Chapter 11 - Hackensack -

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Your POV

For the first 30 minutes you kept quiet, listening to your music. But after a bit of time the both of you became bored and Chucky broke the silence.

"So, kid..I told ya wayyy too much about me already. What about you?  Good job, nice flat and let me guess some family too? And the only reason you're living alone is because your handsome boyfriend left you?" he guessed.

"Hah..I wish it would be that way" you huffed. "My parents are abusive smoking and drinking assholes which regularly beated the shit out of me till I was around 17 years old. Happy family, check I'd say. I moved out to my first boyfriend as soon as I turned 18 and quit my first apprenticeship in the biology laboratory, hoping everything would become better...Heh, how wrong I was. Turns out my boyfriend was also an alcoholic and I was bound to him because I had no job. Until I got a new apprenticeship and eventually a permanent employment in the office where I am now. So I left him, I left everyone in my life and isolated myself" you told him.

"Oh" he simply stated. "Guess we've got more in common than I thought, toots. Well, except for the music". He tried to relax the tense atmosphere.

"What do you mean, Charles?" you asked curious but with a dark premonition.

"The parents thing" he muttered with a absent gaze but quickly seemed to shrug it off as he said with his usual energetic voice: "Well, let's just say, he won't ever drink his stupid, irish single malt whiskey anymore, hahahahahaheheee" he laughed. You should be scared or taken aback, but actually you felt relieved as you heared his familiar, evil laugh again.

"You killed him, didn't you?" you asked him, full of pure curiosity.

"Yes, I did and believe me, it was the best feeling in the world to give this pig what he deserved, a nice bloody slaughter!" he admitted.

"Ah, I believe you. But how did you have the guts to do it? I was always so scared of them and their "upbringing" made me scared of everyone and everything. I never dared to do or say anything that was in my mind and too often it is still the same" you told him while you were deep in thoughts, staring at the endless, dark road in front of you.

"Well, one night, something snapped in me, kid. I layed on the floor, drenched in my own blood and I looked my "father", jeeze I hate to call him that, in his dumb eyes and -and I saw nothing. Not the slightest bit of intelligence or kindness, sorrow, anything. They were just dull and I felt that he wasn't even really alive anymore. He was just a sack of meat, for me he was already dead and as I realised that, I was relieved. There was no reason to not kill him, so I waited till he fell unconscious due to the booze and took a big plastic bag from the kitchen. It was almost too easy. He didn't even realise what was happening until it was too late. He gasped so desperately, so pathetic for air. His eyes bulging out of his stupid eyesockets, the veins pulsating in his fat body and then the look in his eyes. It was so satisfying (Y/N) wanna know what is the most fascinating thing about it?" he asked.

"Yes, please continue" you nearly begged in utter interest. He seemed extremely pleased with your request and you saw an genuine and almost shy smile on his cute dolly-lips.

"Hihi, as you please, child" he chuckled. "It's the last moments of their life. They will show you their truest self. Some beg, some cry, some try to flee even if they know, they will die. But some people like my father stay dumb and angry until the very and. He died with pure anger in his eyes and I knew, I did the right thing" he said.

"Wow, that makes so much sense, looking at it in this way. How did I not see it when I was younger?" you asked half yourself and half Chucky. "Thank you so much for telling me Chucky, I guess we're quid now with our lifestories?" you said with a smile. You actually felt very relieved after talking about the shit that happened and hearing that you were not so alone with your past anymore. Sure, there were a lot and way too many people who had to face the same horror as you but you never met one that had it so bad or maybe you did but those people didn't want to talk about it.

Chucky joined in your laughter and so you drove further and further eventually arriving at the Hackensack Cemetery...

Authors note

Hey guys, thanks for reading, I hope you liked this chapter. My good guy doll is already on his way to germany...gosh I am so hyped and giggely. I can't wait to unpack and cuddle him to death!!!! :D...I am already sorry for the spam you have to suffer, because I will choke you with pictures of him ;)

But until night, sweet dreams, pals <3

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