Chapter 7

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"What?" Emily asked, rushing over to the window. "Look!" Aria said, pointing to the DiLaurentis' front yard. Spencer, Hanna, and Alison ran to the window to see Ezra, Toby, and Caleb standing in the front yard. Spencer opened the window and called out to Toby: "Toby, what's going on?" "We're here for Ali, can we come up?" Toby responded, looking up to the window. Ali managed to go to the window and respond, "Toby, you and Caleb can but Ezra can't." "Why not?" Ezra asked, crossing his arms over his chest in anger. "You ruined my life! Why would I want you near me?" Alison yelled, turning away from the window. "I have the key to the apartment." He responded, dangling the single key in front of him. "Give it to Caleb, Ezra." Hanna yelled. "Ok. We're coming up." Caleb called out, grabbing the key from Ezra. "Ezra, please leave." Alison pleaded from her room. "No." Ezra stated firmly. "Get away Ezra, or tomorrow won't come the way you want it to." Aria cooed, appearing at the window, giving Ezra a sexy smile. "I'm leaving!" Ezra announced, walking back toward his car. At that moment, Toby and Caleb walked into Alison's bedroom, holding several boxes. "Hey." Toby said, before kissing Spencer. Caleb kissed Hanna on the cheek before addressing the rest of the girls with a slight head nod. "Guys, what's in the boxes?" "Stuff." Caleb said. Ali walked closer to the boxes and looked in. She gasped suddenly. "Ali, what's in there?" Spencer asked, walking towards Ali. "Guys, look." Ali said, stepping back so the girls could get a good look inside the boxes. "Toby, where did you get all this stuff?" Spencer asked, picking a piece up from the box. "Well, Hanna texted us saying  Alison is  pregnant, so I found some of mine and Jenna's baby stuff in the basement while Caleb went to the store to buy some furniture." Toby responded, walking over to Ali. 

                              "Hey." He said, pulling Ali so she could face him. "It's going to be ok. I'm going to be here through everything." "Thank you Toby. It means a lot to me." Alison said, hugging him. "I'll be here too." Caleb said, joining the hug. "Me too." "And me." "Me too babe." "We're all here for you, Ali." The girls all chimed in, joining the hug. "Thanks guys, I love you all. This means a lot to me." Ali said, tearing up. She wiped the tear away before saying, "Can we pack up? I want to move into the apartment tonight. Is that too much to ask?" "No Ali, of course not!" Hanna said, picking things up and putting them in boxes. "Caleb and I can help too if you want." Toby said. "Yeah, if you wouldn't mind." Alison said, pulling her suitcase out from the closet. "Em, can you go into the attic and get the other suitcases?" Alison said, putting the last piece of clothing into her suitcase and closing it. "Yea, sure." Emily said, walking out the door. "So, Ali, are you ok moving into the apartment above the Brew?" Caleb asked, folding a pale pink onesie. "Um..not really. I kind of have to, so my family does't find out." She responded, sighing. Just then Emily walked into the room. "Ali, Ezra's outside." Emily said, putting the suitcase on the bed. Alison ran downstairs, everyone else hot on her heels. Ali flung the door open and ran straight towards Ezra. "I thought I told you to stay the hell away." Alison snapped. "No, you told me to go home." Ezra responded, taking a step closer to Alison. "Oh no you don't." Caleb said, stepping in front of Alison. "Why not?" Ezra asked, pushing Caleb out of the way. "Stop it!" Aria yelled, pulling Alison closer to her front door. "Aria, what's gotten into you?" Ezra asked, pulling Aria closer to him. Aria broke from his grasp and said, "I'm just looking out for Alison. I love you, but right now, Alison is more important." "Oh, well I guess I'll leave. But Aria, why is she more important?" Ezra asked, walking back towards his car. "Ezra, are you legit? Did you really just ask that?" Hanna chimed in, stepping closer to Aria and grabbing her hand. "Yeah. I don't see what the big deal is. Nothing's unusual around here." Ezra responded, walking closer to Aria and Hanna. "Unless you're handing them the keys to the Brew or English assignments, I want your ass off my property until I say so. Are we clear?" Alison yelled from her bedroom window. "And why would I listen to you?" Ezra shot back. "Are we clear?" Alison asked again. "Dude, just leave. It'll save us time, and nobody will get hurt." Toby said, trying to escort Ezra back to his car. "Look Toby, I don't see what the big deal is. So, she's having a baby, it's no big deal." Ezra said, laughing a little. "Oh my god, I'm fucking done." Alison said, angrily slamming her window shut and walking away. "I'll cool Ezra down, you guys go take care of Alison." Aria said, walking towards Ezra and pushing Toby, Caleb, Hanna, Spencer, and Emily towards the front door of Ali's house. "Ok, but be careful." Spencer said, rushing inside. "Ezra..." Aria said, angrily walking towards him. "What Aria? Are you gonna yell at me? Tell me how I'm not important?" Ezra said aggravatedly, turning to face away from Aria. "No, I just want to talk." Aria soothed. "Fine, talk." Ezra said, sternly. "Look, I'm sorry. Ali's hormones are going crazy. You're important, but Alison's stressed ou-". Aria said before being interrupted by Alison screaming. "Ezra, I should go, but I'm stopping by later." Aria said, turning towards Ali's house. "Ok." He responded, opening the door to his car. "Hey Ezra?" Aria said, turning back towards him on the front steps. "Yeah?" "When I stop by, I want an answer to my question." She said. "Ok, what's your question?" He asked, looking slightly puzzled. "If I were Alison, pregnant and all, how would you feel?" She asked, before running into the house.


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