Chapter 3

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"Come in." Tom says. Danny walked surprised inside. He looks around. He sees before him a staircase with a small room underneath. To the left is a living room, and on the right is a kitchen. The corridor where he is located, is only a closet, a few pictures and a long carpet on the floor. "Follow me." Tom Says. Tom walks into the living room. He sits down and Danny also sits on the couch. "And .. how old are you, Tom?" Danny asked. "17. But I'm smarter than you think, though." He says as he looks around. "So, are your parents home?" Danny Asked. Tom mumbles something, something Danny can not hear. "Pretend I'm your older brother. I'm not a stranger though." Danny says calm. Tom startled for a moment the word brother. "I ... I will be right back." Tom sats fast and he runs to the kitchen. Danny stays. Did he said something wrong? He looks around the room. There is a large picture with Tom and his parents. Someone is there too, probably his sister. There is a smaller picture at the left. Danny walks to it to got a better view. It is a picture of Tom, when he was one year. His sister is there again. Suddenly there is a door opened. An old woman enters. "Good afternoon." Danny says. "Hello there young man. Are you a friend of Tom?"  The woman asked. "Yes, sort off. Do you know where his parents are?" Asks Danny. "His parents? They died a couple of years ago."

"What do you mean?" Danny asks surprised. Tom enters the room before Danny gets a response. "I see you met my grandmother. Johanna, this is Danny." Tom says. "Ooh, you're the gentleman where my grandson always talking about!" Says Johanna. "Grandma, not always ..." says Tom. "I leave you some time alone." Says Johanna. She walked away to the kicthen.

"Tell me about the letter that you wrote." Says Danny. "About that letter, yes, there is something wrong with our village. Almost every night, there comes a big shadow. It comes from the mountain behind and disappears at the waterfall. That one at the market." Tom says. "And, how does The Shadow look like? Ask Danny." Uhh, long legs and arms, three sharpen claws on each hand, a large head with red eyes .... " Tom said. Danny draw it on a piece of paper. "I would say that you had made it up, but you're already old and everyone is talking about."  Danny says. "I need to say, i didn't believed it first. But I saw it about four days ago. I sat on my balcony when I suddenly heard something. There were a few sounds, but then came a bang. From behind the mountain  came a great black shadow. He past our house and walked to the center. It destroyed a large part of the house at the border of the city. The shopping street, the market and the village in the forest is still intact." Tom telled Danny "What time did it came?" Danny asks. "At 10 o'clock, P.M., just after the bell of the church." Tom said. "I would love to see The shadow. Do you have a plan?" Danny asks. "We can stay here and watch it from a distance, we just don't go, or ..." Tom starts. "Or what?" Danny asks. "We go to a hotel in the city center."

"Let's go for the last option." Danny says. "Are you crazy? We will probably die if we are there!" Tom  said surprised. "What should we do? Wait here until your village is destroyed?" Asks Danny. "Okay, there you have a point." Says Tom. "Oh i see, A 17 year old boy is afraid." Danny says teasingly. "No, Okay, we'll go." Tom anwered. "Perfect!" Danny says back. "Big brothers are annoying." Tom says softly. Danny hears it and smiled. "Grab your things and put it in a bag Tom, I'll wait here." Danny says. Tom sighs and walks up the stairs. Still smilling Danny goes to the couch, where his bag is. He is waiting for Tom. Danny looks a bit around, walks to the kitchen, sniffing around a bit ... Then he stops at the door under the stairs. What could be inside? Danny opens the door. He looked around and saw just more photos. The wedding photos of Tom's parents, Tom and another girl. He feels sorry for Tom that he has lost his parents, if he must believe Johanna. Danny walks back to the living room and see again the picture of Tom and the girl. She often stands in pictures so Danny is sure it is his sister. He walks over to a small photo. There is something written on it. When Danny read that , he Scares.


For my little Brother Tom,

From Rachel.


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