Chapter 1

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~ two weeks later ~
Jordan POV

"Mom! I can't take Malia to her stinkin orientation! I have plans...yes I have a gig! No it is not stupid! It's my job, and it's what I love. Fine, if I'm taking her to her orientation, I'm bringing her to my gig after."

Jordan hung up her call and tossed her phone across her bed, groaning. Of course her mother had waiting until last minute to ask her to take her sister to her "new" school. Horace Green Prep. What a stuck up, garbage institution. Her years there were enough to turn her fully to anarchism, completely over rules and regulations.

She stood, walking to her dresser since Malia would be there shortly. Changing, she hummed a bit, still trying to work out a chord of that song. Pulling her Jean vest on over her tank top, she also pushed on her beanie. As she walked, she grabbed a small bottle of lotion and put a bit on her hand, then rubbed it into her new tattoo, a snake surrounded with flowers, on her  right forearm.

Just as she buckled her bracelet, a knock sounded on her door.

"It's open, Mali!"

The sound of it opening and closing echoed, and her little sister popped her head in, "I'm ten, stop calling me that! It's a baby name!"

Jordan grabbed her guitar, plugging it in, "I'm 15 years older than you, you are like a baby to me, sis. Now what time is your orientation?"

Malia sat down on Jordan's bed, setting down her backpack, as she spoke. "It's at three. It's 12:30 now."

Slinging her guitar strap over her shoulder, Jordan nodded, "Ok. We leave at 1. I'm getting you lunch, real food not that organic crap Mom makes. Your choice."

She strummed a bit, smiling at Malia, who giggled. "I can't wait to get my ears pierced when I turn 16. Then I can be more like you."

Some more strumming, "Hey, not too much like me. I don't know if Mom could handle that."

Malia laughed again, "Are you writing a new song for tonight?"

Sitting down, Jordan opened her notebook, "No, I went to that concert a few weeks ago and I'm still trying to figure out that song! I love it, and that last chord change is being a bi-a jerk."

Malia hopped off the bed, "Is there piano? Maybe I can help?"

Jordan moved her phone, "I mean there's keyboard, but that's not really the same. You can try."

Malia put in a headphone, "Hmm...E, already have that part...just the very end? B5 A5 G5 E5."

Jordan grinned, strumming the notes as her sister called them out, "Yes! Thank you Malia! You wanna hear the song?"

Her sister nodded, running back over and jumping up on the bed, "Yeah! Rock on, Sis!"

A rough cord came through the amp and Jordan sang out, "When the world has screwed you, and crushed ya in its fist..."

A few minutes later, she finished the song, and Malia clapped, bouncing on the bed. "That was awesome!!"

"Thanks! I'm gonna play it tonight." She took her guitar off, unplugging it and set it in its case.

"So," she flopped down next to her sister, "Horrid Green, huh? They're a pain in the butt."

Malia shrugged, "They're not horrible they just have lots of rules. And also, don't get mad, but mom said to put you down as my guardian. She said you'd pick me up from school then she'd come get me here."

Jordan sat up, "She WHAT?! No! I cant do that, I have a job! I have to be there at six, I can't be waiting around here for Mother to come get you, and I'm certainly not taking you to the bar! Oh my gosh I can't believe her! You start Monday and I have to work!"

Malia shrugged, "I don't mind going to your work with you. I can just sit in the back and do homework."

Groaning, Jordan walked over to her dresser, "You know what, fine. If mom wants me to watch you, you're coming with me to work. Hey, you want some makeup? I can do some before we go."

"Yes!! Mom never lets me oh my gosh I wish I could stay with you forever." She ran over, sitting in the stool, and Jordan put a little blush, mascara, and a light lip color on her.

"I wish you could too, kiddo. Maybe someday. Cmon, where you wanna go to lunch?"

Malia grabbed her backpack, accepting the keys Jordan handed her as she gathered her music bag, guitar, and her amp.

"El Caminos! I want tacos!"

Jordan opened the door, nodding her sister out of the apartment, "Alright, let's go then. Tacos on me!"

Dewey POV

"God where is it??" Digging through one of the boxes in his new apartment, Dewey looked for his guitar strap.

"Ahah!" He pulled it out, shoving it in his bag, and grabbed his guitar case.

"Shit, keys." Running back, he grabbed them, and raced out the door, locking it.

"I'm gonna be late...again." The teacher ran down the stairs, and out to his van. He set his guitar and bag on the passenger seat, starting it up, and headed towards the school.

Once there, he saw the busses starting to leave, and he hurriedly parked, rushing in.

"Scuse me, scuse me, music coach coming through. Hi, hey, gotta get to class!"

Racing down the hall, he ran past the principal office, and past a young woman sitting on the bench. He skidded to a stop when he heard a familiar tune from her.

"Stick it to the man."

Turning, he saw her sitting with her eyes closed and brows furrowed, miming holding a guitar, and watched her mouth the words to his song as she "played" chords.

He stepped towards her, then stopped as he heard the bell, and turned to finish racing to his class.

Music on the Rocks : A Dewey Finn FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now