Chapter 21 ~ It's a Wrap (Final Chapter)

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Justin’s POV

The worst part about being in prison is that there were times where you weren’t allowed in your cell because they practically forced you to socialize and for some reason prisoners really like watching those gossip shows. So I’m forced to watch it as well and it’s truly agonizing having to watch your ex-girlfriend’s current relationship being practically thrown in your face. I watched day in and day out about how their relationship was so cute and how they looked so happy together. Over and over again my heart broke and I quickly grew accustomed to crying myself to sleep. I tried to forget her but I couldn’t. I couldn’t forget the forever I wanted with her. I broke our love and broke my relationship with the perfect girl.

I’ve been trying to figure out a way to get out of this hell hole that became my home but nothing worked in my favor.

Dani’s POV

It only seemed fitting to play the last show in my hometown of Dallas, Texas! These last six months have been incredible to say the least, to know that tonight was the last show of my tour broke my heart a little. But I knew that there would be many more tours to come. Over the last six months, Selena and I definitely grew closer as friends and in our relationship - which I didn’t even know was possible. Besides for Selena and I, the only other people on the bus were Demi, my bodyguard Alexander and Bea or Sabrina, otherwise the bus was completely and totally mine and Selena’s. It was nice because it gave us a taste of what it would be like living with each other.

My three favorite things about the tour were my meet and greets because I’m nothing without my amazing fans. My second favorite thing about the tour was singing Naturally with Selena every night. My last favorite thing was seeing the crowds reactions about when I brought surprise guests up on the stage. Like some shows Demi came up and sang a few songs with me and for a few other shows Kevin, Joe and Nick came up on stage and we sang the mash up of “What Did I Do to Your Heart” and “What You Did to My Heart”, the latter sparked rumors of a Jonas Brothers reunion which that was hilarious.

I had a lot to surprises planned for the show tonight. For starters, I added a few songs to the set list which normally only included 10 songs from my side but tonight’s would include 21. I was going to bring Dallas, Demi and Maddie up on stage with me. Bea came back for tonight’s show so she was coming up on stage with me for a song. Nick and I were also performing together tonight so he was here. I had several other surprises for tonight.

I was watching Selena do sound check from the front row of the stage. Every time we made eye contact she would smile and wink at me, making me smile. I had just gotten out of hair and makeup which was always my least favorite part of the day since I was unable to sit still for long. I have my sound check in a few minutes and once I was done with that Selena and I would be starting our separate meet and greets then we would give it an hour until they ended before the concert started.

My meet and greets were always something special. My fans and I took the goofiest pictures with each other. Sometimes they even brought me letters or small special gifts they made for me which I was always thankful for.  Sometimes the letter would include one for Demi or Selena and I always passed those along. The letters they wrote, often made me tear up. I kept all the letters I received, I had two boxes full of them on the bus, and they were filed by venue and date of the show.

The meet and greet flew by in what felt like minutes but it was really almost two hours. After meet and greet, I was ushered to do a touch up on my hair and makeup. I was able to be with my family for almost 20 minutes before I was ushered to the side stage where I would be watching Sabrina perform her set and then watch Selena perform. Sabrina sang 7 of her original songs and she sang her eighth with Maddie. After Sabrina exited the stage I gave her a big hug and then patiently waited the twenty minutes until Selena went up on stage.

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