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- A dead body drops to the ground.

Gabriele: You idiot! What did we say about killing people?! We're supposed to be laying low, remember? Where even is Simone?!
Massimiliano: You're so boring mate. I swear all you virgins are the same.
Gabriele: Shut up!
Massimiliano: Just facts.

- Gabriele raises his hand to strike Massimiliano but he doesn't.

Massimiliano: Go on. Do it, Mister No Balls.

- Simone walks into the room. He wipes blood of his hands with a custom-made white towel that has his initials on it: S.D

Gabriele: Simone! Simone! Tell Massi to stop pissing me off or I'll hurt him!
Simone: Gabriele, sweetie, have you seen you? Massi would break your bones, instantly.
Gabriele: Testa di cazzo!
Massimiliano: See Mister No Balls, I'm always right.
Simone: Whatever. Anyways, Mr CEO is dead, thanks to me. Also I hope you both know how insanely loud you two are. I could hear you arguing from down stairs! Uhm, Massi what are you doing?!

- Massimiliano takes off his t-shirt and pants. He places the random girl he had just killed on a table. Simone and Gabriele cover their eyes with their hands.

Massimiliano: What does it look like I'm doing? Oh and it would be nice if you would allow me some privacy y'know.
Gabriele: Wow! I did not want to see that today!
Simone: You're literally the most sickening person I have ever met, did you kill her just for that? Damn massi do you realise you just took a life away, a precious life. this isn't a game damn it, she probably mattered so much to someon-
Massimilino: Jeez, fine i'll put my clothes back on, you sound like my mom.

- Massimiliano puts his pants back on.

Massimilino: You can un-shield your eyes now.
Gabriele: Is that your strange addiction or something-
Massimiliano: What?
Gabriele: Because if it is i want you to know that it's a common thing and you're going to be okay, you just need therapy.
Massimiliano: What the fuck are you talking about?
Gabriele: You have something called necrophel-
Simone: Guys wait I think I hear something.
Gabriele: Literally Simone not right now this is a very important conversation we're having!

-All of a sudden men come banging on their hotel door.

Police #1: Open up! We have you surrounded.
Police #2: Don't make us have to break down this door! Open up! Let's do things the easy way!
Police #3: And if you touch one hair of Mr Sanchéz you'll be in jail for the rest of your life.
Massimiliano: Um.. who's Mr Sanchéz if I may ask kind sir.

-Little did the police know that the 3 friends weren't as stupid as they thought, (or looked) they chose to stay on that very room on the 14th floor for the simple reason of there being an escape route behind a bookcase in the living room. Luckily they had planned to leave the next day anyways and had everyone packed up. They made their way to the escape route and fled. The police barged in with pistols in hand, and searched the apartment. They soon found a dead girl laying down on a table and the body of Mr Sanchéz. While the police was in full panick mode, Simone and the rest had made it into the hotel's garage and looked for their getaway truck that was driven by your everyday family man that had some connections with the gang. The others hid in the back with some furniture.

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