Brooklyn Shafiq

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She was eleven now, she decided her life could not have gone better. Her mother had taught her magic since she was four, turns out that everything had advanced so much since the last time she actually went to Hogwarts.

She had also made friends with the great Harry Potter, she was heartbroken when her mother had told her about his backstory. About his parents. He was a kind boy none of the less. He was very skinny much to Asura's concern. She always fed him so much, suspecting that those horrid muggles weren't looking after him properly.

Today she was excited, however. Today was the day she went to Hogwarts. She was actually looking forward to it, excited about the adventures. But first, she had to say goodbye to Harry, her first and only friend at the moment.

She raised a pale hand to knock on the unpleasant household's door. She heard a grumble from inside and the door opened to reveal a rather fat man with barley and neck, Asura winced.

"What do you want?" He grumbled, obviously not pleased to see her on his doorstep.

"I wish to say goodbye to Harry before i go to school, " she answered with forced politeness, hoping he didn't see through her facade even though her mother had taught her very well.

He sighed and invited her in, he had been scared of her since the 'incident'. In her defence, it was an accident. She didn't mean to blow him up, she just kind of did. Oopsie.

Asura rushed in to see Harry washing up at the sink, she decided to surprise him by sneaking up on him. She tiptoed from the door to the point where she was a few steps away from him and whispered "boo" in his ear. He jumped five feet in the air.

He turned around and hugged her, the pair still laughing at his misfortune.

"What are you here for?"

Asura became serious, "I'm leaving to go to private school today hazza. I came to say goodbye."

Harry looked heartbroken.

"Can I go with you?"

"One day. One day when you are my age and I promise everything will get better and you'll make new friends and learn about new things. You'll learn to play new games and explore."

Harry's eyes lit up at that, excitement growing inside him.

"Can you promise me one thing though H?"

Harry nodded.

"Promise me you will always believe in magic, no matter what."

"I promise."

"Pinky promise?"

The two linked pinkies in the manner of an unbreakable promise. Then they hugged, neither of them wanting to let go.

"I'll see you at Christmas Hazza."

They broke apart and Asura turned to leave, they both waved at each other until she finally exited the house.

This was her next adventure, one that she was sure is going to be great.

Once back at home, her mother greater her and they both separated away to the platform.

Asura's breath was taken away at she saw that familiar train, the one that made happy. That was when she realized she was going home. She was overjoyed with happiness.

Giving her mother a quick hug and a goodbye, she stepped on the train. She walked down the aisle finally coming to an empty one and sat down. She thought back to the last time she did this. When she met them, wonderful boys.

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