The Red Flood

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        Blood was soft, sweet, and wet. Like honey dripping down your throat and coating your insides with a warm cloak. Blood was life, that was something the man knew and without life, what would the undead be? There had to be more to life, right? 

       Yes, the warm embrace of body against body, one adjacent to the other, hot breaths howling into the night like two wolves in heat. Was this life? The soft touch of a woman, bare against one's skin...

        A smooth, dark head turned, staring unblinkingly at a woman, her arms outstretched in a command. 

       "Come here," She urged, curling a sweet, eggshell colored fingernail towards said dark headed thing. 

        It obliged, rising from it's spot upon the bed. The cream colors danced beneath it, soft chiffon creaking and turning with the a motion not unfamiliar to it. Had she said a word? Called out? How could it tell, for all fell to deaf ears on this night of perpetual sin. A reddened tongue slid over soft flesh, testing and teasing to the woman above, however, what was once soft coos and faint affirmations soon turned to chilled screams as sharp teeth sank into warm skin.

      Warm...Sticky....unbearably sweet and intoxicating all at once; the red flood was nothing short of a pure delight. Faint screams and howling pain soon faded to a soft whisper as the life left her eyes and the cold comfort of death coated over the woman's body. So much blood drenched those soft covers, dripping, crawling, drenching everything that lie in its wake. It felt like heaven, heaven within the beating heart of a woman and heaven within that crimson glow that now dripped down its's chin. A smile appeared upon its lips, a smile that was mirrored by its own reflection.

        That hard chest, those soft lips, and that disgusting rotted fucking bloodstained-

       My eyes opened suddenly, a high pitched sound surrounding the glen to which I and my companion had kept each other company. I turned, not once nor twice, but three times in a desperate attempt to find whatever the source of it all was. Only when my eyes landed upon the crumpled figure not even a few feet away did I release what was making that horrid sound. Egret, the poor ravenette, had keeled over, screaming her lungs to the point of popping as she wretched a vile substance from her rosy lips. A flood, a red flood erupted from her mouth, black and filled with chunks that I found hard to even recognize. 

        That litter we had eaten last night...had it somehow made her sick? Twas a possibility, though, this was unlike anything I had ever seen before in my life. It smelt like a corpse had crawled into her mouth and died up there. Pinching my nose and holding back what little gulps of air I could get, I ran over to her. 

        "Ah....Ahhh...." Egret croaked, her breath coming out in heavy pants, tears rolling down the soft expanse of her lovely pale skin as well.

        The soft touch of my hand, continuously rubbing circular motions into her back brought another flood of the oily, reddish black substance tumbling forth yet again. Soon enough, rest came back to the woman, like a soft cloud rolling over the hills of her consciousness. Letting out a soft sigh, I pushed back my hair, hand slick with the bile that had erupted from her. 

        "Well, that was a fun way to wake up in the morning." I grumbled to myself, looking down our stained clothes with an irritated eye. 

        The stuff had really gotten everywhere, staining and stinking up the glen with its foul odors and beguiling appearance. The had to be it, or perhaps it was something that had messed with the woman's system before we had met. Suspension in that tree could have done anything to her body after all. Pity flooded my guts, coating my body with worry and fear over her condition, though, she seemed to be doing well now. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2020 ⏰

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