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"Pass me the blanket it's cold"

Jisung pulled Minho into his arms. "There"

"I- okay then"

Just like he always did, Jisung played with Minho's hair; twirling it, running his hands through it and ruffling it. Just as the two were getting comfortable, Minho suddenly got up.

"I totally forgot I have to teach a lesson today!" Minho frantically searched for his jacket and phone. "Jinyoung hyung is gonna kill me oh shit!!"

"Min calm down I'll drive you there! Come grab your phone and let's go" Jisung quickly found his car keys and ran down to his car, Minho quickly following him.

He started up the car and drove to the dance studio; while Minho was getting off the car, he quickly gave Jisung a kiss, not realising what he was doing. As soon as he ran into the building he screamed, little did he know Jisung was also screaming.

"What the fuck did you just do Minho!!" He said to himself. "STUPID!!"

"What's wrong Lee? Care to explain why you're late and yelling?" Jinyoung crosses his arms.

"I'm so so so sorry! I didn't keep track of the time and oh shit I forgot my jacket.."

"I'll let you off today, get in there quickly smd teach the darn lesson!!"

"why did he kiss me..it was probably a mistake!" Jisung said to himself. "It was just on the cheek calm down! But like why did h- SHUT UP!" He hit his head on the steering wheel.

I wanna jump out of a moving car rn

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