Chapter 13 - What now? -

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...-"Well, that's gonna be a fun ride home" you thought.

You started your car and made your way back home. "Charles? I am sorry, really, you don't deserve all this shit in my honestest opinion" you tried to cheer him up a little. Missing his infamous laugh.

"I don't need your pity, kid" he only grumbled.

"I don't pity you" you tried to counter. "In fact, just look at all the possibilities you have with this body. Nobody would ever suspect you and no one could is looking for you anymore. You are like a blank sheet now. "

"And what now?! I am the notorious Lakeshore Strangler, I wanna stay who I am..but I can't in this body, even if it is becoming more and more human" Charles stated.

"Hmm, maybe you could still stay the Lakeshore Strangler but you need a new identity to link both of them, your old and new self. You need to make yourself a new name. A name that will make everyone cower in fear" you thought out loud.

"That doesn't sound so stupid, I have to admit...ya have any name in mind toots?" he asked, now slightly more relaxed.

"Actually yes, you said that your friends call you Chucky soo, what about "Chucky the killer doll""? you offered with an expectantly side glance into his bright blue eyes.

The name seemed to please him. He called out the name for a few times in different voices before he started to chuckle a bit.

"Fuck (Y/N) you're a genius, I think I'll take this name" he called out victoriously, followed by a minute of tense silence.

"But what now?" he asked. "Lemme be honest to you, normally I would kill you right off when we're back at your place. You did your deed and now you know too much and that could be too dangerous for me to just let you go. But I think, you could still be useful in the long run, you're not stupid and maybe trustworthy. So answer me a few questions (Y/N) and be honest, I will know if you lie to me.

So first things first, can I trust you that you are able to completely keep secret that you even know me and deny anything other than that?" he asked with the most serious tone you ever heared from him.

You wanted to proof him that you took his question serious, so you parked your car at the dark roadside, looked him directly in the eyes and answered - "Charles, I promise you that I will never betray you like the others did, I won't let that happen to you" you told him sincerely.

"Good, now the last question. Why? Why do you help me without a second thought, I don't understand this. What do you think and feel about me specifically (Y/N)?" he asked with a slightly confused and even a bit desperated look.

"Oh ugh, well I can comprehend what you did and why you did it. I think I would have committed the same crimes as you even, well if I were actually brave enough to do so. Also maybeihavealittlecrushonyou" you quickly admitted, blushing madly while you did so and turned your head to the opposite direction, ashamed and fearing his rejection, laughter, outrage or whatever he would do to make you feel even worse.

  After a few seconds there was still nothing. "Maybe he didn't hear it at all?" you hoped. You slowly dared to look him back in the eye. He looked confused to say at least but seemed to shrug it off.

"You really mean that, kid? How can you have a crush on ME, I am an abomination against nature, just like John said... Don't fuck with the Chuck! How can I be sure you told the truth?" he asked.

"I don't know, what do you want me to do?" you asked, not breaking eye contact.

I'll be your friend till the end (Chucky x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt