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1. I am 50 years old. I wrote a story the first time when I was 7 years old. My parents read it and told me it was nice. That set me writing every now and then.

2. Between the ages of 17 and 20, I got lots of stuff published in a college magazine - short stories, features.

2. It took me a loooong time to start getting my work into the open after that. I started six months back, November 2015.

3. I love dogs. Don't have them now as I keep moving every 3 years or so, and it's not always nice on the dog. We had a black Labrador for 13 years. Lovable, loving creature.

4. I love the colour blue in everything. Any shade is good. It's a soothing colour.

5. I also write short stories, paranormal, a leadership blog on Linkedin, and sketch with color and black pencils. I also take reasonably nice photographs. I don't know if others like them but all the creative stuff I do makes me feel good, and I am selfish enough to say that's all that matters for now at least.

6. I currently live in Sri Lanka, was earlier in Switzerland, am from India, and travelled on work and holiday to many other places. One of my ambitions is to write about all the different people I have seen.

7. I am an introvert. Seriously. You wouldn't know it if you met me, because I am pretty sociable and can have a lot of fun around people. It's just that I get most of my energy from doing things by myself.

8. Long back when I had the opportunity - meaning when I had a house with a garden - I did some gardening, veggies and flowers. I still have some photos. Like I said, earlier I had to move out after 3 years. I still miss that place :-(

9. I listen to loads of music, of all kinds - film, classical, pop, rock...

10. In keeping with being Indian, I also see a whole lot of films .. again of all sorts .. and don't like people who tell me the plot in advance .. :-)

10 Things About MeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon