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You were cooking dinner for you and your husband. The menu was meatloaf, macaroni, and broccoli. It was 8 o'clock at night and your husband was still at work. Or so you thought. You  waited patiently as you were about to sit down until you felt a pair of strong wrap around your waist. You looked to see your husband, Jotaro Kujo, who had a tiny smirk on his chiseled face. You smiled when he gave you a soft kiss on the temple of your head. "Welcome home." You told him. He replied with brief "mhm" and went upstairs to change into PJ's. You sat down and began to eat. He came back into the dining room in a white T-shirt and black boxers. "That was quick" you thought. He sat and began to eat also. It was a quiet dinner, but you didn't mind. You enjoyed his silent company and he does in return. Dinner was very good. Well, you did make it so of course it was. "Did you like it?" You asked, waiting for his response. He looked at you. Then he got up and put the dishes in the sink and started walking to the room you both shared. You were little disappointed that he didn't answer, but you knew he liked, no loved dinner. You went into the master bedroom and played on the king-sized bed. Jotaro was already laying on the bed, surfing on his phone. Jotaro sat up and then stared at you. You felt his gaze on you, so you turned to look at him. "What?" You asked confused to why he was staring at you. He sighed. "Yare Yare, just go to sleep," and with that he turned his back to you and went to sleep. You brushed it off and started sleeping, having Barbie dreams.

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