Chapter 14~ Was I Serious?

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Diana's POV

When Demi told me how she discovered that Dani never actually went mute, I was fumming. I was beyond pissed off. I of course told Eddie everything that Demi had just told me, and we confronted Dani then...actually it would be more honest if I said we chewed her out. It didn't just affect her when Demi went into affected all of us. Dani just rolled her eyes and walked away. It wasn't until we were about to leave when Demi told me how that she found Dani drunk and about to be raped, I became even more pissed off. Words could not discribe how I felt so betraded at that moment. I thought that she would have learned by Demi's actions. But I guess that I was wrong.

I didn't even give her a true chance to explain herself to me. Why did stopped talking, why she went out and drank. When I was yelling at her, she just stood there and took it, all while showing no emotion at all. She didn't open her mouth the even try to explain to me while I was kicking her out. 

Since then it has been almost a month since I last spoke to my three oldest daughters. And I will not lie, its been a long and painful month at that. 

Everyday I wanted to call Dani and appolgize to her but I knew she wouldn't answer the phone just like I knew that Demi and Dallas wouldn't pick up their phones. Because I already tried but of course I didn't leave a vocial mail because I knew they would delete them with out listening. I messed up big time. 

In the time being I have thrown myself into verious things. Most of the time I look at old family movies, I sometimes will cry because I see how happy we all used to be together. I really wish I could go back in time to when I said what I said to Dani and just take it all back. I miss my grown babygirls. 

I miss Dani's loud laugh echoing through the house, I miss her playing the insturments at all hours of the day, I miss her voice that I haven't heard in over a year and a half. 

Maddie and Eddie werent home yet and I had nothing to do. I saw my phone laying on the table in the corner of my eye and my hands started to itch and creep towards it. Before I knew it, the phone was in my hand and I was calling Dallas's phone. 

"What do you want mom?"  Dallas asked with vemon in clearly evident in her voice

"I'm sorry Dallas, I am so sorry Dallas"   I said

"Its not me you should be saying sorry to mom. Its Dani."  Dallas said clearly pissed off at this point

"Dallas please come back to the house"  I pleaded with her, the desperation clearly evident in my voice

"No. I will not come back into that house until you say sorry to Dani and she is welcome back home"  Dallas said

"Dallas, I am trying here. Just come back here"  I pleaded once more

"No"  was the only reply I recivied from Dallas before the line went dead

An hour later and I found myself calling Demi. Only for the same thing to happen in the conversation between Demi and I as it did between Dallas and I's phone converation. I needed to call Dani but I knew she wouldn't answer her phone. But it was worth a try, I dialed her number and let it ring. All to soon my phone call was sent to voicemail, I hung up the call without leaving a message for her.

I soon heard Eddie come home and I knew that if I wanted to make this right that I would have to talk to him about it. I put my phone down and rushed over to wear he stood taking his shoes off. 

"Hey Eddie....You were right, I wasn't serious but I wasn't thinking when I said what I did to Dani. Can you help me fix it?"  I asked him 

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