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To be or not to be ... (Shakespeare)

Nancy stood with her parents at their front door with two small suitcases at her side. Her mother's eyes were moist but she would not cry. Her father stood as usual straight and tall and stoic. Nancy leaned and repeated, "It is not necessary for you to see me off at the airport. I  just  will be meeting the others and leaving. We will say our goodbyes now." 

With that she leaned forward, kissed her mother's cheeks and hugged her father. Nancy picked up her suitcases, opened the door, and walked to the elevator without looking back. But she could sense their eyes following her and watching as she entered the elevator.

At the street level she handed her bags to the driver and got in the waiting limo. With one last look at the marble facade of the only home she had ever known the car began to move down the street. She sighed both from sadness and for the excitement that she hoped would wait for her in Woodsman Hollow. In her mind she repeat Hallar several times.

Forty minutes later Nancy stood on the runway reserved for private planes and greeted the others who looked at her with suspicion before turning their attention to the gleaming white two engine jet plane that waited for them to board. Two men in pilot's uniforms and two attendants stood a the entrance stairs to the plane. One man and one woman dressed in dark grey uniforms. 

Cora broke the silence by asking, "What is all this?"

Nancy just smiled and told everyone to get on board and that she would try to explain everything once they were on their way.

The interior of the plane was decked out in shades of dove grey and pale rose. All the seats where dark grey leather. Once everyone was seated and buggled in they could hear the muffled sound of the engines being started and then the plane began to taxi toward the runway and their new lives.

Once airborne Nancy unbuckled her seat and stood in front and said, "Please do not place all this in front of you as a thing that would keep me from being your friend. It is not my plane but belongs to a family friend. Everything you might need is on board all you need is to ask one of the attendants. My parents are rather wealthy. Not because they did anything but my grandfather had a few inventions, that I will not and cannot discuss, that made a pile of money. But investing my father was able to make this grow. But that is not why we are here and not why I decided to join this project."

She paused as the attendants began to ask if anyone would like some refreshments before lunch would be served. Once the orders were taken and they went into the galley area Nancy continued, "Having money is useless unless it can be put to some worthwhile project. and since I am president of my foundation I am putting my resources to use where we are going. "

Just then the pilot came on the intercom and announced, "we have reached our cruising altitude and there should be no trouble while on route. I hope everyone enjoys the flight."

Nancy smiled and looked into the faces of her companions. One by one they all reintroduced themselves and told why they were going with them. Nancy kept her eyes fixed on Jim who seemed to be a little too quiet. But whenever their eyes met they seemed to lock onto each other and she felt a strange stirring inside her. She brushed this off as jitters due to the adventure that lay ahead for her. At least this is what she tried to convince herself.

"One more thing, She began once everyone had a chance to talk, "I do not want anyone to ever think just because money has been made available and certain strings had been pulled in order to get everything ready not only for us but for the community where we are going that I am in anyway in charge of anything. I am an employee of the school system just like the rest of us. And I hope that we all will work as a total team in making a difference where we are going."

Then she added with a laugh, "Down to the Hallar". This relaxed everyone as drinks and snacks were handed out.

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