The host turned to Louis instead. Harry was off the hook.
"What about you Louis, are you gonna return the favour or are you going with Zayn? Or Liam? Niall?

"Eeeeh, I have to pick one?"

Before he could stop himself Harry answered.
"You can have one for the day and one for the night."

Louis seemed to like the idea.
"That's a good one. So I would... oooch."

"No pressure." Harry mumbled, feeling a bit...something, he didn't know what.

Louis let out a short laugh before he continued.
"I would take, this is good..." He smirked. "I take Zayn for the day, 'cause I don't think I'll be able to, ehm, handle him at night."

The boys all started laughing before Louis continued once more.
"And I take Harry for the night."

Harry beamed.
"Thanks, man!"

Louis smirked again.
"I would still be struggling to handle him."

That statement made Harry let out a loud laugh and he quickly covered his mouth.

After a few questions more the interview was finally over and the boys thanked the host for having them before they walked out of the studio. Louis came up beside Harry and put his arm around his waist. Harry threw his arm around Louis's shoulders in return. Louis turned his head towards Harry and wiggled his eyebrows.
"I guess you're mine for the night now Hazza."

Harry played along with an ironic smile.
"I thought you couldn't handle me for the night?"

'Well, we'll have to see about that." Louis replied with an eyebrow raised and Harry couldn't help but blush and bite his lower lip.

Louis just laughed and ruffled Harry's curls before he let go of him.
"Race you outside Curly!" He shouted before he started to run for the exit. Harry laughed and chased after him.

Liam, Niall and Zayn watched them run away in amusement.
"Those two." Liam chuckled.

"Yeah." Zayn answered, knowing exactly what Liam was referring to.

Niall just smiled fondly.
"So, how long until they confess their undying love for each other?"

Liam shook his head.
"They're too oblivious."

Zayn snorted.
"Yeah, but I think Harry is getting there."

"Oh my God! It's so adorable when he blushes!" Niall squealed.

"They are both fucking adorable." Zayn answered.


"Hazza! I'm bored! Entertain me!" Louis whined when he came into Harrys room and flopped down on his bed.

Harry looked up from the book he was reading with a dimpled smile and Louis immediately reached over to poke one of his dimples. Harry slapped his hand away and Louis grinned. He put the book away and focused his attention on the boy beside him.

"What do you want to do then?"

Louis started to tap a finger on his chin. "Hmmm..." He pondered before he shouted "This!" and threw himself on top of Harry to give him a hickey.

Harry squealed and tried to push the smaller boy off him unsuccessfully but he couldn't help but shiver from the feeling of Louis lips and tongue on the side of his neck.
Louis took his time making a purple bruise on Harry's neck and he looked very proud of his accomplishment when he finally had marked Harry. He gave his best mate a huge grin when he sat up again.

"Are you feeling proud of yourself now Louis? Why do you give me hickies all the time? They're hard to try and cover up when we're in public!" Harry whined.

Louis scratched the back of his neck and pouted his lower lip before answering.
"It's just for fun Haz. Relax!"

"Then you won't mind if I return the favour?" Harry smirked.

Louis rolled his eyes but tilted his head to the side. Harry attached his lips to the side of his neck and started to suck hard. Louis let out a small gasp and his arms snuck around Harry's shoulders. Harry let go after a while and blew lightly on the purple bruise and Louis shivered. Harry could feel his cheeks turn pink from the intimate position they were in and leaned back on the bed, avoiding eye contact. Louis cleared his throat before speaking.

"Well, that was... ehm... So, what now? Wanna watch a movie?"

Harry smiled again, glad that the slightly awkward situation seemed to be over. Giving each other hickies? Who does that?

"Absolutely! Here or in the living room?"

"Here! I'm just gonna change into something more comfortable. I'll be right back. Choose a movie in the meantime." Louis jumped off the bed and hurried to his room.

Harry dragged a hand through his hair with a sigh before he went over to his DVD collection and picked out Love actually. He stripped out of his jeans and socks but left his boxers and t-shirt on. He went to the bathroom connected to his bedroom to take a wee and to brush his teeth. He stared at his reflection in the mirror and wondered what the hell he was doing? Why did he act the way he did around his best friend? He was lost in thoughts when Louis called for him from the bedroom.
"Come on Hazzabear! Hurry up! I'm cold! Snuggle me!"

Harry chuckled and shook his head a bit. He wasn't the only one who acted affectionally and a little more than in just a friendly way. But this was how they had always been with each other and he loved it.

Harry entered his bedroom with a soft smile on his lips and found Louis laying under his covers waiting for him. He put the DVD in and fetched the remote before he climbed into bed to snuggle his best friend. Louis immediately scooched closer to him and put his head on Harry's chest with a sigh, throwing an arm over his torso. Harry hugged him closer and pressed play on the remote. He rested his chin on top of Louis's head and relaxed. Soon they both fell asleep in each other's arms, like they usually did.

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