Aunt Marge and Sirius Black

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Harry and Asura went down to breakfast the next morning to find the three Dursleys already sitting around the kitchen table. They were watching a brand-new television, a welcome-home-for-the-summer present for Dudley, who had been complaining loudly about the long walk between the fridge and the television in the living room. Dudley had spent most of the summer in the kitchen, his piggy little eyes fixed on the screen and his five chins wobbling as he ate continually.

They both sat down, no sign of the Dursleys even noticing either of them. Neither of them cared though. Asura helped herself to a but of toast and looked at the current news report being displayed on the tv.

". . . the public is warned that Black is armed and extremely dangerous. A special hotline has been set up, and any sighting of Black should be reported immediately. "

"No need to tell us he's no good," snorted Vernon, staring over the top of his newspaper at the prisoner. "Look at the state of him, the filthy layabout! Look at his hair!"

Asura stood up and rushed out of the room, Harry followed close behind to see what's wrong.

Once in the room, Asura was full-on hyperventilating and crying. Harry just hugged her, curious to know what happened to the girl.

"Do you want to tell me what's wrong?" Asked Harry softly.

"That man is not a bad man. It's impossible. He would never do anything that's wrong, ever. He's too kind."

"Who is he?"

"He's Sirius Black, Padfoot as his friends called him."

Harry felt a tinge of familiarity when he heard the name Padfoot. He had got to of known that guy, he just wasn't sure as to how.

"What did he do?"

"I don't know, i know nothing."

Asura still kept crying, unable to bring herself to a stop. Harry just hugged, comforted her until she finally stopped.

Vernon walked into the room, his face red as always.

"Marge'll be here for a week," Vernon snarled, he pointed a fat finger threateningly at Harry, "we need to get a few things straight before I go and collect her. "

Asura felt Harry stiffen, she had heard about Marge and her unpleasantness.

"Firstly," growled Uncle Vernon, "you'll keep a civil tongue in your head when you're talking to Marge. "

"All right," said Harry bitterly, "if she does when she's talking to me. "

"Secondly," said Uncle Vernon, acting as though he had not heard Harry's reply, "as Marge doesn't know anything about your abnormality, I don't want any -- any funny stuff while she's here. You behave yourself, got me?"

"I will if she does," said Harry through gritted teeth.

"And thirdly," said Uncle Vernon, his mean little eyes now slits in his great purple face, "we've told Marge you attend St. Brutus's Secure Center for Incurably Criminal Boys. "

"What!" Shouted Asura, appalled

She stood up and looked Vernon in the face. Her own face was red with anger as she looked into the fearful eyes of Vernon Dursley.

"I get the story, we shall agree with that for the sake of your precious reputation, but if you ever so much as look at Harry in such a filthy way again i will leave you floating and inch above an active volcano. Do you understand pig?"

Vernon nodded and quickly left.

Asura turned and looked Harry in the eyes before they both burst out laughing.

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