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"Well Elleina, take a seat make your self comfortable" we both made our way back into my office, as much as I wanted to take her back to my place I also want her to feel comfortable, "do you have any questions to ask me or if you want we can just continue our conversation" I took a seat in my chair and look at her, admiring her beauty, also her beautiful body, it was like she was unintentionally but intentionally trying to tease me. I sat there looking at her and how from time to time as she would adjust herself her skirt would come up just a bit more evertime, on how as her eyes wonder around she bites her bottom lip. "ummm... actually I don't, well not yet to be honest, I mean they just gave us the assignment so" her eyes came back and landed straight to mind, "just asks me questions from the top of your head" as I told her and she agree she got her phone and began recording, "Mr. Parker.... how is someone so young be this sucessful?" i've heard that question being ask to be many times by everyone, "well Ms. Stark since I was a kid my aunt and I would always had a hard time since we didnt have enought money and once I was introduce as a avenger, thanks to your father, people began to take me seriously and not just like a kid, so from there on and with the help of Mr. Stark I created this" I said as the memories of my childhoon with aunt May came rushing in, on how much we both had to go to just make it out one day at a time. "well, what made you 'retired' from being spider-man, from being in the avengers? With the knowledge that I have about the avengers, they are still active some not as much as others but they are still there, how can the youngest avenger already had retired", "well like I said my company started rising up and we all aren't Tony Stark, so as my company began to rise up I decided to focus on it and I'm not retired from the avengers, its just simply a break" for her to not have questions ready she seems like she knew what to ask, "well hasn't that break already lasted a bit of time? I mean you started your company when you were 19 you're now 22, its been 3 years of your absents, is there maybe some bad blood between you and some people from there" where are this questions coming from, her more than anyone knows about the avengers, "im sorry Ms. Stark but what the fuck was that question? you more than any one knows about the avengers, you more than any one knows the whole deal with the avengers, and you're telling me that if theres 'bad blood', if your father was here I'm sure he wouldn't tolerate you saying stuff like that, and I would've agreed with him" its quite upsetting to hear that, as I kept talking with her and made my way to her making her stand up from the chair and pinning her agains the wall I could see she was nervous, her chest going up and down as her breath became loud and unsteady, at that moment the urge of just kissing her was more present than ever. "fuck it" I grab her wrists and pull them on top of her head, and planted my lips agains her, it didnt take much time for her to kiss back, my hand roming her expose thight and slowly making it's way more and more higher, soft moans escaping her mouth. I carry her and she wrapped her legs around my waist as I took her to my desk, I sat her there wasting no time, I took her shirt off and her bra off revealing her perfect upper body, her beautiful curves showing and her beautiful perfect size breast. I began to rub and massage her right breast as I put the other one in my mouth making circles againt her nipple with my tongue, her moans began to come out more frequently and louder as I kept going. Her hands making her way to my tie taking it off same as my suit and shirt, I could tell she was looking at my body her hands brushing agains my abs as they made there way to my belt, as she was in the process of it, a knock was heard in the door making us stop, we quickly change and made my way to my chair, "come in" I said as she was done adjusting her shirt, "sorry to interrupt Mr. Parker but Mr. Stark is downstairs, he was wondering if he could talk to you about the project", "tell him to come up." "well, umm.... that my que for me to head out, thank you Mr. Parker - Peter, for answering some questions, I'll let you know when I finish writing them out so we can have a umm... proper interview, have a good day and thank you for lunch" I love when she gets all nervous it just makes her seem more fragile, "dont worry about a thing Elleina, I look forward to the interview, maybe we continue this another day not far from today, have a great day darling" I walk her out of my offcie and whisper to her that last part making her tense up. I close the door and waited for Tony to get here, as I was looking around the office I saw Elleina's bra under the chair she was seating on, as I quickly got it Tony came in into my office, "well Peter, I guess you had a little fun before I came inside, even left a little souvenir I see" I went along with Tony's joke and toss the bra across the office, ah Tony if only you knew that 'my little fun' was your daughter, you would kill me in this instead and not be telling jokes.

Elleina's POV

      Did that just happened, with him, with Peter Parker, Mr. Parker, does were my thoughts, not only did it happened but I didn't stop meaning he knows that I want it that to happened, great. I went to the restroom and fix my makeup and my hair, as I was looking at myself in my mirror I still couldn't believe what happened, then I just remember that I had told Aaron to take the rest of the day off which meant that I had no way back to my condo, I want it to go back and ask Peter but I couldn't, my dad was there. I was fixing my clothes when I notice that I was missing my bra, great, not only did I have to go back there and face Peter but I have to go over there and get my bra back and ask him for a ride and greet my dad without me having a bra, just wonderful. I finally decided to take the courage and go back to his office, I knock before I heard Peter answer to come in. "hi Mr. Parker, sorry to-" I pretended as if I just had come in into his building and acting shocked as I saw my dad there, "Elleina? what are you doing here?" my dad turn his head at the sound of my voice and Peter with a confusing face, "hi dad, sorry if im interrupting something, I just came because I had a queston to ask Mr. Parker but I'll wait outside until you're finish", "its okay Elle, Peter and I were just finishing, what were you going to ask him?" really, he had to stay here and wait for me to ask him, his fatherly side comes out in the worst events ever. "well today in school they gave me my first part of my final exam and its to do a interview about someone that has or has had experience in a big industry and I was hoping of course if Mr. Parker doesn't mind if he would be okay if I do it about him. I mean I have done almost all my papers about you dad and your company plus I know you're extremely busy right now so" I turn my head to Peter in hope of him going along with my story I wasn't exactly going to tell my father that I came her for my bra and for a ride back home, "I would love to Ms. Stark, of course if there's not a problem with you Tony ill help her", "of course Peter go ahead, no problem at all, plus like Elleina said I am busy with remodeling the new avengers tower and all, and Peter...... call her Elleina, you're practically the same age" as much I was enjoy this moment I needed my dad to leave, I'm trying to go home already.

"came back for me I see Elleina" Peter said chuckling and walking in the direction of his fireplace, " I think this belong to you, may I say they are cute but I think next time go with something more sexy or maybe even without one" he threw them at me and gave me a wink, "the reason I came here is because I kinda of need a ride back home" I turn around and put my bra as quickly as I could, "sure no problem, lets go" as I was about almost done in fixing my bra and shirt Peter whisper in my ear making me get goosebumps.

Finally I arrive to my condo complex, as I was about to leave Peter's car he grab my wrist making me seat again, "im going to be out of town for the next 2 days so when I get back I'm expecting for you to have your questions ready, okay elleina, if not theres going to be serious problem if you don't do as I say" did he just order me, and why would there be 'serious problems', "sure dont worry Peter ill have them ready" I got out of the car and almost ran inside my building, right now all I needed was to be alone, I needed time to process what just happened today. I unlock my door and set everything down and made sure to lock my door, I made my way to my restroom and I turn on the bathtub, all I want it to do was to relax, as I enter my room and grab a big over size shirt ,my phone got a notification, today was interesting to say the lest, maybe we'll have more days like this, goodnight elleina. I didn't even bother to answer back, right now I needed to get Peter Parker out of my head, the rest of the night I just relax and headed to bed, I found myself scrolling through the internet looking for information about Peter. I decided to put my phone down and watch a movie, as I was drifting to sleep I heard my phone get a notification, leaving me on read, not a smart move, this for sure deserve a punishment, what was he talking about. What do you mean 'a punishment' Peter?, I send him the msassage and he left me on read, damn, I just decided to ignore him and I went back to sleep.
I've been so busy since I'm taking a important test in less than a week and I have really study plus I'm stress and overthinking about stuff that I shouldn't, so this is the last chapter I have ready, I have chapter 4 but I need to edit it and I don't know when I'm going to get around probably after thanksgiving, but hopefully you all are enjoy the story so far

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