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The future is always brighter than the past (Anon)

One by one each of them began introducing themselves and tried to put into words why they want this project to succeed.

Nancy smiled as Jim stood and began to speak. Inside she wanted to know who he was and everything about this tall handsome guy who kept looking at her in a very disarming way. 

"As you all know, my name is Jim. I work in a science lab and find that not as challenging as I thought it would be. When I saw this ad in the paper I thought maybe I could make a difference in the lives of people who have a need. I am 31 years old. Never married." 

This last phrase said while staring into Nancy's eyes. She felt the blood rush to her face as she tried unsuccessfully to hide behind a tissue.

WIth a wan smile Jim continued, "I spent two years in the army and am not adverse to roughing it. I was raised in the midwest on a farm and this is another reason I am interested in moving to a rural area where I might be of some help." 

As he sat a mousey short woman stood and said, "My name is Cloe. I spent my whole life in the city. I have a master's degree in botany and I worked in the city's botanical gardens. Since finding out about this job I studied about the people and their lives and the plants that grow in this area. I will plan to put this not only to use as I teach in the school but plan also to help with the cultivation of edible plants. I realized that I can help everyone, myself included, economically. And like Nancy I do not like city life. I have been mugged and robbed several times and can not wait to leave. But unlike Nancy all I can offer is myself."

Then turning to Nancy she added, "I think I speak for everyone here when we say thank you for making all this possible. Not only for each of us but also for the children and their families." This was met with a chorus of agreement. To which Nancy just nodded her head in everyone's direction. And  small wave of dismissal as if this were an everyday occurance with her. When in fact she was terrified and did her best not to show it.

The attendants began bringing out the trays of food for dinner. The trays were filled with a wide variety of food items and Nancy said, "Thus far, we have not discovered if anyone has any dietary restrictions or preferences. So as you can see we have covered everything from pure vegan, to non-gluten, to pure carnivore. So please help yourselves as we continue to introduce ourselves. We have about one-hour flying time left."

Once their plates were filled a tall red-haired woman of middle age began to talk. "My name is Rose. My husband of twelve years left me and I have to confess that I am doing this partly to escape. But I worked at an actuary for an insurance company and am ready to help start a bank and teach money management. I am also hoping to begin small businesses where the students and adults can begin to form small companies selling their products."

Nest two middle aged women stood up. A tall thin woman with greying hair spoke, "My name is Susan and this is my sister Helen. You might have noticed that she has not spoken since we all have met this is because she is deaf.' With that Susan began to move her hands rapidly using sign language to tell Susan what was being said. Nancy had noticed this before but had not connected this to Helen's handicap. "I have two master's degrees", continue susan, 'One in art history and the other in world and American history. She continued to sign as she continued. "Helen teaches, or I should say taught, at te handicap school and we have decided that our skills could be put to better use in places other than in the city."

Nancy stood and said, "Thank you all for sharing. When the plane lands we will be going to a nearby hotel for the night before the bus ride tomorrow to Woodsman Hollow. As far as I know  everything is  almost ready for our living places. The buildings we will be needing while we live there should be finished in two weeks. These are modular so the parts are just being transported to the sites. I have taken the liberty of ordering and placing personal items that I think you might need into your rooms. I hope you do not mind. If you find you need something else please do not hesitate to find me and ask."

Then turning to Susan and Helen she said, "I did not know about Hele's handicap.' As she said this Susan signed to Helen. Nancy continued, "I had the pilot radio ahed to make sure that you both will be staying in the same room and these arrangements will be done by tomorrow. If there is any problem with this let me know."

Helen looked up at Nancy, smiled and in a slow halting voice said, "Thank you. You are very kind." Then both Susan and Nancy hugged her as the pilot come on the intercom and announced their descent was starting as the attendants cleared away the lunch dishes.

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