~ Chapter 22 The whole fucking family ~

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...Maybe the two of you could become friends after all...

No ones POV

The ice between them was broken in minutes. Tiffany instantly freehandled (Y/N's) pets with calm and skilled hands so the first subject of discussion was the animals species and morphs and also Tiffany's own pet tarantula. A couple of minutes later they had to switch to more important matters though...

Chucky's POV

To be honest, he didn't expect his ex to be this reasonable with you and this whole situation. It was just a poor, panic attempt to at least do anything while figuring out a more promising hideout plan. Not trusting her one bit he asked he right away...

"So why exactly don't ya flip out like you used to? Don't get me wrong, but somethings fishy here and it's not Martha Stewart's fuckin'underwear." Tiffany's face changed from surprised to angry to neutral in milliseconds.

"First off, stop abusing the goddesses name with your  filthy plastic mouth! - My mother always said tha-" She couldn't even finish another syllabyl before Chucky had to interrupt her. "Would ya please fucking kindly stop this shit? I killed this woman ages ago and it's like she never even died. Even in hell this bitch is following me... Can ya get to your point now?!"

"Chill your tits, dolly, I would've told you right away if you wouldn't have interrupted me so rudely! But okay if you really want to know, you still know Tilly's actress colleague Gina Gershon, right? - So, we coincidentally met and she thought I was Tilly and one thing led to another. Long story short we're together now and discussed our previous relationships, inculding you and I can finally say,  I am over you."

-"You mean Gina from 'Bound'?!" The both of you instandly exclaimed, changing utterly confused looks at each other. "Why, of course sillies who else? Ya got any problem with that?"

Both parties quickly denied this with a quick shake of their heads.

"Good, also you two are pretty lucky to even find me here. Actually I am going to move in with her soon into a nice house at the beach in San Diego. I am only packing a last few things from here. "

No ones POV

The rest of the evening went on quite uneventful. All three of you made yourselfs at home on Tiff's four poster bed and talked about how to move on and all the things that led to the current situation(s). Chucky's ex wouldn't need the trailer anymore and agreed to selling it to you. This way you and Chucky would be mobile and had more time to plan further steps. You also got to hear about Glen and Glenda, their kids. Though shocked at first you became pretty relaxed. Currently they were travelling the world together, killing a few people here and there. So you had nothing to do with nursing or some shit like that since you never wanted own, biological children anyway. After a few hours after realising it was almost midnight Tiff excused herself so her girlfriend wouln't get worried about her. She hugged y'all goodby and even left you her phone number, address and the trailers keys...

Authors note

Hey y'all. I know I took way too long again. Like always I appreciate all your comments, suggestions, votes etc.  Feel free to follow me on insta too if ya wanna see more marcabre and personal, nerdy stuff. : jacky_notsogoodguy

Also, what do you think about the new movie Renfield? Gosh I am so on love with Renfield AND Cageulaaaa arrrgh.

I'll be your friend till the end (Chucky x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin