Secret's Out

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It was Christmas break. The whole term was a blur of uninteresting events. No gossip or rumours, she had just been ignored. Nyx knew it was her own fault that no one talked to her anymore. After all, she never did anything to keep them around.

People were becoming cold, looking at her with cold stares. She didn't attend class anymore. What was the point? She was the one who figured a lot of what they learnt out. Why learn about something you invented or discovered?

Nyx never once changed though, despite the people around her. She was still the kind Hufflepuff. She was still most likely found in a window arch reading or drinking a new tea. She never bothered anyone.

She pondered on going to see Tommy but he had been quiet lately. It might not be the best time, she didn't want to be a burden with her constant search for approval even though she just got suffocated by refusal.

Along with her newfound loneliness, Nyx had made quite a habit of singing. She only sang to herself quietly, but it made her feel less lonely. She never has been lonely, never in her endless amount of was new and she quite liked it.

Christmas was in two days, despite not talking to any of them, Nyx still got everyone presents. She had asked the house elves to spy on the students and come back to her to tell her what they liked. It was all in good nature, they had only been small things. She wasn't going to spend any of the money in her bank account anyway. It was something to do.

Some people might say it was unjustifiable, why would you do that? But Nyx had a heart of gold. She thought about some of the looks on people's faces when they find a present from an unknown person. It could be someones only present for all she knows. She could make someone's day. She didn't expect anything back.

It had been a journey to get all the presents, she had the help of the house-elves and on one occasion, Sirius. Sirius Black, Nyx had never met such a peculiar person. Some day's he would talk to her some days he wouldn't, it's something that bothered Nyx.

"Stop, drop and drag me into place. Lock the fire escapes, I'll break your pretty face. Oh, you clever little things. Sycophantic teens. What a precious basket case. Now shut your dirty mouth, if I could burn this town. I wouldn't hesitate to smile while you suffocate and die. That'll be just fine, what a lovely time that it would surely be. So bite your tongue and choke yourself to sleep, " Nyx sang quietly, almost absentmindedly. Assuming no one was nearby.

She was wrong.

Turns out Sirius was walking down the hall only to be put in a trance by her singing. It made him feel like she wanted to do everything she said. It was like he was hypnotized. He just shook it off and decided to talk to the girl.

" you know, I've heard of you before. You made quite an impact on people, " Nyx said once Sirius was a few feet away from her.

Sirius jumped not expecting her to know it was him, or even know he was there.

"I felt your magic from down the hall, " she answered the unspoken question.

"How did you know me in the past life then?"

"You were my husband's dads godfather, " she stated simply, smiling at the memory of them.

Sirius gave a look of surprise.

"What was my godson called?"

"Harry James Potter. Apparently, he was all that and a packet of crisps. I don't know why as i was pretending to be a muggle."

"James' son, " he whispered.

Nyx nodded.

"Who else did you know?"

"I knew a lot of people's children. For example Draco Malfoy, he was the son of Narcissa and I'm guessing Lucius. Draco was a rather lovely guy, he seemed caring and had an equally respectful son."

Sirius became surprised at the idea that a Malfoy was kind and also civil towards a 'lower status'.

"Did you know Remus, you seemed quite familiar to him on the train."

Nyx shook her head, " i knew Teddy, his son. In my opinion, you can't get a better boy. His was in Hufflepuff."


Nyx felt her face fall.

"I married a James Potter, never loved someone so much. I had never met who he was named after."

Sirius took in her words, feeling a lump in his chest as he came to terms that they all died. At such an early age as well.

"What houses we're they in? My grand Godchildren, " smiling slightly at his new word.

"Lily was in Ravenclaw, she was such a smart girl. James was in Gryffindor, proud as can be and Albus was in Slytherin, he was proud to be there, " she said smiling as she thought of the familiar people.


"Albus Severus Potter, " Nyx said, "named after the bravest men Harry had ever known."

"Why would he name his child after such a slimy git!"

"Severus is a good person Sirius, you're more like your parents then you realise!" Nyx shouted, losing her temper for the first time in years.

She got up and stormed off, she didn't know where. She just wanted to get as far away from someone who judged a person on one little thing.

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