CHP13: UH OH...

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Shower water was running and the room's air roamed of the sell of sex and incents.  Ebone grabbed her phone and read her text from Jewel.

Ebone: Are you serious?

Jewel: YES. Hurry up. Where you at? Where he at?

Ebone didn't reply she hopped off her bed. Overwhelmed she turned in circles looking for his phone. She looked at the bathroom door and listened to the shower water run. He's been in there a while and will be getting out soon. She knew she had to be fast.

"What the fuck. What the fuck" Ebone whispered repeatedly to her self while she looked for Ricky's phone. She looked inside his pants pockets of the clothes he took off before getting in the shower. The phone was turned off. She nervously waited for the phone to turn on.

"Why me? Why I got to get the crazy niggas? How Ima even going to unlock it." Ebone spoke to herself.

The phone screen lit up. Ebone didn't have to worry about unlocking to phone because what she needed to see was on the lock screen. It was a picture of Ray with his hands up and thumbs touching each other making a shape of a bird with his hands.

"Bird". She pulled her phone out to text Jewel. Ebone didn't notice the shower water had stop running a minute ago.

The bathroom door opens and Ebone rushes to get up off the floor away from his belongings. He looks confused then sees her wit her phone in her hands and his things looked like they've been touched. His face turns to anger and her rushes at Ebone and and grabs her by her arms.

"What you doing? What you got?" He yelled at her.

"Nothing I don't have nothing baby stop!" Ebone tried to sweet talk him.

He pulled her by her arm toward his stuff. He dug through his bag and got to his phone. He noticed it was turned on. He looked back at Ebone. She was scared.

"I said what the fuck you doing going through my phone!" he yelled at her and grabbed her closer.

"I thought you was texting other girls I was tryna check. Baby I'm sorry." Ebone said in a sad voice she looked at him with a fake embarassed look.

Ricky looked at her hard. Stared at her for a moment then turned his nose up. He didn't believe her story or innocent act. She tried to touch his chest but he grabs her hand and pulls her close. He kisses her hard and passionately. Ebone recognizes this kiss from when he leaves her to go home. Then he aggressively pushes her away from him then grabs her hand with the phone in it. He looked at the screen and saw the messages from Jewel.

He threw the phone on he bed and held on to Ebone. With his free hang he dug out a gun from his bag. The gun was pointed at Ebone's chest.

"You fucked it up Ebone. Damn bitch. I actually kinda liked you. I'm gone miss hitting that ass." he said with a smirk.

"Fuck you." she hissed at him.

"No fuck you" Ricky said through his teeth while pushing the gun into her chest. Ebone moved nervously in the corner of her room at the cold gun pressed against her skin. She breathed heavy.

"I'm sorry baby you're right"

Ricky yelled in her ear. He pointed the gun at Ebone while walking over to the bed.

"Text yo friend Jewel. Tell her I left and to come home. Bring AJ and Brick."

He gave her the phone. "Do it now." Ebone looked at him then her phone she stood there scared.

"NOW!" He pointed the gun at her face. His loud voice made her jump.

She texted Jewel.

Ebone: He's gone now. Come home tell me what's happening. Bring the guys.

Jewel: Its a long story. We on the way.

Ricky snatched her phone out her hand. He stared at Ebone. He had caught feelings for her when he wasn't suppose to. He was enjoying his time with her too much. He was suppose to use her to get AJ and Brick. He knows they know who he is and has to act accordingly. The plan has to go through now.

"Get yo ass over there." He pointed the gun at Ebone then at the corner of her room far from the door. She slowly walked over to the and sat down in the corner. Ricky pulled out his phone to make a call.

"Yo bossman. It's Bird. Yeah. Change of plans we coming tonight. Yeah. Not yet but soon." He hung up.

"When yo friends get here they gone get fucked up too! If I'm in a good mood I might let yall girls off easy and get knock yall out."

He laughed at Ebone. He sits on the bed and all of a sudden he jumps up, grabs Ebone's phone kick her phone to her. "Change of plans for us tonight. Text Jewel this address tell them to meet you there." Ebone picked up the phone trying to send a help text to Jewel but Ricky walked over to her and snatched the phone.

"You think I'm stupid girl! Keep being stupid you ain't walking up out of here bitch!"

He points the at Ebone's head. She puts her hands up covering her face she's fearful. She wanted Jewel to know he caught onto them. She didn't want her friends to get hurt.

Ray who is really Ricky been lying to me for months. She thought to herself. How could I not have known something was off about him. Too good to be true ass nigga. I dont know what this guy might do. Ricky grabbed his bag and Ebone's phone. He walked behind her.

"Don't do nothing stupid just get in the car and drive." He pushed her towards the door. He follows her through the house and out the door. Ebone crawled through the passenger side to driver's side. Ricky pointed his gun at her. He saw the scared look in her eyes. He frowned and lowered the gun. He got in the car and Ebone drove.


Had To Give Bestfriend Some Drama. What Will Happen Next?

Keep Reading! =)

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