Field Trip Part 3

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A/N: Hey guys. Can you guys please leave comments. I like to hear your feedback!

Peter headed up to the lab. Luckily, the prank war was over so he didn't have to worry about that anymore. But, he still had the guardians coming soon. So, everyone would be there to embarrass him. His plan was to stay as far away from his class as possible, but considering his Parker luck, that was unlikely to keep him to far away.

Peter went up to his lab and was working on the iron spider when he heard a few gasps. He looked up to see his entire class standing there with shocked expressions on their faces.

"What! How the hell did penis Parker get into the private labs?" You can guess who said that.

"Because I work here Flash. What are you guys doing up here anyway, this isn't usually part of the tour"

At this, the tour guide explained "we got special permission from Tony Stark himself. Would you care to show us around?"

"Sure. Just give me a sec. FRIDAY activate visitors protocol."

With that, FRIDAY hid any work of his that was confidential. And also allowed his class to come in.

After a few minutes of people looking around FRIDAY interrupted. "Peter, it appears the guardians will be arriving in a minute as something has just entered the atmosphere."

"Okay FRI. Sorry to cut this short, but I have to go so you can get on with the tour."

Peter went over to the landing deck and saw all of the guardians getting off the ship.

"Little Peter!" Rocket yelled.

"Hey Rocket."

"Peter! You better be ready to loose to me in Mario Cart tonight." Quill said.

A/N Peter Quill will be refereed to as Quill and Peter Parker will just be Peter

"Sure. Peter. Sure." Peter responded.

The rest of the day was fairly normal except for the fact that they had a Q & A with Peter's class. The walked in and the class broke into whispers of:

"Look it's Captain America!"

"I didn't know Spider-Man was an Avenger!"

"Look! It's Black Widow!"

"Who are the aliens?"

And Ned and MJ, upon seeing Peter:


The Q & A was quite simple, until Flash was picked:

"Do you know Peter Parker?"

Of course, Flash was completely expecting for them to say they don't know who he's talking about, or ask who that is but that didn't happen.

"Of course we know Pete. Kids a genius. He even helps make some of our tech." Nat responded.

This left Flash in utter shock and anger. With that, the Q & A was over and the class went back to school. Peter obviously knew he'd have to face his class Monday, but he didn't want to worry about that yet.

The group played Mario Cart and Peter won, much to Quill's dismay, and they played again because Quill declares a rematch. Peter won every single time. As Peter went to bed he thought to himself. Today wasn't so bad.

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