Chapter 2- To The Future?

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They were at Hogwarts. Everything was the same, but it was different?

"Sirius you git why'd you nick my stuff?!" Lily hit him.

"What I was bored ok!" Sirius said. Lily groaned.

"Well now we have to figure out when we are."

"When?" James asked.

"Yes Potter. This-" She motioned to the necklace "-is a Time-Turner. It's supposed to make you go to the past, but it actually looks like we're in the future-" She looks outside.

"Hey guys look at this!" Peter said. They all went to the trunk that said H. Potter (IDK if trunks are labeled) James' jaw dropped.

"Ha! Prongs has a kid!" Sirius laughed.

"Guys we have to be careful! We can't mess with time or let anybody see us! It would be a wonder if someone understood our situation." Lily huffed.

"Well that's just it Lils, we can tell them!" James said. Lily rolled her eyes

"No we can't! I just told you it would mess with time! Some professors would recognize us anyways!"

"Ok ok calm down." Sirius said.

"How do we get around without being seen?" Remus asked.

"Well if I had a child, I would give them my invisibility cloak." James felt around the bed and found it.

"Aha! Here it is." Just then, they heard people coming up the stairs. James placed the Cloak on all of them.

"That Umbridge woman is foul!" Ron said. "I'd rather take Snape than her!" James and Sirius burst into silent fits of laughter and didn't stop until Lily gave them a death glare.

"Hey- my cloak is gone! Someone nicked it!" Harry realized.

"What's going on in here?" Hermione came in.

"You're making a racket and everyone can hear you from the common room!"

"Harry's cloak is gone!" Ron said.

"What? But no one knew you even had one!" Hermione said.

"Well it's gone now." Harry said.

"Have you checked the room?" Hermione asked.

"Mione no one would steal an invisibility cloak and hide in the room after." Ron said. Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Yes Ron, they would actually would if it would be obvious."

The trio walked out of the dorm bickering and the marauders and Lily could finally take the cloak off. Remus was most relieved when they did, because he was claustrophobic. James scrunched up his nose.

"Snivellus? A teacher?!" James said.

"Yes James we get it, it's unbelievable. Can we just figure out how to go back?"


The group manages to sneak out of the Griffindor common room undetected, but not before Sirius saw Dean and Seamus sitting together. "Aww they're so cute together. That could be us Moony." Sirius nudged Remus. "What?" Remus says, blushing. "I'm just messing." Sirius said with a wink.

They were able to make it out, but they ran into another Griffindor. "Oh hi! I didn't see you sorry. My name's Neville Longbottom." James and Sirius gaped at him and Remus pushed to the front and shook his hand. "My name's John Spencer. These are my friends. We're new here." Remus(John) said. "I'm Mary Anne." Lily(Mary) said. James- Kevin Anderson
Sirius- Lucas Alsop Peter-Neil Blake
"Nice meeting you. Hey, are you guys interested in a defensive club?" Neville asked. "If you are, then go to the Room of Requirement around 9. Just don't tell anyone ok?" "We'll be there." Sirius said. "Cool. Well, see you later." Neville said and ran off. Lily sighed.

"We've got to get home."

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