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Click. Clack. Click. Clack.
Was all that was heard as the young girl walked down the dark halls of what is famously known as Malfoy manor.

The girl was dressed in bright colours, Rainbow converse and a yellow crop top. Bright blue jeans with the same colour jacket. Pink highlights in her otherwise black hair. The one word for this girl was simply, breathtaking.

But the questions that come to mind, what was this innocent girl doing in such a dark place? What was in her back pocket? And why was she smiling?

The girl pushed open a rather large door, which seems impressive compared to the size of the girl. Inside there seems to be a meeting, a meeting of some serious people.

Heads turned as the door was opened, an air of confusion swept over the room. Some of them stiffened as if they were under threat.

The girl didn't seem to notice the looks she was getting from these noticeably dark people. Instead, she climbed up on the table and started walking, she walked to the end and sat down cross-legged in front of the leader. A rather handsome looking man, despite the red eyes.

"Hi, Tommy!" Said the girl with false enthusiasm, "did ya miss me?"

The person in question, Tommy, looked perplexed. His followers even more so.

"Elizabeth?" The man said in almost a whisper like he couldn't believe what he was seeing with his own eyes.

"Hi," said the girl, Elizabeth, with a bashful expression," sorry i lost touch, i like kind of almost died."

There was a pause.

"But you seem to be doing well for yourself, it's a nice place you got here, took some finding. You have some nice little minions as well, they all look so well trained, do you give them treats after they've done something good?"

"They are not animals Elizabeth, they are my followers, more well known as death eaters."

"I heard about those," the girl said with eagerness," my new pen pal said his parent are death eaters, he didn't make it sound very good though. Rather evil."

Tommy looked into her eyes. Elizabeth gasped.

"Tommy, what have you done this time?" Sounding like a mother asking what her children had been doing. The sort of statement that said that she really didn't want to know the answer.

"it's not like when we were kids, Lizzie you have to understand."

At this the so-called death eaters rose their heads, there was no way this girl was any older than 15. Had this girl know their lord before? Why are they only seeing her now?

"I got reborn hun, my name is no longer Lizzie. It's now Nyx valentine. Anyways i have to pop, i just dropped by to say hello and that I'm moving to the grand old Hogwarts. I always do get nostalgia walking through that place, i was there when it was built. I do hope they still have my room."

The girl kept talking to herself as she stood up and twisted on her heel. She walked down the table and jumped off the end muttering a soft 'ow' as she hit the floor. She then, as gracefully as possible, walked out of the manor.

One of the death eaters, commonly known as Orion Black, then turned to his lord and asked the question on everyone's mind: "who was that?"

"An old friend " the man almost whispered, lost in thought.

Seeing the dark lord in such a state, the death eaters decided that there wouldn't be much discussion and quickly dispersed.

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