2-Friends don't kiss me like you do

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Harry woke up after a good night's sleep just to realize that he was the little spoon again. Louis was laying behind him, pressed against his body. Louis's arm was wrapped around him and his nose was nuzzled in the back of his neck. Harry really loved waking up like this, being the little spoon. He closed his eyes again to drift off but something hard was poking his behind and his cheeks flushed red when he realized what that something was. He tried to scooch away from Louis's morning erection which woke Louis from his sleep.

"What are... oh! Sorry, Hazza!" Louis let go of Harry and rolled to his back.

Harry chuckled before he turned around to look at a flushed Louis.
"Don't worry about it Boo. Good morning."

"Good morning Haz." Louis gave him a shy smile, still embarrassed.

Harry found him absolutely adorable. That's totally normal to think stuff like that about your best mate? Right? Harry wasn't so sure about that but decided to ignore it.
"What do you wanna do today Lou?"

Louis let out a cute yawn and stretched his arms over his head before answering. Harry silently cursed himself for the 'Louis is cute when he yawns' thought.

"We still have a few days off. I feel like clubbing tonight. We haven't done that in ages. What do you say?"

"Why not? Let's call the boys."
Harry leaned over Louis to fetch his phone. He placed a quick kiss on Louis's forehead before he laid back on his back again. He turned to face Louis who was watching him with sparkling eyes and pink cheeks.

"Let's facetime Liam."

They put their heads closer together so they both would be seen on the screen before Harry called Liam. He answered on the third ring.

"Hi, Harry... oh and Louis. In bed together I see?" Liam smirked.

"They are? Oooo, let me see." Niall came into the frame grinning.

Louis rolled his eyes.
"Shut up guys! We fell asleep last night watching a movie." Louis didn't really know why he felt the need to explain himself. Obviously, nothing happened.

"Right. So what's up?" Liam asked with a smile.

"We were just wondering if you guys want to go clubbing with us tonight?" Harry answered.

"Woohoo! Beer!" Niall shouted excited.

"I guess that answered your question. I'll call Zayn." Liam laughed.

"Cool! Come to our place at six for pre-drinks?" Louis asked and then turned to Harry. "We need to go grocery shopping today Hazzabear."

"How domestic of you." Niall teased. Louis just rolled his eyes and Harry smiled fondly. They hung up the phone with a "see you later."

"So, grocery shopping huh?" Harry asked and nudged Louis's shoulder with his own.

"Yeah, well Niall is coming over. Better be prepared." Louis winked and got out of the bed. "Make me breakfast Haz."

Harry laughed and jumped out of bed to get dressed so he could oblige. Louis went to his room to get ready.

After a nice, long breakfast they got inside the car to do some shopping. They decided to spend some time in the mall before they headed to the grocery store. Louis held Harry's hand when they got out of the car and walked into the mall and Harry didn't complain. He liked the feeling of Louis's small hand in his own, larger one.

They spent two hours walking around in different stores, laughing and enjoying each other's company. A couple of fans came up to talk to them but they were left alone for most of the time and they appreciated being by themself. They ate lunch at McDonald's before they went back to the car holding a couple of shopping bags with some new t-shirts they bought for each other. Louis had found one for Harry first that he told him he would look sexy in before he ran to the register to pay for it.

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