Chapter 3

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The next day was school. You woke up extra early and got ready. You wanted to wake up early so you could pass by Sebastian's house since you left your favorite hoodie there yesterday. You knocked. No answer. That's weird, you thought. You knocked again. A gust of wind blew. You shivered. "I really need that sweater" you muttered under your breath. You remember that the door opens if you jiggle it while pushing up. So you try that and it opens. You go inside, being careful not to bring attention to yourself as you went up the stairs. Everything was quiet. You spotted your red sweater and grabbed it. But as you were leaving you step on one of Mateo's legos. "Owwww!" You scream then quickly cover your mouth. No one seemed to hear you. Phew. You quietly walked to the door. "STOP RIGHT THERE INTRUDER!" You screamed and turned around. There stood Oliver with a pan pointing to my face. "Y/n? What are you doing here?" He dropped the pan. "Shh....I just came here to get my sweater". You turned around to walk away. Oliver grabbed your shoulder. "Wait don't go." He grabs your hand and takes you upstairs. You enter his room and he locks the door. "What the f—- Oli?!" He shushes you. "Calm down. I just want you to stay here for a while". You sit on his bed. "Then why'd you lock the door?" He smirks, and comes to sit next to you. " Cuz I didn't want anyone to come in on us". I opened my mouth to say, "What do you mean?" But then he kissed me. His lips were soft and you kissed him back. He continues to kiss you on the bed, him on top of you, you stroking his hair. Our lips separate and he smiles. "W-why did you". He kissed me again. "Because I like you". Your eyes widen. "Y-you what?" His smile disappears. "You didn't know?" You shake your head no, still shocked. He gets off you and sits beside you. There is an awkward silence. "Do you like me?" He says. You sit there not knowing what do you, or what to say. " Seb." You wait for his reaction but he doesn't say a word. He gets off the bed and turns his back from you. You want to cry. When Oliver doesn't talk you know somethings wrong. You get off the bed and start walking towards the door. "Hey y/n?" Oli says without looking up at you. "Yes?" He looks up at you smiling with tears in his eyes. "I love you y/n". And then you leave to go to school. The day went by pretty fast and you FaceTimed Zoe at lunch to tell her everything. "I think you should've been with him", she says. "Seb likes someone else". Your eyes widen. "W-What?" She sighs. "Well that's what he told me about a month ago. But you should still talk to him and tell him how you feel..or else rejecting Oli was for nothing". After school you see Seb talking to some girl. She had black hair with red tips and bangs. She was almost as tall as Seb. She's way prettier than me, you think. You wait until she finally leaves and then you go up to Seb. "Hey y/n" he says with a smile on his face. "H-hi" you say back. Am I really doing this?, you think. " we've been friends for um a long time right?" He shakes his head. "Yea?..". And then you kiss him. Kissing him is different from when you kissed Oliver. His lips were warm and the kiss was more passionate. He pulled away. You stand there staring at your feet. He puts his hand on your shoulder.
"I don't like you like that...I'm sorr-"
"No! No need to be sorry I get that you'll never like me, and we're only meant to be friends". You say with a huge smile. He raises an eyebrow. "Y/n, stop acting like your fine. I'm sorry I really am. Its just that...I like-"
"I know. I saw you too". He looks at you, and his deep chocolate eyes hit you hard. A tear runs down your cheek, and you don't notice until Sebastian wipes it away. He tries going in for a hug, but you push me away. "I-I'm fine Sebastian!" You push him away with such force you didn't even know you had. He falls to the concrete floor, stunned. You start crying even more. "I said I'm fine", you say through tears. He puts his face in his hands and sighs. You walk away, broken-hearted and angry.

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