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Cora placed a large map on a table and asked everyone to gather round as she pointed to a small area. Her finger rested on the name next to a dot - Woodmans Hollow. "Down there we call it Woodin's Hallar." She drew out the final "r". 

She continued as she pulled out a small collection of photos. These showed a brand new school building and several children standing stiffly in front of it near some playground equipment. Another photo showed Cora standing next to a grey-haired older woman and a young man. Cora said, "this is Wilma and her son Michael. She is the acting principal and he is the school's maintenance person. Other than myself and Grace we are the whole faculty. This is why we have come here to see if we can find anyone willing to live there and help us. But I must say this. There is no money for salaries. It is all volunteering until we can get started. However, you will be furnished with a house and meals."

Nancy stared at the two women in disbelief. Go and work for nothing. She was about to stand and leave the room.

Butt she stood anyway and said, "I am going to leave the room but I will be back. I am intrigued by what you have told me. But I need to make a few phone calls it will take me about fifteen minutes. I will return." With that she walked out already dialing on her phone.

Cora and Grace stood there looking at each other. It was Grace who spoke first, "I wonder what she is doing? But let's take a short break until she returns." Adding under her breath, "if she ever does."

True to her word and to the astonishment of everyone in the room, Nancy returned with a half smile on her face.

She sat with the others and said, "You do not know me from a hole in the ground. And you do not need to know much about me for the immediate future. But what I need to know from the other applicants is are we all going down to this Hallar place?" She drew out hallar with an exaggeration before continuing. "I spent a few minutes talking with my parents and then with my foundation advisor. While she was not too keen on my decision it is my decision to use the foundation I have set up. I will fund whatever is needed for three years at the school. After that time we will see how we are doing. I must add I am to be treated as any other employee. No more and no less. I intend to go there and do whatever I can to be of help. I have lived in this awful city hoping for some chance to escape and it falls in my lap."

Looking at the other applicants and at Cora and Grace. who by the way had shocked looks on their faces. She asked them all," Are you going with me?'

They all said yes.

And Nancy asked, "When do we leave?"

Nancy looked around the room and said, "How about we all plan to meet at the airport's terminal J in three weeks?"

Then she turned to Cora and Garace and said,  "I have made arrangements for the two of you to stay here for as long as you need and I will stop by each day to discuss plans and progress."

With that she picked up her purse and walked out of the room saying that she had several things to do and people to meet today before letting everyone know what is happening.

After she left the others stood as if dumb struck staring at the closed door.

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