The Videotape

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5:21 am

"Sir, this just came for you".

"Thank you, Anderson". Hotch answered taking the package, not bringing his eyes up to meet Anderson's, but instead, his head stayed down, peeled to his work. Rows upon rows of paperwork sat towering on his desk, and no matter how much he completes, new paperwork comes in. Leaning back in his chair, he takes the package and begins to open it. Inside had two items, a piece of paper and a videotape. He sets the tape down on his desk and begins reading the note...





Hotch placed the note down, in return he picked up the tape. Lucky they still had some older technology for matters like this. He hastily walked over to the roundtable room, closing the door behind himself. The box tv sat in the corner of the room, and the video player lay underneath. Plugging everything in, turning it all on, and putting in the tape...

The video ended. 

"Anderson!". Aaron called.

"ANDERSON!!". He called again but louder, like a scream.


"Call my team". Hotch turned to look at him. "Now!". 

5:56 am

Within just over half an hour the team had arrived and already sitting around the table in the briefing room. The girls were all sat at one of the table, JJ was yawning telling Emily and Garcia how she'd been up all night with Henry and Garcia telling JJ about the hot guy she had seen in the cafe on her way in. She had gone a picked up Emily as her car decided not to start, and the both ended up buying everyone coffee from the cafe across the road from HQ. 

Rossi was all suited up, looking rather quite dapper. He wore a black suit, jacket placed on the table and his bow tie was undone, hanging around his neck. He wasn't in the best of moods as he described, 'being dragged away from possible wife number five'. The team laughed when he had said this, Rossi's love life had never really been anything hidden within the team, and jokes were constantly being cracked amongst them all. Hotch stood at the head of the table, Morgan next to Rossi on his phone and last to turn up was Dr. Spencer Reid. 

The tall, skinny man came bustling through the door coffee in hand. Taking of his messenger bag and plunking it down beside him as he took a seat next to Morgan. "Goodnight?". Morgan looked at him and winked. Reid was used to his 'banter', and instead of making anything of it he just rolled his eyes and answered no. "Oh come on pretty boy, you're never late and I mean have you even looked in a mirror this morning?". Morgan looked him up and down. His clothes were unironed and looked as if they had just been thrown on. His hair was a mess, unbrushed and unkept, and dark purple bags sat under his eyes. Reid shot him a side glare as he sipped on his coffee. 

"Right let's get to it". Hotch interrupted everyone. "Sorry I had to call you all in this early and on a Saturday, I know it's one of the only days you get off". Everything was silent as all eyes fell on him. "So what's happened? Got to be big to be called in this early".

"This morning I received a package". He looked down on the table at the brown wrapped parcel. "I thought it was just something sent from another bureau but I was wrong". Hotch picked up the package and emptied it of its contents. 

"Is this way we haven't got any casefiles?". Rossi asked. It was true, the team were normally presented with casefiles, explaining what had happened, the victims, evidence, etc. But this time Hotch received the case, personally. And those kind are never good. Hotch nodded his head. 

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