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Those who know me call me Dryad, but one person  NehpetsEnal  *cough cough* calls me Mystery cause I am indeed a mystery. Why? Because I have such a high level of anonymity when I am here, so I hope this lifts the mystery that surrounds me some.

1. I started writing poetry of April of this year and have been writing poetry ever since. I actually never thought I would ever write poetry, sticking to my plans, but now... I got no words. Sorry haha

2. I am an empath. It can be my downfall and also one of my strongest points.

3. I am a lover of languages. English is my mother tongue but I know few words in German, Japanese. I can get by in Sign Language and Spanish. Currently, I am learning Arabic from a family member.

4. I am my worst critic, or so I am told. Why? I have no idea, I am just hard on myself. I know I can do better than what it is put down which is probably why I stress a lot lol

5. MysteriousDryad is actually a pen name a friend of mine gave me when I asked him for a fantasy pen name. Ever since, it stuck to me like glue and I use it where I want to keep my identity a secret.

6. (Starting to run out of ideas here) I am interested in techno music along with Irish and German music. Celtic Woman being one of my favorite artists.

7. I am rather slow sometimes even called a blonde when I am not but might as well be lol

8. According to the personality test thing, I am an INFP. INFP stands for Introvert Intuitive Feeling and Perceiving.

9. Do I see my poetry going anywhere outside of here? Honestly, no not really. Why do I think that? Because my poetry is crappy! Like I said I'm my worst critic so I think all of my works are crap. *shrugs* Who I am I guess

10. I started writing short stories one day (can't remember when) and I started writing my own novel, but I have since taken it down. Prose is quite tricky in my opinion but right now I am working on a novel in my poetic form which seems to be so much easier.

Well that's 10 things about me, can't say I'm that interesting. Any questions feel free to ask, I love being asked questions. I'm weird like that lol but not all questions I will answer. 

I tag @NehpetsEnal        

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