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"We need you. We need all of you." The blonde woman, who went by the name Cordelia said to the three revived women in front of her.
"You're on your own with that shit." Dinah talked from one of the corners of the room, earning everyone's attention. "I made a billion dollars in TV and all I ever did was straddle the fence." She started talking as she was making steps towards the others. Her words provoked different reactions; some of them were surprised and some others bothered. "I'm sure as hell I'm not dumping that strategy here, sisters. I haven't promised anything, I haven't signed anything, and I'm not here to defeat anyone." The younger blonde witch, the actress Madison Montgomery had her arms crossed as she spoke her opinion on Dinah and what she had just said.
"Who cares?" Her voice sounded fed up but kinda indifferent at the same time. "As if you could ever defeat anyone with that backwards voodoo shit." Before she could keep going, Dinah could answer or anyone else could speak, a voice behind all of them echoed in the room.
"How can any of you defeat me, when I've already won?" Michael's voice sounded calmed and amused at the situation. The six women turned to him and found his figure standing on the stairs, with Ms. Mead two steps behind him, on his left and you next to him, on his right, with your hand grabbing the banister of the stairs as your body slightly leaned to it, creating a minor diagonal line with your body . Cordelia's eyes focused on you as she almost sighed relieved.
"Y/N..." When the stranger woman said your name, seeming so unburdened, as if she had been waiting to see you there, it confused you, but you didn't show it. The only change on your face was on your left eyebrow, which raised. "I should've guessed he'd want to keep you close, but I'm happy to finally see you." Apparently she was waiting for an answer from you, perhaps not you going straight to her, Cordelia knew it wouldn't be that easy, but your silence bewildered her. "And you" She finally continued turning to Michael after realizing you were not going to say anything to her. The blonde man had loved every moment of silence you had given to Cordelia. "You haven't won."
"Perhaps you haven't noticed the state of the world." Even if it was almost imperceptible, you could tell the cynicism in Michael's voice.
"It's almost as bad as your dinner jacket, but at least the world can be saved." Myrtle, a woman whose hair was the first thing that caught your attention spoke, making you raise your eyebrow again as you found the way she was talking to Michael and what she was saying quite comical since the usual reaction Michael got was fear or absolute respect.
"By you?" Michael asked with clear and evident mockery on his voice this time.
"By all of us." Cordelia quickly corrected, sounding harsh, probably more than she intended.
"Hey." Dinah started, ready to make herself be heard. "Get the wax out of your ears. I'm here to watch." She stated, making her position on the situation be crystal clear once again.
"But I'm not." Coco said looking at Dinah before walking until she was a few steps ahead of Myrtle. She received a judgmental and tedious stare from Michael and an eye roll from you.
"From all the people that could have been brought to back life you had to be one of the chosen ones?" Obviously she didn't look at you very well after you said those words. You hadn't really shared many moments with Coco, but the few times you had been near her, being able to listen to her and see the way she acted were more than enough for her to earn your antipathy.
"Just don't let me die again, okay?" She asked when it was more than obvious that she would even beg to keep her life after this second chance. "It really sucked the first time." Before the woman who was still wearing that weird tower made of hair on her head could keep talking, Cordelia raised her arm, stopping her, thing you felt thankful for.
"When we're done, you'll all wish you were still dead." Meanwhile everyone else's voices had been varying as the conversation was taking place, Michael kept his unbothered tone from the start of it.
"I always thought the world would end with fire and ice, not witches and warlocks." Myrtle talked again. Her words made Michael look at her as your eyes went to him, starting to wonder and understand at the same time.
"We need to talk to you." Cordelia broke the moment, dispelling the tension that had started to grow thanks to Myrtle's statement, as she looked at you and you returned the stare after a few seconds. While she was looking at you in a kind but firm way, you were slightly looking down at her, and not only because of your higher position on the room, but because of your mistrust, what you usually felt whenever you had someone you didn't know around you. "We have to talk to you." She corrected herself. Politely, you gave her a nod as soon as you felt something coming from her, more specifically from her head. Usually it is the whole body of someone that irradiates what you're able to feel, but from Cordelia, it was her head what was speaking louder to you. When you turned your head to Michael he was already looking at you. The two of you exchanged a meaningful stare, and it was not one you were asking him permission to go with Cordelia with, it was one shared between equals. Both of you agreed on that, and being completely honest that surprised you a little bit, but being honest as well, you were feeling very curious about what the blonde woman could want to tell you.
"This way, please." As you started to walk downstairs every pair of eyes on the room was on you but you were paying attention to no one. The only spot you had your eyes fixed on was the one you were walking towards to. Once you had walked pass the three cloak-wearing women the three of them started to walk behind you, their steps being followed by everyone else as well.
"Should I go with them?" Ms. Mead whispered turning her head to Michael, who just leant his head slightly backward, his eyes not leaving you until you disappeared from his visual field.
"I think it won't be necessary." He answered, using that calmed and smooth tone of voice.
Before opening Ms.Venable's office's doors, and taking advantage of the fact that the witches were a few steps behind you, you took a deep breath.
Realization hit you as soon as you put your hands on the dark and carved wood of the doors. She was probably still in your room, laying on the floor, lifeless.
For a second, you allowed yourself to think about the whole situation and how much it changed in a matter of minutes if not just seconds.
Did Wilhemina's death affect you? You remembered or tried to remember what you had felt as everything happened before your very eyes. On one hand, it's true that Venable was never a mother to you. Yes, she had raised you but a bond had never been created and you were always very aware of it, furthermore, it never bothered you: your relationship was cordial and polite, nothing more. Still, there was a part of you that kept insisting on asking yourself if her death really meant nothing to you or if it had provoked more than just a moment of surprise.
"Is everything alright?" The kind voice of Cordelia sounded behind you. Thoughts had trapped you more time than you intended. Your head turned to your left so the three witches were able to see one side of your face but you didn't look at any of them; your stare was fixed on the floor and your face showed no emotion.
"Yes." Not giving time for any of them to say anything else, you pushed the doors to both sides, revealing Venable's office. The difference was obvious, but not to you because your head was still not there, thoughts were trying to come back. Usually not only all the candles would be lit, but the fireplace would be also working. It only took you to enter the room, three steps inside, for a fire to start devouring the already burnt logs.
The three witches noticed the change and they knew you were the reason, but you were completely oblivious about it as you approached the desk in the room and leaned your lower back against it, not sitting on it, but also not being completely standing. When your eyes went to the three women dressed in black you didn't expect to find them still standing on the doorframe, looking at you with different faces and looks, but they all shared something; they were looking at you as if they were staring at the most unbelievable and strange being their eyes had ever witnessed. "Please make yourself comfortable." Your words were accompanied with a gesture of your left arm, which stretched, offering them the couches next to the fireplace. Myrtle, the woman with the ginger hair and glasses and Madison, the youngest one of the three of them accepted your invitation and sat down, each one on a different couch, making themselves comfortable indeed. When you looked at Cordelia she was still looking at you from the door frame, but her glare had changed, it was softer now.
"Should I close the doors?" She asked you with her hands already on the aforementioned doors, but her whole body was still facing you.
"As you wish." Again, words that could've come out as harsh or even rude, sounded polite. As Cordelia closed the doors Myrtle addressed her next words to you.
"We can talk freely here, right?" She was talking to you but when you looked at her her eyes were on the couch as her hand was wandering over the spot next to her as if she was trying to deduce what the piece of furniture was made of by touch.
"I'm pretty sure no one would come as we're here." This first part of the answer was given by you as your eyes were still on Myrtle, then, for a second they went to Madison, who was looking at you with her arms crossed on her chest to finally travel to Cordelia, who had taken a few steps towards you. "And I'm sure Ms. Venable won't mind that we're using her office." As soon as those words left your lips you asked yourself why you had said them, but they just came out. Myrtle and Madison couldn't do anything but stare at you and Cordelia as you held what seemed to be a battle stare, but it was not rivalry what was being shared between the two of you but curiosity. As a sided and slightly bitter smile appeared on your lips Cordelia turned her head to her side as if she was asking the reason behind your gesture. "You oddly look slightly like her."
"Well darling tell us about you." Myrtle said, impatient to start the conversation you four were there to have. "How has it been for you?" Cordelia sighed and Madison rolled her eyes as the only thing you could do was look at the ginger haired woman as your eyebrows furrowed.
"How what has been?" Perhaps, some other person would have bothered you with those questions without you knowing what they were talking about, but coming from this woman you had just met, it was more amusing than annoying. She seemed like a very strange person, but in a unique way. As you waited for her answer you put your left forearm under your chest as your right elbow rested on the left wrist so your chin could rest on your right hand, which closed.
"Oh my, she really doesn't know anything." Myrtle sighed looking at the two blonde women in the room. "You'll see, you haven't been under a spell like the other's one. Yours didn't have nothing to do with your personality or psyche, at least not completely. You have been under a more powerful and stronger blocking spell." Your eyes squinted as you kept looking at her.
"I would appreciate it if you explained the story starting on a spot that helps me understand what you're talking about, cause right now I feel very, very lost."
"Mallory, Dinah and Coco are not the only witches we've come here for." Cordelia was the one that started talking as she placed one of her hands on your shoulder, but once she saw how you moved that part of your body in response, almost unconsciously, she moved her hand away. It was a small movement that only Cordelia, who was the closest one to you, was able to perceive, but it showed how contact was not very common for you. "That's what has been being blocked; the memories and the knowledge of your powers."
"We suspect that, since the spell that was casted on you seems a very strong one, it worked thanks to a physical blocker." Myrtle continued then but you kept looking at Cordelia. "Think about something you always had around, very close to you." To find the answer you didn't need much time, the object showed up on your head pretty quickly.
"A necklace."
"What happened to it?" Myrtle asked, slightly leaning forward on her spot on the couch she was sitting on.
"It broke." You said turning your head to her. Cordelia slightly snorted as a small smile appeared on her lips when she realized you had kept part of the information for yourself, but of course, she knew.
"You mean he broke it?" The blonde woman next to you asked with a slight venomous tone, highlighting the word he. Asking who was she talking about was not necessary at all.
"Does it matter?" Again, your head turned towards Cordelia. It was starting to be a bother to not have the three of them on the same spot of the room, having to be turning your head to look at one or another didn't help to maintain yourself totally focused on the conversation. Even if your answer could sound ambiguous, she perfectly knew what had happened and that Michael was, indeed, the one who broke the necklace.
"Actually yes, it does." Cordelia answered, but it was not you she was focused on but the other two women.
"There's something I still don't understand." In a way to be able to have the three of them on your visual field and stop moving your head every time someone talked, you walked towards one of the walls as the hand which your chin had been resting on went to your collarbone area, where usually you'd have found the necklace so you could fiddle with it, but your fingertips just found your skin. "You are implying I'm a witch" You started as you finally stopped on your tracks and turned on your heels, taking a deep breath as you saw how Cordelia hadn't moved and, as you wanted, the three of them were on your sight. "But that doesn't make sense. I've never been related to anything that involved magic and, or witchcraft." As you talked you moved your hand away from your collarbone area to gesticulate, making small movements with it.
"Just a few moments ago, when you entered the room, the flames on that fireplace didn't start by themselves." Cordelia hinted, making you frown and Madison chuckle.
"She did it and she didn't even notice." The younger blonde sounded amused but there was also a hint of mockery on her voice that made you give her a small and not very nice glare.
"I'm afraid that some of the effects of the blocking spell are still working, but don't worry,they all will be gone soon." Cordelia explained sounding very understanding and patient. She already suspected the situation they would find you in, so she was ready to have to deal with your questions and doubts and give you answers. The most likely thing is that you were going to need some time, and your abilities were going to need time to be perfected as well.
"She should have the necklace with her already when she was given to Venable." Myrtle said, making Cordelia look at her in a sort of reproving manner.
"I thought we said we were going to be subtle" Madison chuckled bitterly. Since Cordelia was the one out of the three witches that was being the most comprehensive with you and the one who seemed to have the best ways to give information, your eyes focused solely on her.
"What does she mean with given to Venable?" Since Michael's arrival and everything that it involved, you had started to have many questions you wanted the answers to, almost desperately. Finding yourself with no information made you feel unprotected, easier to hurt or play with, and that was a sensation you deeply disliked, but now that light was starting to be thrown on the truth you wondered for a moment if you really wanted to know what was going on. For a second you even felt scared. Cordelia sighed again before turning her stare to you and give you an answer you were not ready to listen and you could have never suspected.
"You're not Wilhemina Venable's daughter, at least not biologically." Before that information the only thing you could answer with was a short laugh, created by the shock and how you obviously were not prepared to such a small but meaningful piece of information.
"Excuse me?" If you were already troubled about what had happened to Venable and how you were feeling about it before, now that you knew that the situation didn't go better. Confusion was starting to get very heavy on your head.
"Sit down darling, you need to listen to your whole story." Myrtle invited you to sit down with a sweetness on her voice that a grandmother could use with her granddaughter. When Cordelia's hand grabbed yours tenderly you got startled since you hadn't even heard or seen her approaching you once again. Your face was showing bewilderment and pure surprise as Cordelia was looking at you with that softness that was still confusing to you.
Once you approached the couches, Myrtle moved and sat down next to Madison, leaving the other couch entirely for Cordelia and you. The blonde woman didn't let your hand go not even when you were already sitting on the couch. As the three pair of eyes were on you, yours were on your lap, trying to decipher by yourself what your life had been and what could have been, but you were lacking so much information you didn't even know where to start.
"Your real mother was a witch, a very powerful one, but you needed to be taken away from her." Cordelia started to explain and for a moment she thought she would have to start again cause you seemed very absent and lost but when you finally looked at her she knew that wouldn't be necessary, but still, you were going to need to process everything they were about to tell you.
"Why's that?" Probably you were going to get a ton of information in a short amount of time, but that is something that didn't really worry you, the most important thing was to know all the stuff that you hadn't been aware of. Dealing with all of it was secondary now.
"Happened that your mother was not just a very powerful witch, but also... Not a very good-natured one. She was wicked and vile, feared by hundreds.... When the Supreme back then found out about her having a daughter she knew she had to act."
"A Supreme is a worldwide status recognized among the community of witches descended from the Salem Witch Trials. In other words, you could say that the Supreme is the queen of the witches." Myrtle explained before you could make the question. "Supremacy does not last solely with one witch, as with time the next generation's Supreme will be born and the former Supreme's powers will begin to pass on to their successor. As a result, while the new Supreme flowers, the life force of the former regnant gradually fades, their immune system facing a rapid decline in the form of multiple organ failures, disease, diabetes, and cancer until their inevitable death."
"One of the reasons you had to be taken away from your mother was that knowing the way she was and how she used to act, the most likely thing would have been for her to kill you at the slightest hint of you being more powerful than her, which will probably happen. We couldn't risk losing you and your abilities, but also we couldn't let you turn into her. With the powers you have that would have been very dangerous." Cordelia sounded as if what she was saying was the most reasonable thing, but for you, it was not.
"So... Either I would have been killed by my own mother or I would have turned into her?"
"A worse version of her." Myrtle corrected. "And she was already hateful and bad darling." Ignoring the ginger haired woman's last words, you looked at Cordelia to throw another question.
"How did I end up under Venable's wing?"
"That's the blurriest part of the story. We didn't take part directly on all of this, but according to what it's known when you were taken away from your mother she didn't stay still of course, and swore she would find you so not only we had to keep you ignorant to your powers and your origin but any possible way of finding you had to be blocked as well so everyone could be sure that your mother wouldn't be able to find you. How did you end up with Venable? That's something I really have no idea about. We don't know who was in charge to choose who would be taking care of you."
"So my real mother is dead?" Cordelia just nodded with her head and by the way she averted her gaze and how she didn't answered with words you could tell that she hadn't died by natural causes. Quick and indistinct images flashed inside your head for a second which showed you a dark haired woman being attacked. It was all very quick, but you didn't need much to understand what was what you had just seen and the other three witches there with you realized what had just happened to you but didn't say a word about it. "Okay, so what now?" Cordelia and Myrtle got slightly surprised at your lack of sentiment or any emotion since you had just found out how the woman that had raised you was not your real mom and how the one that was no longer lived thanks to a brutal attack. Also, the fact that you didn't ask about the pictures that had appeared on your head was another bewildering factor.
"Well, we're here for you as well as for the other three witches. We can help you as your powers grow, cause you're going to start feeling a lot of changes all of a sudden.." Cordelia explained knowing that this was going to be the most delicate part.
"Excuse me but..." You started taking your hand away from hers. "I've never needed anyone and I don't think I'm starting now." They were losing you, at least that's the immediate thought Cordelia had, but the truth was, they never had you, no one ever really did. You stood up from the couch but before you could start walking the other three witches also stood up.
"I understand that you think that way Y/N, but this is more than you can handle for yourself. We just want to help you." Cordelia kept going, but the situation didn't feel like they wanted to help, in that exact moment you were starting to feel caged by them and the anger that provoked in you was felt in your next words.
"Really? How?" You asked with cynicism filling your voice. "Because I get it, you could help me dealing with them and teaching me how to control them, but I also know how this works and how you would tell me what can or I cannot do with them. You'd try to create my own nature, choose it for me."
"Nature can be something you born with, but also something you can choose." Myrtle said.
"Exactly, and that's what I want to do; choose it by myself, away from any influence."
"And do you think it's going to be that way with Michael?" Myrtle asked with an amused smile.
"Maybe, I don't know. By what he's told me this far he doesn't seem to want to control me. Perhaps I'm being a fool, who knows, but for the first time in a long time I'm starting to feel freedom, and I like it. Whatever that has to happen it'll be because I've chosen it, and I'll deal with the consequences myself, but tonight's making a difference and I won't let anything stay the same way as before."
"Look, you don't need to choose us, nor him. Neither you have to come with us, just know that we're here in case you need us. We don't leave a sister alone." Surprisingly Cordelia was able to calm you down with her words and her touch once again, but just when you were starting to feel relaxed and asking yourself if you should trust Cordelia or not, Madison went on a little tantrum.
"What? No! We can't let her choose, we all know what will happen." She stated to Cordelia before turning to look at you. "Look bitch, this is very easy, you have to come with us, no choice for the little newborn witch. Your freedom is done." As Cordelia and Myrtle looked at her in a reproving way even if part of them agreed on what Madison was saying, what you gave her was a true death glare. In a blink of an eye, Madison was kneeling on the floor, sustaining her weight on one hand so she wouldn't fall to the floor as the other one was on her chest; her body leaning forward as her eyes watered when she found herself unable to breath, the blood on her veins was literally boiling. Myrtle and Cordelia quickly kneeled and put her hands on Madison's back and shoulders.
"Y/N stop." Cordelia asked looking at Madison, just like you were doing. "Y/N stop it now!" She commanded this time and once your eyes went from Madison to her with your face still showing no emotion, Madison was able to breathe once again.
"How long have you had your powers for?" Myrtle asked, her voice sounding absolutely confused but amazed at the same time.
"You mean since the necklace broke?" You asked looking at the ginger-haired woman who stared back at you. "Not even an hour." Cordelia and Myrtle shared a bewildered and concerned stare as Madison raised her eyes to look at you, the first tear running down her cheek. "I don't like to be talked in such bad manners Madison."
"I was waiting for you." Michael's voice sounded in his room as soon as you entered without knocking, you were sure he was not going to mind it. The blonde man was sitting on his desk, so he was giving you his back as he closed the book he had been reading until you arrived.
"I'm pretty sure about that." A sided smile appeared on your lips as you closed the door. When you turned to him again he was already looking at you, turned on his chair from where he was about to stand up until you started walking towards that spot. Instead of standing in front of him you took the liberty of sitting on his desk. As his eyes followed every move you made his elbow rested on the desk and his hand approached his face, but he didn't rested his face on his hand, his fingers got slightly covered by his blonde locks of hair. With your eyebrows raised, you looked at him, waiting for his question, but it was never made. "You're not going to ask how it went?" A small snort was made by him as he smiled and his other hand traveled to one of your legs, followed by his eyes. His hand ended up resting on your tight, the one that was closer to him. His thumb started to caress the fabric of the spot it was on top of but you could feel his touch on your skin, and even with the fabric in between his hand and your tight, you could feel that burning sensation Michael seemed to always detach.
"I don't need to." He simply answered before looking back at you.
"Of course you don't need to." Those words were more for yourself than they were for him. Certainly he knew how it had gone as he knew everything else without having to ask. "Can I trust you?" That question caught him off guard, but he was good at concealing things, and this was no exception. The words the witches told you had made their spot on your brain, something Michael suspected would happen, but he also understood that you didn't trust him completely yet and after all, the witches were the ones that had told you the whole truth, but that was nothing he didn't know would happen. Actually, that was the way everything had to happen. Michael stood up from the chair this time, only to be standing next to you, without any space left between the two of you since your body turned to his. One of his hands rested on the desk right next to you, his fingertips touching the fabric of your dress that was resting on the surface of the desk. His other hand went to your face to let two of his fingers go over your cheek, leaving that ardent sensation on your skin.
"Can I trust you?" That question being returned to you made you realize. You were not the only one who was putting herself at risk by trusting him. He had also decided to save and trust you and maybe you would stop being by his side at some point, perhaps your ideas and point of view would change and that could make you two take different paths but Michael's bets were on you as yours were on him.
"I guess we're on the same spot here." Your right hand went to the dark magenta velvet jacket he was wearing, to one of the lapels to be more specific, and grabbing that, you pushed him into you. Now his hot breath was being released on your lips as these opened slightly. Both of you were looking at each other's lips almost hungrily.
"And I hope we are for a long, long time." He whispered in such a low voice it took you a few seconds to actually understand what he had just said, but once you did a small smile appeared on your lips as the grip you had on the lapel of his jacket became tighter. Without thinking about it for a second, you erased the limited space between you two and crashed your lips onto his. Michael didn't waste time on kissing you back as the hand that had been next to your face traveled to your back, and once again, thanks to your back being exposed and him putting his palm on your skin, the burning sensation felt even incandescent as he took advantage of the position of his hand to push you even more onto his body. Both of those things almost made you moan on his mouth. As your hand reached his face and grabbed his jaw as your lips kept moving in sync he leaned forward, making you lose balance, but his arm around your waist, his hand on your back and the hand you placed on top of the desk to maintain your equilibrium kept you on place. The situation would have gone further if you hadn't needed air. "Both of us are going to do great things, I'm sure." Michael said on your lips once the kiss broke and you knew that behind those words, there was a huge meaning you didn't fully understand yet, but you were looking forward to discover.

ℂ𝕆𝔻𝕐 𝔽𝔼ℝℕ 𝔸ℍ𝕊:𝕀𝕄𝔸𝔾𝕀ℕ𝔼𝕊Where stories live. Discover now