, Mary Anne!" Lily turned around to see Remus.

"Oh, hey John. What's up?"

"Hermione is onto us." he whispered. Lily nodded.

"Oh yeah, I haven't learned that jinx yet." she said loudly as a coverup.

"Yeah, we should get the others to learn it together." Remus said. He then walked over to the other three Marauders.

"Hey guys, someone is onto us, so if we don't use the fake names, I think Lily is gonna blow up on you." Remus warned them.

"Ok, thanks for the warning............John." James said.

"Wow, can't wait to see where this will go." Lily thought sarcastically to herself as she witnessed the Marauder's conversation.


Hey guys... been a while

I think the title was kind of off with the chapter and it's short, but I wanted to get a chapter out for you guys bc two people wanted me to update. Honestly, that is a big number for a very small writer like me.

Also updates might be slow cause I'm in another fandom right now (but I would never fall out of Harry Potter, like it's just- no not gonna happen you're stuck with me lol)

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