There was a yell that sounded familiar to me. I ran in the direction of the yell to find Thor on the ground with an infected on top of him. I gripped the jacket of the infected and ripped him away. Standing, I stared into it's eyes before pushing him away. A spray of blood came form his head and he dropped. I looked behind me to see Thor with his pistol up.

Quickly, he got to his feet, "Max. What the hell are you doing out here?"

"I have a plan." I nodded, "Don't worry. Just, stay alive and stay away from me."

Before Thor could question me more, I ran towards the broken barrier. As I ran, I pushed zombies away from people, making them follow me or give the people enough time to put a bullet in the infected's head. My feet ached as I braced myself against the wall of the alleyway. I looked to the fight. Even with the small group with me near the alley, the people of the Homestead were still outnumbered.

"Hey!" I yelled out to the infected.

Nothing happened. My voice couldn't carry over the fight. People were getting overpowered and taken to the ground. My heartbeat quickened and I felt the heat behind my eyes. At first, I try to push it away, but I slowly let my guard down. If I were to control them, I should let it happen.


Closing my eyes, I breathed in and out. The heat spread throughout my body and entered my lungs. I inhaled deeply and opened my eyes to yell.

"Listen to me!" My voice bellowed across the lot, shaking the car next to me. My fist slammed down onto it, crumpling the hood underneath. "Now!"

All at once, the infected paused and turned their heads to me. That gave people enough time to shoot some. The rest started to sway my way, slowly. People stopped and watched in wonder as they all came to me. I pointed to the alleyway and the infected filed into the alley and out to the woods. There, they stood, staring at me.

I looked back to see all of the infected in the alleyway, only the people left out in the lot. They all scrambled to the wounded and dead. Turning back to the infected, I rose a hand.

"Uhm, stay." I stood for a moment and watched them. They stayed at the forest, swaying and standing at attention. I nodded, "Good."

Turning back, I saw Thor and Hawkeye jogging my way. Disbelief formed on their faces as they stared at the horde staying behind me. Hawkeye raised his rifle to me, eyeing the horde behind me. I rose my hands and watch them approach cautiously. The heat sizzled down inside of me.

"What the fuck was that, Max?" Hawkeye demanded, "How did you do that?"

"Blame Grimes." Was all I could say, panting. My knees buckled softly and I caught myself against the car, crushing the hood more.

"Max." Thor came to me and helped me back on my feet, "That was phenomenal!"

A groan came form one of the infected and it took a step towards us. Hawkeye quickly put a bullet in it's head and that caused the others to stir. He put down too more and they all started to us.

"No!" I held up a hand, causing the horde to freeze. I also held a hand up to Hawkeye, "Please. Stop. Don't provoke them. They'll stay."

"You want these parasites to stay alive?" Hawkeye scoffed.

I shook my head, "More will come. I can control them. Just hold on for a damn sec. Jesus."

Thor steadied me and I gently pushed away from him. Giving the infected one last look, I started off towards the lot to help others. There was crying and yelling. It echoed in my ears as my eyes scanned the faces of others. None were Steve or anyone else that I knew.

Blonde hair flashed to my left and I looked over to see Steve dropping to his knees. On the ground next to him was a body. As I got closer, I saw that it was Amelia. Gasping, she held at her side as blood seeped into her clothes.

"Amelia!" Steve exclaimed, holding his hands over her and moving as if she wasn't quite sure what to do. He looked up to me with pleading eyes. "Max. What do I- What do I do?"

I knelt next to him and reached for her shirt. Slowly, I lifted it up to see scratches, deep into her flesh. Black blood speckled her skin and mixed with her own blood.

"Max..." Amelia gasped softly and took my arm, making me look up at her, "Max, please, don't let me-"

She coughed aggressively, blood speckling her lips as he body convulsed. Gently, I put a hand under her knees and another under her head. I lifted her from the ground, causing her to groan.

"Hold the wound." I told her as I started off towards the hospital.

Steve kept up with me, "Max...Max, she's-"

"I know." I nodded, "I know, but we need to do something."

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