Meeting the Avengers

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Peter wasn't your average 16 year old kid. Not only was he a genius with an IQ that could rival Tony Stark or Bruce Banner, but he also had a secret. He was Spider-man. It was about three years ago that he got a spider bite from a radioactive spider giving him super powers. Then, one year ago, he went to Germany to fight the Avengers, and he also took down the Vulture. Since then, he was taken under the wing of his mentor, Tony Stark. Now, he would go to the tower every day after school.

Today, Happy was going to pick him up from school and bring him to the compound. He got out, thanked Happy for the ride, and slipped on his mask to go in through the window.

"Hey Karen. Can you have FRIDAY unlock a window into the common room on the 78th floor?"

"Sure thing Peter."

Peter estimated where the window to the common room is and is proven right when he hears a small click from the window. He swung in and pulled off his mask. What he was not expecting, was to see all the rogue Avengers sitting in the common room.

"Who are you?" Steve immediately questioned.

"I'm Peter."

"Why are you here?"

"Oh, right. I'm Spider-man."

"WHAT!" Everyone screamed at the same time.

Peter told FRIDAY to ask Mr. Stark to come down ASAP.

Everyone sat in silence until Mr. Stark walked in.

"What are you guys doing here?"

"Fury told us to come here and get the team back together. Didn't he tell you?"

"Might've mentioned it."

"Whatever. Anyway, how could you bring a kid to a fight?"

"To be fair," Peter interjected. "Mr. Stark didn't want me to fight. I was supposed to keep my distance."

"Anyway," Steve continued. "What made you want to be a hero in the first place?"

"Well," Peter began. "When I was four my parents died in a plane crash and I went to live with my aunt and uncle. Then, when I was twelve, my uncle died to. About a year later I was bitten by a radioactive spider on a field trip to Oscorp. A couple years later, Mr. Stark came to me, I went to Germany, then I fought the Vulture, a building fell on me, and now here I am."

"Kid," said Scott. "He's been through more than us at the age of 15!"

"Hold on," Mr. Stark said. " When did a building fall on you."

"After you took the suit I went after the Vulture anyway and he dropped a building on me." Peter explained quickly.

The entire group gaped at him. Eventually, Steve spoke.

So, what are your powers.

"I have super strength, enhanced senses, I can walk on walls and I have this sixth sense that I like to call my spider sense. It alerts me of incoming danger."

After everyone stared at him for a second, completely confused, Peter jumped on the ceiling. Natasha didn't react, Steve was surprised, and everyone else screamed. Peter then jumped down and told them that that was completely normal for him.

"Wait, how come you came in through the window?" Steve asked him.

"It's just a lot easier and quicker."

They all nodded and decided they would watch a movie that night, and after a lot of negotiations, Mr. Stark agreed to give them their rooms back.

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