Chapter 6 ❧ The Collector

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I have just realised it's spelled Emilie and not Emily. I'm sorry for my mistake.

Good news! Since my exams have ended, I can make more frequent updates! See you on Sunday :)


"Is it broken?"

"No," I answer, standing before him and keeping my eyes on the floor. "Not that I'm aware of. My miraculous doesn't have any abrasions or broken parts. Maybe it's because it was my first time using it."

Gabriel doesn't reply. Instead he remains seated on the sofa. His palm is on his mouth and his frown deepens. He sighs. "I'm disappointed in you, Selene."

"Forgive me, but this isn't what I had in mind when I said I would help you."

"And what did you have in mind?"

"A few errands here and there like I've been doing all this time. I thought I only had to attract people to an akuma. I didn't expect actually going into the field," I say honestly. I glance at Nathalie who stands by with an unreadable expression.

"I had assumed we both share a clear picture of our goal. It seems I've assumed wrong." Gabriel stands from his seat, putting his hands behind his back. "Let me clarify."

He walks up to me, making a show by dragging his feet. I stay rooted to my place, refusing to express my fear as he towers over me. He says, looking down at me. "We are doing what ever it takes to bring my wife back. Even if it means having to fight Ladybug and Chat Noir in the process."

"I'm not sure if this is the way-"

"You will do as you're told regardless of what you feel!" He says, making me wince. To my surprise, he bends down and places a hand on my shoulder. "Listen to me. I understand your doubts about our plan, but just remember. We are doing all this for Emilie. Remember her and how she treated you with love and compassion all these years. Wouldn't you wish to repay her?"

He said all that with a deep sorrow in his eyes that I know that he's being genuine. It made it harder to hate him for it.

"I-I know..." I say. I shake his hand away. "But this is insane." I turn away and make a swift exit. Gabriel didn't bother calling me back but Nathalie followed me out.

"Selene, just listen," Nathalie says from behind.

"What should I be doing?" I interrupt, stopping in my tracks but refusing to meet her gaze. Is this the right thing to do?

"I know looking at it right now, it seems despicable, but it's not," She says, approaching me. "We mean no harm to anyone because we only need the miraculous."

"As long as we do as we're told, we'll make things right again." She bends down like Gabriel did and looks at me in the eye. "If you're feeling worried just understand that it will be all over once we get the miraculous. We can put this all behind us once we're done."

"Can we really keep all this a secret behind Adrien's back?" I say in concern.

"He won't find out. Mr Agreste trusts you in this secret because he knows there are things only you can handle. So please, do everything in your power to help our cause- in this sense, you have the bat miraculous in your control."

My hand unconsciously reaches out to my collar with the ribbon tied around it. Nathalie nods, saying, "Use it to your advantage."

I don't reply so she ended the conversation at that. When I turn away, I pull out my phone and call Juleka. She didn't answer after several rings. After trying a few more times, I eventually gave up.

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