Chp-23 I Love Him or Not?

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I don't think I have dragged anyone this much in my life. And like a doll in my arms I lead towards Niki's house.

The door was open. Of course it would be. When we were inside the whole house was in same..

"What's new here? And most important where are all?" She didn't even let me to complete my thought!

"Have I told you something while were coming here? "

"Yeah, you told me that we are at our final destination." She responded turning towards me but still in my arms.

"Just that?" I raised a eyebrow and the when I saw her she looked flushed. Oh my, she is blushing. Sight to be seen, huh?

"Yo told me that we are goi..going to my" Oh, god now she is stammering.

"Why are you stammering? Is something wrong? Did you caught cold or something? Huh?"

"Karan! You said we are going to MY ROOM!" I just stared at her for a time and then I realised what was she thinking!

"Are you getting naughty thoughts, dear. Well I don't mind even..."

"Shut the hell up! Now I'm really thinking if I really should be with you! You ..."

"Ok, ok, I wasn't going to do anything to anyone but now that we are at our final destination how about I make you a sandwich?"

"A sandwich made by you, one that you make specially for me? You know that's the main reason I think I should always be with you." She said hugging me and even giving me sweet little kiss on my cheek that lingered a little long. Her soft lips felt so right, so real, so ... No, no, no... You have a mission to complete.

She took a step back and giving me a small smile. "You know you look so cute when you blush. I could have said sexy, but it would get me slap from you." And she slapped me at the same place where some second before her lips were touching. Wow, isn't it amazing, I mean really amazing.

"Well you got one." She smirked.

"You know you are a devil."

"Well, I'm a bad Angel."

"Good. Now go upstairs and get comfortable. I know you don't like all this dressing up thing."

"How good, that you know."

"Of course, after all I'm all yours." I said with a smile and she just stared and then closed her eyes. "Please tell me this isn't a dream. I'm really sacred that when I will open my eyes you won't be here."

"How about you open and see if this really is a dream or reality."

"I'm scared." She almost whispered. I cupped her cheek asking her to open her eyes. And she did. But what I didn't aspected was lingering tears on the edge of her eyes. "Could you not cry?"

"I don't cry."

"Of, course you don't. Now go upstairs and get fresh. I will make you Karan special sandwich for you." She nodded and moved backwards still her eyes not taking her eyes from me. "I'm not going anywhere, just go."  And in next movement she moved upstairs and I was still standing on the door.

She now would have reached the second last step.


Last step.


She will reach the door.


She once would try to come back but will shook her head in no.

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