Chapter 16~ Not So Fast Teenage Dirtbag

Start from the beginning

"Guys come on, Max and I found Dani but she's in bad shape. We need go to the hospital. Max is already on his way to the basement and SUV with her. Lets go! Hurry" 
 Nick said 

That was all I needed to hear, I quickly grabbed my phone, wallet and key card then rushed out the door along with Selena and Marissa. 


When we arrived at the hospital Nick got out of the car as did Marissa, Selena and I. Nick carried Dani into the emergency room doors. Once we entered I started yelling for help. 

"Someone please help my sister. She was badly beaten up"  I yelled out 

That got the attention of so many nurses and a few doctors. One nurse brought over a stretcher and told Nick to place her on it, Nick did as he was told and Dani was pushed through a set of doors.

When we tried to follow her, we were stopped by some people security

“You have to let me in, that’s my baby sister!” I yelled out, my voice cracking
I felt someone tap my shoulder, I turned around and came face to face with an young female nurse.

“Sorry ma’am but you need to follow me into a waiting room and fill out some papers. We are taking x-rays of your sister and doing some other tests to make sure the damage isn’t severe. Once you are done filling out these papers, come to the nurses’ station and turn them in and then I will take you and your friends to see your sister” the young nurse said

I simply just nodded and followed her.

The nurse led us into an empty waiting room, once inside she once again spoke.

“I will make sure that I am on your sister’s nursing staff. Here the papers I need you to fill out” the nurse said

“Thank you –“ I stopped, realizing that I didn’t know her name

“Rylie, my name is Rylie” she said

“Thank you Rylie. I’m--” I said

“You are Demi and that’s Nick and Selena. And I do believe that is your best friend Marissa. And that scary man in back of you is either Max or Sugar” Rylie said

“Yeah and its Max” I said with confusion lacing my voice

“I’m a fan” Rylie explained

“Awh, well thank you” I said once more

With that Rylie left the room and I sat down between Nick and Selena. I started to fill out the paper work. It basically asked who her guardian is and her name, date of birth, allergy information. The first half of the paperwork was a breeze to fill out but the second half was just a tad bit harder. It asked about her previous health information, to which I have absolutely no idea what happened while I was in rehab. I was struggling to fill out that half and I think Selena noticed this. Selena pulled a folder from her purse and handed it to me, the folder contained a piece of paper that broke down all her health information. I recognized our moms’ handwriting.

“Dani is always getting sick or injured. She usually carries a copy of this but she almost forgot this in my apartment” Selena explained

“Thanks Selena” I whispered out
The folder broke down her health information:

NAME- Daniella Sage Lovato
DOB- August 20, 1993
Daughter of- Dianna De La Garza and Patrick Lovato, Step-Daughter of Eddie De La Garza
Emergency Contacts:
Dallas Lovato
1- 445- 695- 8426

Demi Lovato
1-445- 802- 9193

Allergic To- Cats and Bee Stings

Medications- Inhaler, Topamax (discontinued 2007) , Singular, Iron, Meloxicam (discontinued in 2011), Epi-Pen

Past Medical History-
April 9, 1999: Concussion sustained during Soccer Practice.

December 12, 2000: Broken left arm sustained during Hockey Practice. Placed into cast.

August 5, 2001: Rushed into ER due to bee sting. Kept overnight to be monitored, released the following afternoon

August 20, 2003: Rushed into ER, complaining of chest pains and trouble of breathing after running around at her birthday party. Had a slight bruise on her chest from the previous week because she crashed a go-kart into a wall, bruise was dismissed. Taken into immediate care and given medication to open lungs up once more. Kept overnight and released the following evening.

December 27, 2009: Brought into the hospital with a bruised slightly swollen right arm and a swollen left leg and complained of major headache. Examined her arm and leg, found a fracture in the right arm and a broken left internal shin and severally bruised knee cap. Headache was the result of a concussion. Arm placed into a soft cast and leg placed into a boot and a soft knee wrap placed on the knee. Told to take it easy during the next few weeks.

I looked down at the paper and read it carefully. I transferred the information that needed to be transferred. I started to tear up as I read the past medical history that took place on our birthday.

Dani was always the biggest tomboy and wanted to have a few found at the local go-karting place and she was going pretty fast but someone hit her kart at a weird angle. She lost control of the kart and smashed into a brick wall, her chest hitting the steering wheel. Someone from the karting place drove her kart back to the start line and she claimed that she was okay so we didn’t worry about it too much. But once we got back home, our mom and dad made her lay down on the couch. A few days later at our birthday party, we were running around with our cousins. Our oldest cousin Aiden was 17 at the time and was chasing all of us. Well Dani stopped running and claimed to have a hard time breathing, Aiden and I helped her sit down before Aiden ran and got our mom. By the time mom got there, her breathing was getting worse so we rushed her to the hospital. She was diagnosed with asthma that night.

~End Flashback~

I continued to read on to the next entry. It was made two days after Christmas.

The Jonas’ invited Dallas, Dani and I to go snowboarding and skiing with them. Our parents gave us permission to go so we went. I ended up getting sick so Dallas stayed back from the slopes, taking care of me with Mrs. Jonas coming back to check up on us every so often. Well Dani was an amazing snowboarder and she stuck with Joe and Nick for most of the day. Joe being nicknamed “Danger” lived up to the name. They were daring each other to do different tricks, getting harder and harder as the dares went on. Soon they got bored and went down the black diamonds. They were going full speed and came across a terrain park with all the jumps and ramps. They all started to do the different tricks off the jump and grinding on the rails. Dani went and hit a rail going full speed and got off it perfectly fine, but she continued to the freestyle jump. She didn’t get enough speed when she went off the jump so he didn’t get the height that she needed for the jump. She was in the middle of the trick when she landed. She went rolling and kept on rolling. Some skier almost landed on top of her but they didn’t. Thank god she had her helmet and pads on or else it would have been worse. Dallas and I didn’t know what happened because Mrs. Jonas came back with Frankie around 7pm, Mr. Jonas was with Kevin. Joe, Nick and Dani were at the slopes still…and they didn’t come back until about 11pm. Dallas and I were fast asleep, so we didn’t find out until the next morning when she came into the kitchen hobbling on one foot and had her other foot in a boot and some sort of cast on her arm. She was laughing about it while she told us. We ended up leaving the trip two days earlier than expected. At first our mom thought Joe dared her to do something stupid since it was Nick and Joe that helped her inside the house and was about to eat Joe alive but Dani rushed to his defense. Mom was relieved that nothing extremely serious happened to Dani.

~End Flashback~

I didn’t know that I was smiling until Nick nudged me.

“What are you smiling at Dems?” Nick asked me

“Remember when your family invited Dallas, Dani and I to go with you guys skiing and snowboarding and Dani got hurt pretty badly?” I asked Nick

“Oh yea haha, I remember how your mom was about to skin Joe” Nick said while laughing

“Oh my god yeah. That was usually the best part of our adventures when one of our moms was about to skin him alive” I giggled out

I quickly looked over the forms and signed my name, I then stood up as did Max, Selena, Nick and Marissa. We walked to the nurse’s station together and turned the paperwork in. Once that was done we all walked back into the waiting room together, we sat in the chairs and waited for the nurse to come get us. While we waited I tweeted out “Lovatics keep my baby sister @dslovato in your prayers, she is in the hospital right now” and then I once again tweeted “@dslovato- get better soon baby girl we are all praying for you”, both tweets got many retweets and replies, We have been waiting for almost two hours and we all closed our eyes. Even Max did.

I felt myself being shaken awake and I opened my eyes to Rylie shaking me.

“Demi, you and your friends can see your sister now. I will fill you in on what’s wrong as we walk to her room” Rylie said

I nodded and stood up. Rylie helped me wake everyone up, once that was done, we followed her to Dani’s hospital room.

“What happened to Dani?” I asked Rylie

“You sister seems to have been badly assaulted. As a result of that, her left eye is now swollen shut and is now a black eye. She has a slight concussion from what seems to be punches to the face and her left hand is broken in 5 places, she has a broken rib and a small facture to her collarbone and she has a bruised back as well as a swollen and bruised and slightly swollen left ankle which is wrapped up. It seems that the only thing that was unharmed was her right leg.” Nurse Rylie said

I sharply inhaled some air. This caused Nick to place his hand on the small of my back which calmed me down a little bit as I felt the tears build in my eyes. We stopped outside of a room.

“This is her room. Now visiting hours are over but I will make an exception for you guys. Just stay quiet. I will be inside the room once during the night to check her vitals then I will see you in two days. I will let all the nurses know that you guys will be here for the next few nights. I will have someone bring up some cots” Nurse Rylie said

“Thanks” I murmured

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