chp 6 "It's confusing!"

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Dedicated to najmalshrath and caffeineismylove!


Why did dad do this? He didn't even asked me once before taking the decision of my life.

Whole night, I was wasted twisting and turning on the bed.

He wants me to complete my masters in USA. Seriously!?

What the hell does he think?! I have already lost my mom, I don't want to loose my friends too. Specially Niki.

Just the mere thought that I won't be able to see her every morning, make an ache in my heart.

Yes, I like her. I like her too much. But I can't tell her that. I don't want to loose my friendship and the beautiful bond we share. And I know she just takes me as her friends and may be as a brother?

No no!! What the hell are you thinking!

I really can't understand her feeling.. sometimes it's like she is a open book. Even her eye movement talks with me. But sometimes it's like even her words are unable to communicate.

After this restless night finally the sun came up. I hurried making my way to the Niki's.

As usual, Nik was still yelling at her for being late. I smiled at the the scene. Niki was just sipping her tea without batting an eyelash on whatever her qbrother was telling.

"Didn't you took oath to never get late again?" Nik asked irritated and Niki being Niki, smiled at him giving him best puppy dog eyes and I could see Nik tough fasçade melting away. Yeah, she have a power to do that just by a look.

"Aghh... Niki, don't look at me like that. You know I can't stay mad at you." Nik was close to pulling his hair out.

"Ok, be punctual next time!" Finally Nik exclaimed and moved out the chair making his way towards me.

As soon as he saw me he smiled and gave me bro hug.

Niki too made her way towards kitchen and came out hurriedly.

"Let's go boys, we are late! You guys can never be in time. Hump!" Niki said as soon as she came out and shook her head dismissively, like it were we that were late.

This girl !

"Niki!" Nik screamed frustrated and Niki quickly made her bee line to the car and sat inside.

"I'm telling you, if one day you find me the mental asylum, the person to be balmed is the girl sitting inside the car. Mind it. Tell everyone that I really was a greatly toucher by her." Nik said dramatically pulling me along to the car and I laughed.

"What's the joke? I too wanna hear." Niki asked curiously from the back seat.

"You." Both of us said at the same time laughing.


After the college was over, I got the message from Nik, telling me that he is still busy with the project work and can't come early.

I waited for Niki to come out. In mean time my mind again diverted to the envelop. Should I really go? Is it worth to leave everything behind. Then my mind went to Dad. He too is lonely. After mom's death, he have really involved himself in work. I know he is just doing it so that I could be close to him. Aghh, what should I do!

"Hey!" I was snapped out from trains of thoughts by Niki. "Let's go. Hope so, we don't collide with any old friend of yours again!" She teased and started moving.

I was walking along with her. She was asking and telling me about something but I was too busy in the world that I didn't realise that we were already out of Niki's house, that's until she shook me.

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