As you tremble in the darkness

Start from the beginning

3rd person POV

In the dorms Uraraka laid on the couch lazily, Momo was pouring water into a glass and Jirou was sitting on the floor watching the news. From the stairs they could hear someone slowly coming up the stairs, it was Mina. She looked tiered, when she finally got up the stairs she scurried to the couch to rest. " Mina, there you are. Are you okay? You seem sad. Did something happen?" Momo asked. She walks towards her pink friend and places her hand on her shoulder " Mina you can tell me, I'm your friend. Am I not? Tell me what's wrong, your normally so happy and giddy " However she didn't respond, she looked down and shoved Momo's hand of her shoulder. It caught the other girl's attention, " Mina are you okay?!" Urakaka said " Is it about Tooru? What the hell happened! Mina! MINA! MINA!!" Jirou shouted but all she did was clenched her fist and stare at the ground. She turns away running back down the stairs, " MINA! WAIT!" Uraraka shouted while chasing her, Momo and Jirou follow. Putting on proper shoes they rush down the stairs shouting for their friend.

Mina ran down the stairs in a flash, you could hear her echoed cries while the slams of her feet followed. Uraraka chases her down the stairs and eventually the streets. She kept screaming her name but she refused to speak, only sharp cries. " MINA PLEASE! WHAT'S HAPPENING?! WHY ARE YOU RUNNING? JUST TELL ME! " Meanwhile Jirou and Momo lagged behind trying to catch up, they soon lost track on where they were and decided to stay into the shops.

Mina's? POV

Gore ahead

I kept on running and running, Uraraka was closing up to me and I can't let her. No not yet! Swiftly, I turn to a corner which was dark and quite ominous so I could avoid her. Unlucky, she found me and grabbed my arm with for fingers. A little shocked I step backwards deeper and darker into the alleyway. " Mina, tell me. What's wrong? You can't run now! " I look down at the floor grabbing her shoulder and escalate it to a hug. " Mina, I'm here now. Tell me what happened... " " I-I I..." While saying that I dug my nails into Uraraka shoulders shaking. " Ow... Let go of ya grasp a little, now I am going o listen. What happened? " " Hahaha... Uraraka... "

I pull her close...

"Mina?" She said

At last...

I pull out the knife out of my sleeve and stabbed her in the chest. " M-Mina?! " she quietly said while the blood leaked out of her mouth. She fell on the floor crashing her head against the concrete, I couldn't help but laugh. I couldn't stop laughing, she's gone! She's actually gone! Uraraka is strong, she'll live it but I just want to do something I always wanted to do. I roll up her pink sweater and melt of some of her skin revealing all the muscle, fat and a few veins. Avoiding the veins I pull out some muscle, laying it next to her unconscious body. She's not gonna have to need it, after removal of that I dug down find the bones and snap her bone. Her blood on my hands I can't help but laugh even more than I do, I need to cover the wound now and take it back 'home'. I bet the others have Jirou and Momo already. No point to try and find them, I drag the body and find a safe place to cover for a bit until the streets clear up.

Gore over

5:58 Pm

" Mina! There you are! " Deku shouted. " Oh hey the D-Midoriya! What's wrong? " I ask. " I was so scared for you! The Mt Lady found the blood and organs of Uraraka, and Jirou plus Momo went missing! I thought you would be taken to! " he said. " I'm just glad you are okay, either way had you seen Kirishima's dog? I couldn't find him anywhere." " Sorry Midoriya but I haven't seen him all day! " I reply. " Heheh, I'm going to go to my room and rest a bit K! I need to reflect on what happened recently. "

I ran off to the direction of Mina- MY room and sit down on he-my bed. I laugh quietly to myself, I couldn't believe what I just done! I don't want this. I started to laugh more and more, I couldn't help it! Stop it... Who knew that I could use my quirk like this! I'm sorry Uraraka. For so long I have waited to bring all for one back! I WON'T LET YOU! My plan will come true! I' LL STOP YOU! The blood on her hands were so delightful. YOUR A MOSTER!

I still can't believed it worked.

Aoyama ❌
Ashido ❌
Asui ❌
Ojiro ❌
Jirou ❌
Mineta ❌

Only half to go! This really is working.

3 left

???'s POV

I don't know who this is but whoever you guys are please leave letters or writings to tell them that something isn't right and they'll be alright. Do it right here

You :

Thank you, tell them. Please, for there own safety.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2020 ⏰

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