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   For the upcoming hours I and my new companion kept ourselves busy with medial tasks. Gathering wood for the night was what made up the majority of our day. We gathered the driest ones we could find and tried not to get our bodies wet from the surrounding swamped areas, but that was a hassle all on its own. Due to my injuries that were now getting inflamed by the second Egret decided to make herself busy and take on the heavier loads. Bigger bundles of sticks would rest in her arms, she would go out and find streams of fresh water to drink, and lastly she'd somehow found a burrow of bunnies to cook up for dinner tonight. It was amazing how easily she could find this stuff when it would probably take me hours or hell, even days to get them. As the sun dipped behind the trees and a fire now burned hot and full between us I found myself turning to her.

Egret seemed beautiful in the day, but it would look to be that she were made to be seen at night. Her hair shifted this way and that like a wave upon land. Her blue eyes glinted curiously as the snaking reflection of the fire glinted back at me from her mirror like gaze. She sat in the grass with preternatural stillness that gave her an edge. A dark edge that I knew for a fact would make men fall to their knees if they could see it. I chuckled at her stance making those blue eyes dart to my relaxed form. She just seemed so tense, I couldn't help it. I patted the spot next to me with a smile.

"Come over here. It's cold tonight so there's no need to be so tense. Come on, I won't bite."

With a tilt of her head she turned to get up. Just like her stance it seemed that her walk was ever so still too. It reminded me of a ballerina taught to walk with books on her head. Well, At least the image seemed to fit her. Egret sat down a little ways away making me scoff and scooch closer to her. I could tell her body was tensing up more and more, but I didn't seem to care at the moment. All that was on my mind was rest and a pillow so I decided to put my head upon her thigh.

I groaned slightly feeling how bony and uncomfortable it was, tough from all the tensing up she had done. Egret looked ahead almost seeming unfazed, but by how much she was clenching inside herself I'd say it was quite the opposite. Poor little statuette girl....A sigh passed my lips as I gave her chest one insignificant poke to catch her attention.

"Hey, Egret, It's a cold night and I want a place to rest. I'm not going to harm you or anything so it should be fine. We need to learn to trust each other in this environment anyway, okay?"

I poked her nose and laughed as she nearly reeled back. She still seemed tense and on edge, but a little less so with my jovial quips. Soon enough she had lied down next to me, taking care not to touch any of the wounds that battered my back. When the night marched forth and the embers grew colder I felt the first grips of sleep take a hold of me. A yawn passed my lips and my brain lowered its defenses. With a drowsy hint to my voice I spoke up.

"Egret, I know you don't know what happened to this earth or why you were stuck in that tree. Hell, I can't even wrap my head up around what happened and I experienced it. However, it is important that you learn so as to be weary the next time you go exploring around here or find yourself in a tight bind."

I waited a little bit, almost thinking that my companion was asleep until I felt a shifting behind my back. Even without seeing it I could tell that those mirror like eyes were shimmering behind me. I continued on with my story.

"It was a cold and dark night when they first came...The Culicidae. Of course there were only isolated incidents at first but we all knew better than to think them rumors at that point. Men went missing, children were hung at the trees by the millions as their mothers were taken only to come back with monsters suckling on their tits. I don't even know how I had survived those few years out in the cities. They were where the brunt of it happened. I guess I just got lucky." I shifted and turned to face her own. Despite the sour subject a smile came to my face.

Culicidae (Yandere Vampire x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now