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Peter was ecstatic. They were going to Wakanda, and he was going to be able to see his best friend Shuri. Shuri was a tech genius, too, and she was a meme god. He had been multiple times in the past, but the Avengers didn't know how close he was with the princess. They didn't even know he had been to Wakanda, so, here he was, on a plane with the Avengers trying to figure out how to tell them he had been there before.
Just as he was about to decide, they approached the barrier. The hills began to peal away, revealing a high tech city.
"What do you think?" Mr. Stark asked him.
Well, might as well get it over with. "That never gets old."
"You've been to Wakanda before?"
"Yeah.  I'm friends with Shuri."
"Ok, kid," Sam said. "You've been to Wakanda before."
"It was just a few times," Peter said, scratching his neck.
"Alright. Just don't be lying."
"I'm not."
Then, the whole team started to stretch and exit the jet. When they stepped out, they were right outside of the royal palace, and T'Challa, Romanda, and Shuri were standing in front.
Then, Shuri yelled, "This bitch empty!"
To which Peter responded, "Yeet!"
"It has been too long."
"I know, I feel like I only ever see you over a screen anymore. Let's go to the lab!"
"Yes!" Peter turned to his family. "See you guys."


After hours of toying around in the lab, the duo went to eat some thing. When they reached the kitchen, they saw all of the Avengers sitting around.
"Hey guys," Peter acknowledged them. Then,  he saw an avocado. "Look, a fre sh avo ca do."
Shuri burst out laughing. Partly because of the vine, but also because of the Avengers looks of confusion.
"What the hell?" Tony asked. The only ones who seemed to understand were Clint and Scott, T'Challa just sat there, seeming to re-evaluate his life, and the rest were just completely confused.
"Language!" Everyone yelled at the same time, but Steve was the only one who meant it.
Then, Shuri screamed, "Floor is lava!"
Shuri pushed Tony off his chair and jumped on it, T'Challa pulled his feet up, Clint stood up on his chair, Scott did the same as Clint, Peter jumped on the ceiling, and everyone else just looked around confused.


After a few more days of meme and vine references, pranks, science talks, and dreadful Avengers, it was time to split the duo up again.
"Make sure you call me," Shuri instructed Peter.
"I will, and I'll bring my lightsabers the next time we see each other!"
With that, the two parted ways. Everyone other than them, Clint, and Scott was extremely relieved.

A/N: I recently wrote a story. It's called Force: The Seventh Avenger, so if you're interested please go check that out.

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